Marvel's Venom starts with Hydra undercover

Chapter 263, The dragon takes off

Chapter 263, The dragon takes off

The clouds in the sky were rolling and surging. Through the thick clouds, the blood-red symbiote had already seen the giant black building standing on the ice sheet below.

He penetrated the clouds and began to slowly descend in the howling cold wind.

This is SHIELD's research center in the Arctic, and they have launched a series of studies surrounding the black symbiont dragon.

The blood-red symbiote just stood above this large black square, standing in the howling cold wind.

At this time, in the research center, with the appearance and arrival of the blood-red symbiote, the symbiote dragon trapped in the ice also reacted.

Along with the emergence and surge of strange black symbols on the blood-red symbiote's body, the body of the symbiote dragon also began to tremble slightly, showing signs of recovery.

The staff at the experimental center did not know about the arrival of the blood-red symbiote, nor did they notice the subtle tremors of the symbiote dragon.

As usual, they were standing on the metal frame set up outside the ice, doing inspections and records, and at the same time directing some people to separate the black symbionts from the ice to use as materials for making black-armored soldiers. .

What happened in Mexico is still in the final stages, because there are no black-armored soldiers remaining in the base here, so Nick Fury and the others are also focusing on dealing with things in Mexico, preparing to wait for the situation there to calm down before dealing with it here. A dragon frozen in ice.

No one here knows the other specific situation and continues to work as before.

Suddenly, the symbiote dragon's eyes opened. Its blood-red pupils were as big as wheels, and it was turning around to look at the little humans surrounding its huge body.


"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

As the symbiote dragon in the solid ice began to move, the entire ice block and the research center began to tremble.

All the researchers felt the vibration and saw the symbiote dragon that had opened its eyes.

Just as the staff nervously began to evacuate, and some agents began to shout into the intercom, trying to use various means to strengthen the ice and prevent the symbiote dragon from awakening, the huge ice had shattered.


The giant black dragon roared and flapped its wings while trampling on the solid ice under its feet.

The surrounding staff who had not had time to evacuate were also blown away by the impact airflow generated by its waving wings. Most of them were blown to the wall, and some unlucky ones were hit by some ice cubes after being blown to the wall. , and died before he could scream.

"Emergency! Emergency!"

"Experimental Subject Zero wakes up! Experimental Subject Zero wakes up!"

The surviving agent shouted into the walkie-talkie. Although this situation happened suddenly, SHIELD usually has a plan for this special situation.

Sure enough, not long after the agents reported the situation, several teams of special forces carrying heavy weapons rushed over from the building. As soon as they arrived, they began to pour out firepower at the black symbiote dragon with its teeth and claws. The rocket launcher hit the black symbiote dragon directly with tail inflammation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Along with the violent noise, the black symbiote dragon was also beaten into flames.

Its red eyes were full of anger, and even its roars were louder and more ferocious than before. It flapped its wings and flew around and bumped into each other in the small space inside the institute.

As long as it is hit by its huge body, the impact is enough to smash a person's body into pieces.

Even if it doesn't hit directly by its huge body, the broken building fragments are enough to make people on the ground drink a pot.

Under the brutal collision of the symbiote dragon, it didn't take long for all the special forces members present to be wiped out.

After destroying these interfering humans, the symbiote dragon smashed upwards and smashed the roof, then flew into the air against the wind and snow, and lay obediently at the feet of the blood-red symbiote.

The blood-red symbiote stepped on its huge body. Under their contact, continuous power was integrated from the body of the symbiote dragon into the blood-red symbiote.

The blood-red symbiote felt infinite energy pouring into his body instantly, but the energy just circled in his body and gathered around the weird black symbol on his body. Absorb it all.

This feeling of sudden surge in power and sudden disappearance made the bloody symbiote feel a sense of loss, but he also understood that this was the god of symbiotes using him to restore his power, so he did not dare to complain at all.

Then an invisible network connected the consciousness of the blood-red symbiote and the symbiote dragon.

This is the characteristic of the symbiote family, and it is also the special ability of Gnar as the god of symbiotes. It is called the hive network or hive mind.

As the divine ancestor of the symbiotes and the link to their hive mind, Gnar is able to mentally influence and control the symbiotes, and even in a blocked state, he is able to infiltrate his own power and influence some symbiotes.

For example, those black symbionts that were separated, or individuals connected to it.

Gnar is also able to remotely control them via the hive network, allowing him to see through their eyes and control them directly.

Symbiotes infected by Gnar usually produce strange marks of various colors, and gain more power than before. Sometimes special symbiotes will even gain new powers and abilities because of this connection.

As time passes and he continues to retrieve these scattered subordinates and expand his symbiote army, his power will gradually return.


After feeling the connection of thoughts and the resurgence of Gnar's power, the black dragon at the feet of the blood-red symbiote also began to roar in excitement.

At the same time, some blood-red symbol marks also emerged from its body, and then floated and trembled on its surface.

As the blood-red symbol mark came into play, its already strong body expanded again, its head became more powerful, and the fangs in its mouth became a bit longer, making it look even more ferocious.

While the giant dragon received the blessing of strange symbols and changed, the blood-red symbiote standing on it also ushered in its second evolution.

The mark on his forehead began to float and tremble, and then quickly spread to all parts of his body.

The blood-red color on his body became more vivid, and by contrast, the black marks appeared deeper.

The surging power fascinated the blood-red symbiote, and at the same time, he once again felt the power of the god of symbiotes. This vast power was something he could never imagine and never reach.

(End of this chapter)

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