Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 105 Hot discussion among comic fans

Chapter 105 Hot discussion among comic fans
"Qiwei is dead, Rebecca is dead, and David is dead."

Chen Wenrui closed the comic magazine and said dullly, "Uncle driver and Lucy survived, but..."

"Isn't this too much? Lucy survived alone...what's the point?"

Now he would rather Lucy and David died together.

In this would be very painful for the only person to survive.

Does Lucy really want to live in this cruel and merciless world with the pain of losing her lover?

In fact, for her, it doesn't matter whether she goes to the moon or not.

What she really wants is for David to live and to live peacefully with David...

But David... thought so too.

And in that case, Lucy would die if she didn't sacrifice herself.

So he chose to sacrifice himself.

After all, a world like cyberpunk is too cruel.

Cyberpunks like David and Lucy have no choice but to run wildly on a cruel road.

Finally reach the end, and then die brilliantly and magnificently like fireworks.


It's sad to think about such a life.

Especially David, David has always lived for the dreams of others.

Whether I am attending Arasaka Academy or I am looking forward to working at Arasaka Company in the future.

Or promise to take Lucy to the moon, or become the leader of the Mann team and lead the team to continue the mission.

I have always lived with the dreams of others.

And his one and only dream is probably to "become an excellent cyberpunk".

But David was born to be an excellent cyberpunk, both in terms of his unique tolerance for prosthetics and his personality.

He will become an excellent cyberpunk, a leader of the team, and a legend in Night City.

Once upon a time, he was still the stupid young man who was not used to drinking.

Now that stupid young man has become a legend in Night City, it can be said that...

"Greatness in life, glory in death."

Chen Wenrui murmured to himself.


After the final episode of "Edgewalker" was released, it quickly aroused a greater response.

Because... the ending of the final episode of "Edge Walker" is something no one could have imagined.

It is neither a traditional hot-blooded boy manga in which the protagonist and his friends work together to defeat the villain.

It’s not like everyone imagined at the beginning that the protagonist group was completely wiped out and no one was spared.

But... the male protagonist David is dead, the popular supporting character Rebecca is also dead, and the traitor Qiwei who everyone once loved and hated is also dead.

Lucy, who everyone expected to die in the end, survived under David's commission to Falco.


Is it really meaningful to survive after losing everything like this?

Especially after watching the last scene, Lucy traveled to the moon alone, and imagined that David would go to the moon with her. Everyone felt even more that Lucy's life was worse than death.

Moreover, the comic book author of "Edge Walker", Old Thief Qingshan, was too ruthless. He also created an illusion of David to create a double-edged sword for Lucy and many comic fans.

Let the comic fans who have read the final episode express their feelings - it hurts! It hurts so much!

The most important thing is that the ending of "Edgewalker" is not only a haircut, but also shows the despair and helplessness of the cyberpunk world.

Even David, as the protagonist, obtained "Sianwistan" and "Prosthetic King Kong".

But he is still not the big boss Adam Hammer...or should be said to be the opponent of Arasaka Company.

The last battle was not a battle at all.

It was the ruthless killing of David by Adam's heavy hammer!

Such a world is really so despairing...

Countless posts discussing the plot of "Edge Walker" have also appeared on major forums and official website posts like a tide.

"Oooh, I hate you, old thief Qingshan, you might as well paint Lucy to death too!"

"David, my David! And Rebecca, my Rebecca-chan oooooooo..."

"Rebecca has really become Rebecca-chan now..."

"With tears in his eyes, David, who had completely fallen beyond the edge, was actually suppressed by Lucy's call and kiss to regain control of his cyberpsychosis."

"David was definitely immune suppressed at that time and it was impossible to save him. Maybe this is love."

"Yes, love is the highest level of immunosuppressant."

"It's numb. I thought that after David regained consciousness, David and the others would be able to cooperate and kill that Adam Heavy Hammer, but instead they were tortured to death."

"That Adam Hammer is the protagonist, right? Compared to David... there's a huge difference."

"Who would have thought that even the protagonist can't pass this script, how can it be played?"

"Isn't this normal? If you think about it carefully, "Sianwistan" was ripped off by David from the cyber madman. Although it is stronger than ordinary prosthetics, it is not unique. Even the strongest "Prosthetic King Kong" was developed by Arasaka. How can you defeat others? "

"Yes, even if David barely managed to fight, will Arasaka Company let David go? "Prosthetic King Kong" is so strong, then Arasaka Company will mass-produce dozens or twenty of them, and then besiege and hunt them down. David had no chance of winning. "

"Sigh, this copy of "Edge Walker" is absolutely hellish. The latest and most powerful prosthetics are all developed by human capital. It's really difficult to beat just thinking about it."

"This is a world controlled by capitalism. There is no hope at all. No matter how unique you are, it is useless even if you are the protagonist..."

"What Qingshan Old Thief actually wants to show is a desperate world where capitalism completely rules the world. In this cruel and ruthless world, individual efforts are meaningless, and no matter how hard you try, capital will obliterate the value of its existence."

"Yeah, it's probably because of this that Old Thief Qingshan drew such an ending. Anyway... "Edge Walker" is a very good story."

"Well, the world of cyberpunk is essentially a world where nihilism is rampant. No individual has human rights, and there is no democracy or freedom at all."

"This is really like the situation on Ami's side... No wonder the background of the story is in the United States."

"Be bold! America is a beacon of freedom and democracy in the world!"

"Well said, I will reward you for using a bottle of laundry detergent to develop dangerous weapons!"

"But I'm curious, what does the last part of the comic mean?"

"I don't know, but that's a great saying, David Martinez! Live great, die glorious!"

"David Martinez! Live great, die glorious!"

"The advertisement page says that "Edge Walker" will have an animation of the same name and a spin-off game "Cyberpunk 2077". It seems that this is the protagonist of "Cyberpunk 2077"?"

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(End of this chapter)

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