Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 104 The final trip to the moon

Chapter 104 The final trip to the moon
After David activated the unparalleled mowing mode with "Cyber ​​King Kong" and wiped out all the enemies, he planned to retreat with Rebecca and Lucy.

At least... he should be the one covering Lucy and her friends to leave here.

At this moment, David said to Falco, "Falco, I have a request..."

Rebecca directly protected Lucy and entered the car, and then said, "I'm glad you're okay."

But even though she said that, it was obvious that she was not very happy.

After all, she and Lucy are...

Love rival.

But Rebecca finally said, "David will be happy."

When David is happy, she will be happy, so although she and Lucy are love rivals, she will still be very happy that Lucy is back safely.

Seeing this, Zhou Wenwei couldn't help but have some expectations in his heart.

"Looks like this... How about David accept Rebecca in the end? Rebecca-chan is so great!"

The comics of the Republic in this parallel world have almost the same flavor as Lin Qingshan's previous online novels. In the early years, there was also a comic about a stallion with a harem.

Of course, this is no longer the case.

Many people even hate this kind of non-specific behavior.

But at this time, fans of "Edge Walker" really hope that David can also accept Rebecca!


Something suddenly changed in the next scene in the comic, and a loud noise came from the sky.

Lucy and Rebecca both looked to the sky, and Rebecca was as irritable as ever.

"Don't interrupt me!!"

She fired furiously into the sky.

However, the next moment, Adam's Hammer fell directly from the sky!

It fell heavily on Rebecca's petite body!
And then the scene was repeated again from Lucy's perspective in the car.

This is simply not human!
The ground exploded directly, vehicles and floors were lifted directly, and then turned into ruins.

The smoke from the explosion filled the air, and Adam Hammer's oppressive body slowly appeared.

At the same time, Rebecca also appeared with her body completely smashed, leaving only her upper body and half of her head, with blood and brains scattered everywhere.


David shouted Rebecca's name.

However, Rebecca was completely dead and did not respond at all.

Zhou Wenwei and other comic fans who saw this scene were stunned.

Rebecca... was just killed by Adam's heavy hammer?

isn't it?
How could such a sudden death, such an understatement happen to a popular supporting character at this time in the finale!
However, Rebecca was indeed dead. Very suddenly and without any resistance, the villain fell from the sky and was smashed to death!
This also shows how terrifying Adam Hammer’s strength is!
I saw him walking out of the smoke and starting to attack David and Falco.

Both sides activated "Sianwistan" at the same time and started a fierce battle.

However, it is obvious that Adam Hammer is more powerful and has the upper hand.

At this moment, Lucy also took action, directly intending to attack Adam Hammer's nervous system online.

"That's it! With Lucy's help, it's just Adam's hammer! David can definitely win!"

Zhou Wenwei said excitedly.

However, Adam Heavy Hammer was just stunned for a moment, then glanced at Lucy, and grabbed it with his hand, and the data stream attacking his nervous system was directly captured!
"What? How is that possible?"

Lucy said in disbelief.

However, due to Adam's heavy hammer's counterattack, a burst of sparks erupted from her system, and her body fell backwards...

But just then...

A car drove out from the side and picked up Lucy.

The driver of the vehicle was none other than Falco!

Lucy said hurriedly, "Falco! David...David hasn't gotten in the car yet!"


However, Falco ignored Lucy and continued driving.

"I said you all must die!"

Adam Hammer was also very angry and wanted to attack Falco and Lucy.

But just then...

"Now is not the time to be distracted!"

David turned on the gravity technology behind him, making Adam's hammer unable to move!


Adam Hammer turned to look at David and said viciously.

It had to be said that although David was not better than him, he couldn't completely ignore David... who was equipped with the "Prosthet King Kong".

Just when everyone thought Adam Hammer was about to start a fierce battle with David again...

Adam's Hammer directly grabbed David's "Prosthetic King Kong" and directly tore apart the anti-gravity technology prosthetic body on the "Prosthetic King Kong".

"Without the anti-gravity technology on your body! You are just a brat who can't carry your own weight!"

Sure enough, after the anti-gravity technology prosthetic body was removed from his body, David couldn't hold on anymore. The prosthetic body on his body collapsed together with his own body!
"To this extent, I still feel that I am unique..."

"Stop making me laugh!"

A heavy blow from Adam's hammer completely defeated David. The "Prosthetic King Kong" exploded together with David's body, making a deafening explosion.

Already far away from their car, Lucy saw this scene from a distance. She was in pain and said to Falco, "Falco, go back quickly!"



Falco said firmly, "David asked me to do this. If I turn around now, his death will be in vain."

"I got the reward for this mission, and he wanted us to share it equally." The picture stayed on David's yellow coat.

Everyone understood that this was what David had just ordered Falco.

He wants to use his own death to buy Lucy, Falco and the others a chance to survive.

"And, he asked me to tell you..."

The scene came to David's side. David was no match for Adam's heavy hammer and was beaten severely.

"Sorry, we can't go to the moon together."

At the same time, every character and classic scenes from the beginning of "Edge Walker" are played back like a revolving lantern.

Finally David could no longer stand up, lay down on the ground, and began to laugh.

"It's quite interesting."

At this time, Adam Zhonghami looked at David in front of him, smiled, and said, "You are quite an interesting consciousness."

"Why do I care...bastard."

David still smiled and cursed.

Adam Hammer also understood. He raised the gun prosthesis on his arm and aimed at David.

"In this case, farewell forever."

A burst of white light flashed, and then there was a scene of blood splattering.

It didn't show David's head exploding directly, but Zhou Wenwei knew that David... was already dead.

When he saw this, he was completely stunned.

David...the male protagonist is really dead.

Qi Wei and Rebecca, the members of the protagonist group, also died...

But Lucy and Falco are still alive, which is unfortunate...fortunately?
Suddenly, Zhou Wenwei noticed, "Wait, isn't it over yet? Is there more to come?"

He continued to hold back his sadness and sorrow, and continued to watch, only to see that the picture zoomed out from the perspective of Arasaka where David was, to Night City, and then to the entire North America.

Eventually even the entire planet.

The scene fell to the moon.

This is……

Zhou Wenwei vaguely guessed something, and his eyes were already red.

A manned moon landing rocket flies past the screen. There are many passengers sitting in the spacecraft. One of them... is Lucy!

"Welcome to the moon journey and experience the gravity of the moon that has never been seen in Mewtwo..."

During the broadcast, she was wearing a spacesuit and staring blankly at the moon outside the rocket.

After landing on the moon, scenes of lunar base paradise appeared, where countless tourists enjoyed the moon's gravity.

However, Lucy stayed away from this noisy place and came to the empty and uninhabited surface of the moon.

She noticed the scorching sunlight and couldn't help but reach out to block the warm light.

However, just as Lucy's perspective gradually moved from the sun up to down...


David actually appeared in front of her!

But he wasn't wearing a space suit, and everyone understood that this was Lucy's hallucination.

It was impossible for David to be alive, let alone appear on the moon without wearing a spacesuit.

"The sun is so hot!"

David looked back at Lucy happily.

Lucy looked in disbelief at David, who was smiling brightly in the sunshine, and also showed a happy smile.

However, David, who had a bright and sunny smile, disappeared instantly in front of her.

Only the helpless Lucy was left alone, standing in a daze on the empty and uninhabited moon surface, and then slowly opened her arms facing the dazzling sun.

It was as if he was hugging David in a hallucination.

Er Dao Liu·Hui Liu Dao Technique!
"I rely on!"

Zhou Wenwei couldn't hold himself any longer, tears blurred his vision, and he cursed angrily, "Damn Adam Hammer, damn Arasaka Company, damn cyberpunk world, damn old thief Qingshan!"

He really couldn't hold it anymore, so he took a tissue and wiped the snot and tears that came out.

Especially since this damn comic book author also resorted to double-swordsmanship. He could have resisted it at first, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.

However... the plot of the comic is not over yet.

I saw only the last two pictures.

A short-haired man that Zhou Wenwei had never seen before appeared in a bar.

“Order me a David Martinez.”

The man said to the bartender in the bar.

Then he picked up the wine the bartender had prepared for him, raised his glass and said, "This glass is a toast to the eternal legend of the Night City - David Martinez."

"Greatness in life, glory in death."


At the same time, the following advertisement page also clearly stated:

"The animation production of "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker" has been decided! We expect to see you early next year!"


"The demo video of "Cyberpunk 2077", a spin-off game of "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker", has been released. The official video URL is below..."

However, Zhou Wenwei didn't pay attention to this at this moment. He just closed the comic magazine and sat feebly on the computer chair.

He didn't make a fuss, but when he thought of the plot in the comic, he felt...very uncomfortable.

 Post 0.0 in advance so that everyone can enjoy it.

  Thanks to the book friend Pure Love God of War Punch a Minotaur for the 500 starting coins, and the Rage Zero Unit 100 starting coins for the reward~
  Please give me recommendation votes, monthly votes, and favorites~
(End of this chapter)

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