I rode and slashed unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 415 Three things to do when a new official takes office

Chapter 415 Three things to do when a new official takes office

Regarding Su Yao's appointment, everyone in Liaodong gathered together urgently and attached great importance to it.

After receiving the order from Magistrate Xu, the officials and dignitaries in Xiangping City immediately went out of the city and greeted them ten miles away.

They were dressed in gorgeous official robes, and their faces were respectful but anxious.

They had cut off ties with the Central Plains since the Wuhuan Rebellion and knew very little about the new governor.

"Captain Gongsun, do you know anything about this new Lord?
I saw in the official report that it said that he was a general who was awarded a title of nobility at a young age for his contribution in saving the emperor?

Is he really talented or is he just a new lackey of the emperor?"

The person who spoke was Tian Shao, Gongcao of the County Magistrate's Office. He was over 40 years old and was the leader of the local Tian family. In Liaodong, his family's status was second only to the Gongsun family.

The person he was inquiring about at this moment, the commander Gongsun, was not the Lingzhi Gongsun Zan that Su Yao was familiar with, but Xiangping Gongsun Zhao, the current commander of the Liaodong vassal state.

Gongsun Zhao looked at the horizon from afar and saw a dozen riders approaching slowly. He was startled and straightened his expression before replying:

"I don't know much about this Lord Su."

"But according to the news from the tribe, this person is extremely good at fighting and is undoubtedly very brave."

"This time, it was the light cavalry that attacked. Hundreds of cavalrymen defeated Qiuliju, not only resolving the dilemma of our White Horse Chief, but also annihilating the Wuhuan tribe in western Liao in one fell swoop, recovering Pinggang, and fighting all the way from Pinggang Road."

"Therefore, please do not treat him with contempt just because he is young."

As soon as Gongsun Zhao finished speaking, everyone looked at him in surprise.

Hundreds of cavalrymen defeated Qiuliju, recaptured Pinggang, and wiped out the Wuhuan tribe in Liaoxi in one fell swoop?

This achievement is quite rare even in the entire history of the Han Dynasty.

It is hard to say what kind of person this new governor is, but the military talent he has demonstrated in this regard is truly shocking.

To be more specific, it depends on whether this person can make Gongsun Zhao, the most arrogant and conceited person in the county, say that he should not be disrespectful just by relying on his reputation, which means that they have to pay special attention to him.

They whispered:

"Tell our people to be more restrained recently."

"Should we prepare some gifts?"

"I don't know if this new Lord has any hobbies."

These officials and dignitaries, who usually acted high and mighty and were used to ordering the people around, now restrained their usual arrogance and put on respectful yet nervous smiles on their faces.

Just when everyone was thinking about their own things, Su Yao's team arrived.

Faced with everyone's enthusiastic invitation, he acted decisively.

After a few simple words, he thanked these people for their enthusiasm and went straight into Xiangping, the capital of Liaodong County and the largest city outside the Great Wall, leaving everyone there dumbfounded.

They had received several prefects before, so how could they have ever seen such a hurried and frenetic process?
"What kind of general meeting is this?"

"I don't know what this Lord is planning."

"I'm afraid it's going to be a new official's first three fires."

"Did you notice that this time he not only brought a new Xiangping Order, but also brought along a few people who looked like his staff."

"Will he promote those people directly?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's faces suddenly changed, and one or two of them hurriedly followed Su Yao's team and rushed into the city.

However, in this chaos, there were a few people who walked steadily and did not seem so panicked, such as Tian Shao:

"How unbecoming is it to be in a panic!"

"Your Excellency said that the meeting will be held this afternoon. It's not even sunup yet. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Han Zhong, a military official, couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing his words:
"Tian Gongcao, you are from a family in Liaodong, and you are a Gongcao who participates in the government, so you don't have to worry." "This guy is a veteran of the battlefield. Didn't you see the soldiers he led? They are all murderous."

"If he wants to replace his trusted aide, I, a military official, will be the first to bear the brunt."

"How can I not make preparations early?"

Tian Shao frowned when he heard this, and glanced at the man with deep eyes and said:

"Han Caoyuan is wrong."

"Although Lord Su was awarded the title of marquis for his military achievements, as a governor, he will understand that governing a place is very different from leading troops in battle."

"Not to mention that he is an outsider who has just arrived and knows nothing."

"For example, it has been a practice of our Han Dynasty for hundreds of years that local noble families serve as assistant officials in county offices."

"If he dismisses you rashly, who will he find to do the job?"

Gongsun Zhao also nodded in agreement:
"Tian Gongcao's words make sense."

"Lord Su has just arrived and is not familiar with the situation in Liaodong. He summoned us to make a handover first, then understand the situation, and then make plans."

"Don't panic, or you'll end up being laughed at."

Tian Shao and Gongsun Zhao's words were like a reassurance, calming the panicked officials around them. They looked at each other, and although they still had doubts in their hearts, they were no longer as panicked as before.

"What Tian Gongcao and Gongsun Duwei said is not wrong."

Another middle-aged man strolling leisurely, Liu Zheng, a judge in the Jue Cao area, said slowly:
"No matter how drastic Lord Su's methods are, he still needs the help of local officials like us to govern."

"We just need to do our duty and we will be safe."

However, his words sounded quite ironic to those who were paying attention.

"Hey, Liu Zheng, do you mean that we have committed favoritism and fraud?!" Han Zhong shouted angrily.

"I didn't say that." Liu Zheng snorted coldly.

At this time, Tian Shao, the head of all the Caos, hurried out to smooth things over and warned everyone that at this critical moment, they should be of one mind and one heart. Even if the conflict was huge, it should be a family matter behind closed doors. They should not let the new Lord of the Mansion catch them and make a fool of themselves.

However, his composure did not last long.

He never expected that the first thing to happen at the afternoon meeting would be:

"Who is Gongcao?"

Su Yao glanced at the dozens of unfamiliar county officials in the hall and said coldly:

"Please resign. Go down and talk to my assistant about the handover."

Upon hearing this, Tian Shao's face changed suddenly. He never expected that his new governor would be so direct and merciless.

As the leader of the Tian family in Liaodong, he has always been highly respected in the county, and no one has ever dared to speak to him like that.

He suppressed his anger and took a deep breath, then stood up, clasped his hands and said:

"Your Majesty, I am Tian Shao, the humble servant of Gong Cao. May I ask if you have found the wrong person?"

As he spoke, he noticed that this prince didn't even know who Gongcao was, so he directly told him to resign.

Therefore, Tian Shao deliberately emphasized the word "Tian" in his words. He did not believe that this prince did not know the status of the Tian family in Youzhou.

However, Su Yao said firmly:

"I'm looking for Gongcao. Since you, Tian Shao, are Gongcao, then there can be no mistake - please resign. Don't make me say it again."

(End of this chapter)

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