I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 414: Su Yao formulates a strategy to govern Liao

Chapter 414: Su Yao formulates a strategy to govern Liao

When Liu Bei said this, he was actually asking questions on behalf of everyone else.

The biggest difference between being an official counselor and lecturing in a school is that you cannot always make lofty statements and talk in an open manner, but must put your ideas into practice in order to solve real problems.

He knew very well that his brother had stayed up all night yesterday, thinking hard about a good plan, and he didn't think that he would just spout a few words of righteousness and then be done with it.

Sure enough, Qian Zhao smiled slightly when he heard this.

"Xuan De is right."

“Everyone understands the principle, but only a few can actually do it, and in the end everyone becomes mediocre.”

"The reason is, no wonder, that if you want to do something, you will inevitably affect the interests of others, which will lead to obstacles everywhere, open and covert attacks, and make things difficult in this world."

"Zijing is right."

Su Yao nodded:

"As the saying goes, the more you do, the more mistakes you make. As long as you do something, it's inevitable that you will offend people."

"So you suggested that I focus on military affairs before, so that I could avoid offending others?"

Seeing Su Yao speak so bluntly, Qian Zhao was slightly stunned, then he bowed and said:
"Your Excellency, I did have this in mind when I said that yesterday, but more importantly, I still hope that you can successfully complete the mission and live up to the emperor's grace."

"At the same time, compared to those political affairs that are easy to offend people, military victory and expansion of territory are also the most effective weapons to rally people's hearts."

"Don't worry, Zijing. I don't mean to blame you."

Su Yao waved his hand and said with a smile:
"What you said is from the bottom of your heart. I understand."

"However, since I, Su Yao, have come to Liaodong, I will not be satisfied with just completing the mission."

He paused, glanced at everyone, and continued:

"When I serve as an official, I must benefit the people. What I want to do is to make this place a real paradise outside the Great Wall, so that the people here can live and work in peace and contentment."

"For this reason, no matter what kind of monster he is, as long as he dares to stand in my way, he will be wiped out!"

When everyone heard this, they were all excited and admired Su Yao's determination and courage. They expressed their firm support and vowed to follow him until death.

Wei Ming also deeply agrees with this:

"If you want to achieve something in the officialdom, you have to be brave and fight to win, then you can show your talents."

"But who are our enemies?"

Zhang Fei listened to these scholars' confusing conversation for a long time and was completely confused:

“You are a great governor, who would obstruct you? Who can obstruct you? Who should we fight with?
Could it be that the county magistrate has done something illegal?

I will bring him here now and see if he dares to disobey!"

——"Don't be anxious, Yide. Let's listen to what Zijing and the others have to say."

Liu Bei hurried to stop him.

He listened very carefully because this was not only Su Yao's problem, but also involved himself.

As the Xiangping magistrate, wasn't this also the first time he was appointed to an office?

Seeing this, Qian Zhao didn't keep the secret any longer and said directly:
"A prefect is comparable to the ruler of a country, with a high position of power and dignity, and you have the support of Your Majesty, so you can be said to be in control of power. You can indulge in writing and do your best. This is a huge advantage."

"However, specific policies and measures require human and material resources to implement, and it is impossible to do everything by yourself."

"Although you have our help, we are outsiders after all. Not only are we unfamiliar with the place, but we are also in the minority in terms of numbers."

"Therefore, the five strategies for governing a country that I just mentioned, the most important one is people!"

"If you want to ensure the implementation of this policy, you must first select talented people, rectify the administration, and make the people of Liaodong County united as one!"

Qian Zhao's eyes gleamed:
"All the county magistrates are appointed by the central government. Your Excellency has no personnel authority, but you can use the Inspector General to supervise. If anyone dares to have second thoughts and pretends to obey but actually disobeys, he should be dismissed immediately."

"Besides these, you can decide whether the county officials in the county governor's office should stay or go with your word."

"Therefore, when we arrive in Xiangping, the first thing we should do is to gather our subordinates and redefine the official positions. For those who are mediocre and incompetent or who are against your position, we should dismiss them all!"

"If officials and officials are united and have the same mind and purpose, great things can be accomplished!"

The weight implied in Qian Zhao's light words made everyone feel a chill in their hearts, and they couldn't help but admire him.

At this moment, Wei Ming came out and took over the conversation:
"What Zijing said is all good advice, and I have no objection, but I think there is one thing missing."

Qian Zhao was stunned for a moment, took a deep breath, and said with his hands clasped, "Please give me some advice, Chief Secretary."

Wei Ming nodded:

"Policy implementation is not something that can be achieved by a piece of official document from the county government and a few runners. It requires the support of manpower and material resources."

"But in today's world, most of the manpower and material resources are in the hands of the aristocratic families and powerful clans, even in Liaodong outside the Great Wall."

Wei Ming snorted coldly:
"Even in Liaodong, because the emperor is far away, the powerful families here are mostly greedy and ignorant, deceiving their superiors and subordinates."

"These people are usually unwilling to pay the basic taxes to the court, let alone ask them to contribute."

"In addition, the outside of the Great Wall has been cut off from the interior for many years, and they have been living a carefree and happy life for a long time. It is even more difficult to ask them to suffer and pay taxes."

"Therefore, if this problem is not solved, even if we rectify the administration of officials and make them one, I'm afraid it will be impossible to accomplish anything."

As soon as Wei Ming finished speaking, the room fell into silence.

Everyone knew that what he said was the truth.

The powerful families control a large amount of land, wealth and manpower, and have a significant influence on local governance.

If the relationship with these forces is not properly handled, any policy will be difficult to implement smoothly.

However, dealing with the problems of powerful families is an extremely sensitive matter, and often one small move can affect the entire body.

Wang Ling, who was born into a noble family, was the first to break the silence and sighed:

"What Wei Changshi said is absolutely right."

"We have seen many arrogant faces of lawless families in the past."

"And those local tyrants are mostly people without talent or moral integrity, doing whatever they want."

"That's right. This suppression of the powerful is the key that I want to add."

Wei Ming turned around and bowed to Su Yao and said:

"Sir, the trouble in Liaodong is not only due to the invasion of foreign enemies, but also due to the disunity of the people and the exhaustion of finances."

"If we want to solve these two problems, we should start with rectifying the administration of officials, suppressing the powerful, and restoring people's livelihood. Remember not to rush for success, but to reduce taxes and levies and live in harmony with people's livelihood.

The people here really can’t stand any more trouble.”

"It's good to have light taxes and levies, but it also means we have to cut off most of the income or even have no income at all."

Qian Zhao hesitated for a moment and said frankly:
"Without money, we can't move forward. We can't accomplish anything by just relying on the spoils we brought with us in a place as big as Liaodong."

"Building water conservancy projects, reclaiming wasteland, building schools, recruiting talents, and preparing for war, all of these cost money like water."

"We can't continue to exhaust all resources to snatch the last pennies from the common people."

Su Yao interrupted him immediately:
"Not only can I not collect much money, but it is also extremely troublesome and hot-tempered."

"But if we don't collect money from the people, how can we ensure the operation of our county government?" Zhang Fei stared.

Su Yao smiled faintly:
"The way of heaven is to make up for the excess of damage."

"Those wealthy families, as well as the foreigners who have come here to harass and take advantage of us for no reason over the years, aren't they living pretty well?"

"See if there are any ignorant people coming back, and ask them to make more contributions."

"After all, our soldiers are not raised in vain."

"If all else fails, using our swords to clear a path for our plows is also a viable alternative."


Everyone was shocked when they heard this, but Su Yao did not elaborate further. They changed the topic and continued to discuss other aspects.

In this way, during the mutual discussion and the confrontation of ideas, Su Yao basically sorted out his thoughts:

"Rectify the administration of officials, select virtuous people for appointment, suppress the powerful, reduce taxes and levies, encourage agriculture and focus on basic necessities, build water conservancy projects, encourage industry and commerce, handle lawsuits and adjudicate cases, promote etiquette and promote education, and strengthen military preparations."

"These ten strategies are well summarized. Let's proceed accordingly."

Su Yao stood up and clenched his fist:
"The first step is to implement personnel rights and restore the livelihood of the people in Liaodong as soon as possible!"

"Let's set off for Xiangping immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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