Chapter 103 Peak
However, the tense plot is not over yet.

There was no moment of mourning for Qi Wei's death and her exit. Adam Hammer immediately joined the battlefield!

The scene changed, back to Arasaka Tower.

Adam Hammer, who had been sitting motionless on the sofa nearby, had already stood up.

"Your opponent is a prosthetic King Kong. How are you? Adam Hammer."

The Arasaka executive hammered Adam hard and asked.

"Without anti-gravity technology, a guy who can't even carry his own weight..."

Adam Hammer said contemptuously, "Not worth my time."

Just one sentence made him even more powerful and oppressive.

At this time, even comic fans such as Zhou Wenwei can't help but worry, will David be Adam Hammer's opponent?

Even if he can't beat him now, when the time comes, with the help of Rebecca, Lucy and other partners, David will shout about love, friendship, bonding, etc., and finally burst out with powerful power and defeat Adam Hammer, right?
In the next scene, Faraday brought Lucy to Arasaka Tower.

David also stood on the top floor of Arasaka Tower, overlooking the luxurious Arasaka Tower building.

Then the scene of his mother Gloria speaking to him appeared in front of him.

"Mom... look, I'm standing at the top of Arasaka Tower."

When David said these words, Zhou Wenwei and other comic fans instantly burst into tears.

In the end, David was still thinking about the dream his mother had given him.

It's just that...this summit of Arasaka is the pinnacle in the physical sense...

David's cyberpsychosis was so severe that he took the last bottle of immunosuppressant.

"Okay, this is the last bottle, doctor..."

As the last bottle of green immunosuppressant entered David's body, what the black market doctor had said to him before appeared before his eyes.

"Just remember, once you fall beyond the edge, you can't go back, no matter how unique you are..."

The last bottle of immunosuppressant was injected, and David was completely over the edge!
But he still had no hesitation, "So I have to go. Anyway, I don't have anything left."


These words silenced the comic fans who saw this.

Yes, for David, he had nothing to lose.

Mom, eldest brother, sister-in-law, friends... He still has Lucy and his friends now. If he loses them again, he will have nothing left.

So... he doesn't hesitate to fall completely outside the edge!

Faraday took Lucy with him to Arasaka Tower and started talking and negotiating with Arasaka senior officials.

Just when they reached the most important part of their conversation, the screen turned green!

That's...Sian Westan's time-stopping ability!
It's David here!
David arrived in time, first came to Lucy, awakened her consciousness, and freed her from her restraints.

When everyone saw David's appearance, they immediately panicked and raised their weapons.

However...the gravity prosthetic ability was activated, and all the guns in their hands were instantly sucked into David's prosthetic King Kong arm!

David pulled the trigger directly in all directions!
Except for Arasaka senior management and Faraday, everyone present was beaten into a pile of rotten flesh!
And just when David was about to kill the Arasaka executive, a figure stood in front of the Arasaka executive!

It's...Adam's Hammer!
The arrival of Adam's Hammer seemed to give Faraday great confidence.

He smiled and said to the Arasaka senior management, "Look, I brought all the prosthetic King Kongs..."

But he hasn't finished speaking yet...

David activated his gravity prosthetic ability on him, pressing him directly to the ground, breaking one of his legs, and he fell directly into a pool of blood.

Faraday panicked, and he actually ordered Adam Hammer, "Adam Hammer, kill this kid!"

However, Adam Hammer said disdainfully to him, "Ah? Who are you?"

"You are just a mercenary, just follow orders!"

"My mission is only this boy."

Adam Hammer looked at David and said.

David also turned around and faced Adam Hammer directly, "Adam Hammer?"

However, the distance felt like a kiss, almost causing Zhou Wenwei to spit out a mouthful of coke.

"Are you Adam Hammer? I never thought there was such a person."

"Your weak frame can't wear this equipment. Cyberpunk, you can still speak. It's really impressive."

"Both and each other, I heard that there are more machines in your body than flesh and blood. Is there a brain in there?"

"You could say I'm unique."

"I'm unique too."

"Stop being funny!"


David and Adam were talking harsh words to each other, but just then, the trauma team suddenly showed up.

They are here to save Faraday!

Faraday said with relief.

However, David was angry and looked distractedly at Faraday, "Huh?!"

But at this moment, Adam's hammer pierced David's abdomen directly, and blood spurted out.

"How dare you get distracted at this time?!"

At this time, David became furious again and launched "Sianwistan". While evacuating with Lucy in his arms, he also directly killed all the members of the trauma team!

Adam Hammer should have stayed put due to the almost "time-stopping" ability of "Sianwestan".

Also like David, a moving ghost appears, moving quickly!

He also has the same powerful prosthetic body - "Sianwistan"!
This... Zhou Wenwei was shocked.

All along, he had thought that "Sianwistan" was David's exclusive prosthetic body.

Unexpectedly, there is an enemy who can use "Sianwistan" like David!
But it's right to think about it. After all, David's "Sianwistan" was also taken from a powerful cyber madman.

This is enough to prove that although "Sian Westan" is rare, it is definitely not David's exclusive prosthetic body.

After Adam Heavy Hammer also activated "Sianwistan", he fired a grenade at David who was running away.

The grenade landed on David, and the fire and kinetic energy of the explosion blew him directly out of the building.

The full moonlight fell on the Arasaka Building, but at this time, David... became ill.

Cyberpsychosis directly plunged David into complete chaos. The cybermaniacs who appeared in "Edge Walker" in the past only had double images of their eyes shaking.

But David's entire face shook and a confusing ghost image appeared.

This is enough to prove that his cyberpsychosis is even much more serious than those that appeared before!

And David is now without immunosuppressants, allowing him to regain consciousness.

Is this how David is going to end?
"David! David!"

Lucy sat in front of David, looking at his chaotic state, and shouted, trying to wake David up.

However, David seemed to be unable to hear Lucy's call. He remained confused and did not respond.

"David! Come back!"

Lucy hugged David's head, and the double-imaged and confused faces of David were held together by her.

Finally she kissed him.

And the huge, full moon became the background for their kiss...

This scene was so beautiful that it made Zhou Wenwei feel ripples in his heart.

In the next picture, David really appeared with eyes again.


He smiled and looked at Lucy who was safe in front of him and said.

"'re still pretending..."

Lucy said with a depressed look.

She didn't want David to install the "Prosthetic King Kong" before, even if it was to save her.

She would rather David not come to save her and let her die in Arasaka Company than David install a "Prosthetic King Kong".


David responded.

"I actually know you will do this."

Lucy said sadly, "I also know that you will die if you install it, so I don't want you to install it. I don't want you to die."

However, David looked at Lucy and said, "This is the only way I can protect you in this city. I can't protect mom and Mann, but I can and want to protect you in the end."

David hugged Lucy and controlled the "Prosthetic King Kong" to make an emergency landing on the wall of Arasaka Tower.

"But I don't want you to protect me. I don't want you to die, as long as you live."

Lucy said sadly.

"I'm fine."

David said firmly, "I don't have much left, I want to help you realize your dream!"

"That's my dream. As long as I can help you achieve it, it doesn't matter if I lose everything."

And just when David and Lucy were talking to each other, Adam Hammer followed them in the elevator like a shadow.

And he was still shooting at David and Lucy.

"Fuck you!"

Seeing this, Zhou Wenwei cursed, "Damn bastard, can't you let David and Lucy talk properly?"

However, Adam Hammer in the comics is so ruthless, chasing David and Lucy all the way.

David protected Lucy and landed safely on the ground.

But on the other side, Faraday was not so lucky. The instigator fell directly from the sky and fell into a puddle of meat and parts.

This makes many comic fans feel a lot more comfortable.

On the ground, Falco and Rebecca were besieged by the NCPD and Arasaka Mobile Team.

"We're back!"

At this time, David and Lucy descended from the sky and directly eliminated the NCPD and Arasaka Mobile Team with ease.

Looking at David and Lucy who reappeared, Falco and Rebecca both showed smiles of relief.

"Welcome back, idiot!"

Rebecca said to David with a smile.

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(End of this chapter)

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