Chapter 262, God’s Will

In northern Mexico, accompanied by a roar, the blood-red symbiote fluttered its wings and landed on a desolate river bank.

He also held a few dying humans in his hands, which he grabbed to replenish his energy during the flight.

After landing, he didn't hesitate at all. He opened his sharp mouth and swallowed all these humans in two or three mouths, letting them turn into pure energy to replenish his weak body.

Along with the sour chewing sound, some blood also spread along the river bank, and was gradually washed away by the flowing water, leaving only some faint marks.

Feeling the replenished energy in his body, the blood-red symbiote bared his teeth and said viciously: "Damn heretics and those weird humans!"

He already hates the combination of Venom and Holm. If it weren't for the strange mark that suddenly appeared on his body, he would definitely not be able to escape today.

On the one hand, he is very afraid of the combination of Holm and Venom and their tyrannical strength. On the other hand, he is also very envious of Venom, envious that he can break away from the basic life form of the symbiote and achieve a new evolution.

Just as the blood-red symbiote was thinking secretly, the strange black marks on his body gradually gathered on his forehead, and then slowly unfolded like a pool of black ink.

"What's going on?!" The sudden change made the blood-red symbiote feel a little overwhelmed.

Just when it was confused and a little uneasy, the river bank and sky in front of it suddenly disappeared, replaced by a dark red sky and earth, and a tall black seat suspended in mid-air.

A man with white hair, blood-red eyes, and a black sword in his hand was sitting on it and staring at him.

There was a weird smile on his pale face, and the long sword in his hand seemed to be integrated with his clothes. It was also dark and deep, exuding an evil and ominous aura.

The blood-red symbiote looked at the man on the black seat in mid-air. It just felt that the man's red eyes were getting bigger and bigger in its eyes. An invisible force penetrated into its head, awakening its sleeping memories. , told him who the man in front of him was.

"God is God!" the blood-red symbiote said in disbelief.

He couldn't believe that the God of Symbiote appeared in front of him like this. What he said to Venom before was just a mysterious induction, but now it was directly confirmed.

At the same time, a black mark appeared again on his forehead. With the appearance of this black mark, Zhan felt that his power had become stronger.

Moreover, the human being who was originally its host was now completely sealed and asleep by this black mark, squeezing out all its potential.

Even if the blood-red symbiont is now separated from this human being, this human being has completely lost consciousness and will never wake up.

At that moment, the memory of Gnar in the blood-red symbiote's head completely emerged. In addition, Gnar, who was sitting on the black seat in mid-air, also left a mark and a lot of memories on it. , making it instantly understand the current situation.

Gnar is about to resuscitate, and he wants the blood-red symbiote to be his servant and prepare for him.

As the god of symbiotes, Gnar naturally exerts strong oppression on all symbiotes, and can even mentally influence and control symbiotes.

Coupled with the power he gave to the blood-red symbiote and his plan to build the earth into a new symbiote planet in the future, the blood-red symbiote willingly knelt on the ground without much hesitation and became Gnar's slave.

Now it will serve as God's servant, helping God to awaken from his slumber. When God wakes up, it can follow God and conquer the earth under his mighty power. It wants to become more powerful, even powerful enough to defeat Venom and Holm, swallow them up, and let itself step into the ranks of evolution.

Gnar was very satisfied with the attitude of the blood-red symbiote, and the weird smile on his face became more enticing.

He slowly raised his hand, and a large black symbiote separated from his arm, then floated and merged into the blood-red symbiote's body.

Because of the integration of these black symbionts, the blood-red symbiote's body has become a bit stronger and its momentum has become much more powerful.

After a few seconds, bubbles suddenly appeared on his body. These bubbles detached from his body and fell to the ground, and then turned into small, tall, thin and twisted blood-red symbionts. .

These small blood-red symbionts have that weird black symbol on their faces, and underneath the symbol is a big mouth full of sharp teeth.

Coupled with their twisted and tall figures, these small blood-red symbiotes just look very evil and weird.

"They are my minions. With this ability, I have my own legion." Looking at the symbiotes around him and feeling the connection between them, the blood-red symbiotes also opened their mouths and bared their teeth.

Sitting on the black seat in mid-air, Gnar looked at the carnage below, his eyes reddening even more.

Without saying a word, through the connection between him and the blood-red symbiote, the blood-red symbiote instantly understood its mission and how to revive it.

"I will make all preparations to welcome God's arrival." The blood-red symbiote knelt down and lowered its head, making a confident assurance to Gnar.

When he raised his head again, the dark red space had disappeared, and he returned to the river bank where he had just been.

None of this seems to have changed, but the blood-red symbiote can actually feel the difference in his body.

He felt unprecedented power in its body, and with a thought, several small blood-red symbionts would separate from his body and serve as its most loyal minions to guard its surroundings. .

It looked at the sky in the distance, its ferocious grin even more terrifying.

"The God of Symbiotes is about to resurrect and come, and the original darkness of the universe will cover the earth. This will be the new Paradise of Symbiotes, the palace of God."

"According to God's instructions, I need to find a host that is more suitable for me. Now I know where he will be."

"Cletus Kasady, I will find you soon!"

"But before that, I have to continue walking north to free more God's help."

The blood-red symbiote thought as it fluttered its wings, flew into the sky again like before, and then continued flying towards the north.

(End of this chapter)

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