I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 214 Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven

Chapter 214 Chickens and dogs ascend to heaven
He is actually a feudal lord!

In a short period of time, witnessing this man from a humble family being granted the title of Marquis caused a great shock to Yuan Shao.

This is so unexpected.

He had talked with Wang Rou before, and he could only get one of the title and two thousand stones at most.

Especially considering that Su Yao offended the official Zhang Rang to death, and did not come to join their family.

If you are unlucky, it is not impossible that your stingy Majesty will not give you anything.

As a result, suddenly, Liang Qianshi and Feng Hou came at the same time.

So shocking.

Although he is still an entry-level Guannai Hou, he is twenty years old.

This guy is so good at fighting, and the world is in such chaos now, how could he have fewer chances to make meritorious deeds?

What he had spent his whole life achieving, this boy Su had achieved in just a few months, or even surpassed it?
Fortunately, I am still his boss.
And if they were just a little excited and jealous, then on the other side, the governor Zhu Jun, known as one of the three generals of the late Han Dynasty, was even more stimulated.

His official position was not changed at all. He, who came from a poor family, was pinned down to six hundred stones. He was only transferred from the local area back to the central government and served as an admonishment doctor.

Zhu Jun couldn't help but feel bitter when he thought about himself.

It is impossible for Lu Zhi and others to propose such a reward.

It was Zhu Jun who personally returned to his hometown, dispersed his family wealth, recruited thousands of soldiers, and together with the remnants of the prefectures and counties, fought desperately and defeated the enemy. In ten months, the prefectures and counties were pacified, and tens of thousands of people were surrendered.

At the age of twenty, you can get a title of Marquis for two thousand dan?

It’s pretty much the same as now.

It wasn't until the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out that he managed to survive. He was remembered by others, and he captured the Youzhonglang general worth two thousand dan in one go, and went on an expedition with Huangfu Song and Lu Zhi.

Well, to a certain extent, due to Su Yao's activity, Zhu Jun's hard-earned effort to bring more than 2,000 soldiers to guard Hanoi was completely in vain.

The imperial court rewarded him based on his merits. He was granted the title of Marquis of Duting, with a settlement of 1,500 households, and fifty pounds of gold.

This boy is now in a similar situation to his own situation at the beginning. He was not yet the chief officer, but he was promoted to this level in one go.

Outrageous, too outrageous.


But what treatment did Zhu Jun receive?

That happened ten years ago when he was the governor of Jiaozhou.

But Zhu Jun was not jealous of Su Yao's title of Marquis, because he had been granted the title very early, and he was still the Marquis of Duting, one level higher than the Marquis of Guannei.

The situation can be said to be not much different from the previous state mergers.

It's not that Zhu Jun is jealous that he has been robbed of credit.

It's so irritating that people are so different from each other.

At that time, Liang Long of Jiaozhou, Nanhai Prefect Kong Zhi, Wu Prefect Chen Shao and others led tens of thousands of people to rebel. The local troops could not control it and the imperial court had no troops to send.

Yuan Shao's lips were trembling, and Wang Rou's performance wasn't much better.

Then the only possibility is.
The dragon of the holy family is so powerful that it is impossible to look directly at it.
But everyone's shock was not over yet.

"Is it possible to do it without paying any money?"

"This is against the rules."

Even Su Yao's bribe was forgiven!
When he first raised this question, Jian Shuo waved his hands and said flatteringly that this was not necessary.

This not only made Wang Rou look sideways, Yuan Shao gritted his teeth, but Zhong Yao, who had just shown disdain for Jian Shuo's collection of money, was also shocked, saying that this was probably against the rules.


Yes, although Zhong Yao disdains this kind of bribery.

But rules are rules.

Although the eunuch came to collect the money, it was actually customized by the emperor.

In order to make money, this 1995 Supreme Leader not only sold his official positions at public prices in the past, but also had to pay for official promotions and dispatches!
And there are quite a lot of them. You need to pay one-third or one-quarter of the official price, which is approximately equal to the legal income of this official position for more than 25 years.
This matter has aroused a lot of criticism. The emperor took such a sum, and the eunuchs took a cut from it. This directly led to the situation where many Qingliu officials were unable to pay the money and were afraid or even afraid of being promoted, or even abandoned their posts.

For this reason, many states and counties across the country are experiencing shortages of chief officials. Although they hate this, rules are rules.

Wang Rou and Yuan Shao just paid the money according to the regulations.

Why do you, Governor Su, oh, no, you are the Marquis of Guannei now, so why don’t you refuse?

"His Majesty's Oral Order"

Jian Shuo looked at these people who were suddenly surprised and commotion, immediately changed his expression to a stern expression, and raised his hands to Luoyang:
"The Marquis of Guannei is upright and honest, loyal to the public, and solves financial problems for me and the court. Therefore, I am hereby exempted from paying any money for moving to official position."

Everyone was speechless after saying this.

Yes, Su Yao was honest and upright, even Yuan Shao and Wang Rou had to admire him.

Since ancient times, when leading troops to fight and seize these things, which official would not touch them?
As long as you win this kind of thing, everyone will turn a blind eye and get over it.

However, this Marquis of Guannei was so honest and honest that he was dumbfounded.

He really only gave himself a small amount according to the regulations.

After distributing enough rewards and military supplies to his subordinates, it was the first time that the imperial court received such a full proportion of seizures in a war.

He was so upright that Yuan Shao, the censor of the army, could not find any faults at all. He was completely reduced to a recorder of merits and made a fool of himself.

After seeing such a report, Liu Hong had to grit his teeth and issue this exemption after finally considering the young man's family background.

"This, we collect money as usual. Judging from Governor Nasu's performance this time, there must be many people willing to pay for him."

"Why does Your Majesty need to specifically exempt it?"

Before traveling, Jian Shuo asked the emperor for instructions very puzzled.

Liu Hong waved his hand with a very tired expression:
"Wouldn't that push him towards those aristocratic families?"

After Su Yaohun generously married the Hun princess, Liu Hong had already figured out that this kid was just a fool, and those aristocratic families had little to do with him.

Therefore, Liu Hong directly overturned the plan drawn up by Lu Zhi and others at Shangshutai, which was only to grant him the title of school captain and add more rewards, with a wave of his hand.

The Cavalry Commander also gave the Marquis of Guannei a gold seal and a purple ribbon!
Basically, it is to declare directly to the government and the opposition that these are my people!

So just after Su Yao received the edict, Jian Shuo came up to him again and whispered to Su Yao affectionately:
"This is the end of the imperial court's appointment of officials and titles. When the Marquis of Guan Nei enters the capital, and after the prisoner presentation ceremony, Your Majesty will invite you to the Western Garden, and there will be other rewards."

"Also, Your Majesty knows that you have been wronged before, so he is ready to vent your anger on you during the triumphal ceremony of presenting prisoners."

"Huh? Taking it out?"

What's the reason for this?

Su Yao didn't understand, but he didn't care too much. The official seal was over, and it seemed that there should be other rewards for activities.

Then it had to be done.

After Wang Rou, Yuan Shao, and Su Yao were awarded the titles, Huangmen Shilang Zhong Yao continued to read out the titles and rewarded Su Yao's subordinates one by one.

As expected, although Zhang Liao and others made a lot of contributions and received good rewards, they did not get another two thousand stones in the end.

Among them, Zhang Liao, who captured the false king Shanyu and King Xiutu alive, and beheaded King Zuoxian in formation, was promoted to the Army Sima of 600 shi with the highest merit. Two thousand shi was still three levels short, let alone the merits of becoming a marquis.

But this was an absolute surprise to Zhang Liao.

In the Han Dynasty, for a poor family with no background, six hundred stones was already the top level.

Not to mention that his Sima of another department has the real right to lead the army, which can be said to have solidified his status as the number one military attache under Su Yao.

It can even be said that if Su Yao moved to another post, these soldiers would be directly led by Zhang Liao.

It is unknown whether this reward was due to the imperial court’s deliberate intentions.

After Zhang Liao, what was even more surprising was Wang Ling. This young man without any military position was directly given an additional gift of more than 300 shi by Yu Linlang. It must be said that his family status played a great role. role.

Others followed suit in this order, such as Xu Huang and Yang Feng, who were each granted the title of Qujunjun, plus rewards and so on.

Therefore, everyone is very happy, even Wei Ming, who is not on the credit list, is following Lehe.

After all, they were born here, and it is an honor in every possible way to have such a status, which is especially rare.

But there are some unexpected ones:
"Zhao Silang actually made Black Mountain Captain?!"

(End of this chapter)

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