Chapter 215 I’m back
Zhao Silang, who had a dark complexion and received the edict, was also full of shock.

Although Governor Su, no, it was Guannei Hou who said before that he would fight for his fame.

But Zhao Silang never imagined that despite his virtues and abilities, he would reach the sky one step ahead of Xu Huang, Yang Feng and others and become a two thousand stone official.

He still hasn't figured out what's going on, and what the sullen Huangmen Shilang means when he says that he can raise filial piety and integrity every year.

The dark-faced Huangmen servant
Zhong Yao was even more shocked. He knew that a commander named Zhao Silang had been awarded the title of Captain of Black Mountain.

But how did he know? No, I'm afraid His Majesty and the others would never think of it.

This Qu Shuai named Zhao Silang is actually even younger than Su Yao. Just such a dark little man has been awarded the title of Captain of Black Mountain? ?
Does he really have that ability?
Zhong Yao was very suspicious, but the imperial edict had been issued and he had no choice.

I can only wait to see it later.
"Only when you have soldiers in your hands can you have such a right to speak."

Yang Feng sighed quietly to Xu Huang.

It was precisely for this reason that Zhao Silang inherited five or six thousand surrendered troops in Shixiao Village.

Now that he has nominally surrendered to the imperial court and made sufficient gestures, the imperial court can only bestow favors on him, especially Na Lu Zhi and others. This can be said to have practiced their strategy of suppressing and appeasing at the same time.

And although he, Yang Feng, was also the leader of Qushuai, he thought that he only had a few hundred soldiers at his disposal, and that he was not as good as that young man named Zhang Liao, who was sealed off as a mere Qujun.

Not to mention everyone's thoughts, at this point, Su Yao's goals in the battle at Black Mountain have been achieved.

Su Yao successfully placed another loyal vassal for himself in the mountains to the east of Bingzhou, echoing the Huns in the grasslands to the west of Bingzhou.

The exciting merit-discussing and rewarding activities did not end until noon, and the meritorious soldiers were invited to the county mansion to rest.

While relieving himself from running around for many days, he was also waiting for the rear team to gather the baggage transport team.

At the same time, under the supervision of the angels, the large number of mobilized troops were disbanded and prepared to return to Beijing.

This is actually nothing. After defeating Black Mountain, Su Yao disbanded the money-burning mobilization troops to the greatest extent possible.

Hu Qi, who was borrowed from Yu Fuluo and King Xiutu, happily left home after being satisfied with the capture.

In the end, the more than 6,000 mobilized soldiers from the aristocratic families in Taiyuan did not have time to play a role on the battlefield. Instead, they evacuated in an orderly manner after helping them complete escort and transportation in the mountain road.

However, Wang Chen and Guo Huai each brought 300 people to stay.

Therefore, after the final reorganization, the troop strength statistics are as follows:
There are more than 300 Hu Qiyi soldiers led by Jin Fangyan, 200 cavalry from Princess Yun's bodyguard of the Xiongnu, plus more than 100 Bingzhou knights led by Zhang Liao Chenglian and others, the number of cavalry alone is more than 600.

As for the infantry, in addition to the newly joined Wang Chen and Guo Huai's 600 infantry, there are also the 200 originally given by the Wang family, for a total of 800 infantry.

This total of nearly 1,500 troops are family soldiers supported by Su Yao's personal finances.

The last thing that needed to be disbanded was the original escort team of 1,200 factions led by Chen Zhi.

However, Su Yao had a bold idea about the placement of these people.

At a celebration dinner in the county town.

Zhu Jun, the governor of Hanoi, Ding Yuan, the governor of Bingzhou, Wang Yun who was in exile here, Wang Rou, Prime Minister of Hejian, Yuan Shao, the general of Huben, as well as the two angels and other celebrities gathered together to gather together and drink. While drinking wine and chatting about the future, suddenly
The door opened with a bang, making everyone jump in shock and turn their heads sharply.

"Marquis Guannei?!"

If the person who came was not Su Yao, who was wearing brocade clothes and red robes, with a gold seal and purple ribbon on his belt, who was it?
This made all the officials look helpless.

They had invited them in various ways before, but the newly promoted Hou Jun refused to reply.

However, who would have thought that now that they were halfway through eating, someone broke in on their own.

"Quick, someone please come and invite the Marquis of Guannei to take a seat!"

Su Yao nodded and took a seat, but before everyone could exchange a few words with him, he found his target and launched a verbal war with the governor Ding Yuan.


"You want to trade those 1,200 Hu cavalry for my 200 cavalry?"

Ding Yuan felt numb.

Although there is nothing wrong with discussing business matters at a banquet.

But let’s meet each other this time. How can you reciprocate the courtesy?

And there were so many people watching. The big-headed Ding Yuan glanced at Wang Rou, who was drinking silently with his head down, and then looked at Yuan Shao, who was looking up at the sky, feeling helpless.

Those two people have an attitude that they have long been accustomed to.

How could this be?

Seeing Ding Yuan speechless, Su Yao continued:

"Ding Shijun has suffered a lot of losses recently, and these Hu Qi can just make up for the losses."

"And these more than a thousand war horses are worth the three hundred soldiers."

These two sentences hit Ding Yuan's pain point.

The previous aggressive advance against the Baibo Army had caused him a lot of losses. These two thousand Hu Qi, who had ready-made war horses, could quickly form combat effectiveness.

However, based on this alone, Ding Yuan's character would definitely not agree.

But in the end, Ding Yuan agreed to Su Yao's request.

Ding Yuan felt that he was really unlucky, no matter how he hinted at drinking, or made it clear that we would discuss it later, etc.

This Guan Neihou was persistent and entangled him firmly.

If it had been anyone else, he would have walked away long ago.

But now this is a celebration banquet, and this guy is still the biggest contributor, and the holy family is in full swing.

He was a new governor who had just taken office and had no great achievements, but thanks to his help to calm down the chaos in Bingzhou, he really didn't have the confidence to overturn the table at the banquet.

So Ding Yuan couldn't refuse again and again, so he could only hold his nose and agree to this condition, allowing Su Yao to go to the camp to exchange soldiers tomorrow.

Finally, he paid 300 soldiers in exchange for 1,200 soldiers. Calculating that one man is worth three barbarians, he still makes a lot of money.

But when Ding Yuan thought he had made enough money, Su Yao was really happy.

Early the next morning, as the rooster had just begun to crow, Su Yao took Ding Yuan's warrant and went straight to the garrison camp outside the city.

In the morning, at the Bingzhou Army Station, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly.

The officer Hou Cheng, who was walking around in the camp and had nothing to do, suddenly became stunned and exclaimed:
"Hey, Lao Song, look over there. I won't be dazzled."

Following Hou Cheng's gaze, Song Xian looked around, his expression also condensed.

I saw more than a hundred riders galloping towards their camp.

Enemy attack? !
More and more soldiers noticed this group of uninvited guests, and their eyes were full of vigilance.

However, the large Su-character flag fluttering in the wind under the sun prevented them from shouting about enemy attack.

Then, after a red figure leading the way appeared in the line of sight, the soldiers watching the excitement were suddenly surprised to find that not only the commander Hou, who had been drinking all day, but also drank to drown his sorrows, had tears in his eyes.

Chief Song, who has been keeping a cold face and talking about reality all day long, actually has tears in his eyes?

Who is coming?

Is it
"Quick, go and notify Fengxian and General Lu Bai!"

Hou Cheng shouted:
"Chief Su is here!"

Suddenly, following Hou Cheng's exclamation, a small-scale bombing suddenly appeared in the camp.

The veterans from Taiyuan rushed to tell each other, with tears in their eyes.

As for the confusion of these new recruits, they boiled over just because of this sentence.

"Chief Su is here!"

The Commander Su who once led them to victory in every battle and achieved miraculous results.

After putting down the Xiongnu rebellion,
"Hey, everyone, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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