Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 110 Ami Ripples

Chapter 110 Ami Ripples (Second update! Please order first!!)

"No salary increase! No work!"

"Our future is being taken away from us!"

"Please don't let cyberpunk become reality!"

"Demand human rights! Demand democracy! Oppose the rule of capital dogs over us!"

"Ask for a raise! Our future cannot be manipulated by the lackeys of capital!"


On the street outside the house, countless American workers held marching lights and protested loudly.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a protest march caused solely by "Edgewalker".

"Edgewalker" is currently just a comic and has not yet had such a big impact.

Even the movie version of "Edgewalker" probably didn't have that much influence that caused this large-scale strike and protest march in the United States.

What really triggered the large-scale strikes and protests in the United States was the workers' demand for major companies to increase wages and benefits.

But just after the final words of "Edgewalker" came out, its tragic ending caused a lot of heated discussions.

Furthermore, the terrifying future of cyberpunk makes many workers feel the same or feel scared.

We cannot allow American companies to become such unscrupulous capital bastards that ignore human rights and freedoms in the future, so they must not tolerate these capital bastards!

Therefore, they creatively added the term cyberpunk to the creation of the parade lights for the first time.

However, most American workers are unfamiliar with the term "cyberpunk", and under the explanation of some "Edgewalker" fans.

This is another wave of publicity for "Edgewalker" in disguise, so the fan base of "Edgewalker" in the United States has further expanded.

This even alarmed many American officials. Take a look, what is cyberpunk, and what is this "Edge Walker"?
Oh, it turns out to be a comic and the vocabulary derived from it...

But... why is the plot of this comic so similar to their situation in the United States?
What kind of capital giants dominate the country and even become the actual manipulator of the world?

Isn't this the current situation of their Ami?

Ahem... I don't dare to talk nonsense about this.

At cannot be said openly that they, Ami, have always been a beautiful beacon that loves world peace and symbolizes freedom and democracy!

All local officials came out to speak out and announced their strong support for this strike and demonstration.

Dear capital lords, please show kindness to the poor people below and calm down this turmoil first.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for them to explain.

However, how could those companies be willing to raise wages so easily?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

As a result, American workers and unions began to argue and argue with the company, and launched successive negotiations.

Hollywood was also slightly affected, and some crew members also joined the protest march, asking the film company to give them a salary increase.

However, Chris Nolan was not affected in any way.

His latest film "Daredevil: The Dark Knight Rises" has been released and he is now taking a "rest" time.

Listening to the lively protests outside the street, Chris was used to the "beautiful scenery" that often appeared.


"Hey Chris are you there?"

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the intercom system at the door along with the doorbell.

Chris immediately stood up and went to the door, smiled and hugged his "Dark Knight Rises" co-worker Kevin.

"Hey Kevin, why did you come to see me?"

he asked with a smile.

"Chris, I'm here to tell you about Edgewalker." Kevin said seriously.

"Oh my God, is there finally a reply over there?"

Chris's eyes lit up and he immediately said, "Come on, come in first and let's talk slowly."

After Kevin and Chris entered the villa together, Kevin said with a serious face, "I have to say, Chris, you do have a unique vision. Now the popularity of "Edge Walker" has become so high... "

"How can I say it's fake? "Edgewalker" is indeed an excellent work that spans the ages."

Chris also said seriously, "Especially after I read the final plot, it turns out that the comic author named 'Qingshan' is a genius!"

"This ending is really the one that best suits my thoughts! I didn't even think of the last trip to the moon! This directly elevates this work to a new level!"

"It's a pity...the company didn't pay too much attention to this at the beginning."

Kevin smiled bitterly and said, "Sorry, Chris, I really told the company in advance your thoughts on this comic..."

Mainly because "Edgewalker" was still being serialized at that time. Even after experiencing the climax of Mann's death and exit, it still did not cause too much heated discussion in the United States.

"The company should have realized the potential of "Edge Walker" now, right?"

Chris frowned and said, "Then what are you waiting for? I really hope to direct this work!"

But Kevin smiled bitterly at this time and said, "Chris, listen to me first, now we are not the only ones competing for "Edgewalker" WB Pictures..."

"The six major film companies are all competing for the film and television adaptation rights of this work, including directors such as Steven, Ridley, and George, who are all pursuing this book."

An excellent script is almost fatal to a director's attraction.

"Edge Walker" is a work with an attractive enough cross-era setting and a deep enough ideological core, and it also has enough eye-catching battle scenes.

It is simply every director’s dream book.

Once it's filmed and released, it's almost guaranteed to be a hit or a hit.

It may even end up being as popular and successful as "Inception", with both reputation and box office.

"Edgewalker" itself also has a good popularity bonus. The most reassuring thing about making this kind of book is that it has a certain fan base itself, so you don't have to worry about no one watching it.

And "Edge Walker" has an extra bonus - this work is a comic work from the Republic and is very popular in the Republic.

At that time, they can also open up the box office of the overseas market of the Republic. The Republic has a vast territory and a large population, which will be a huge amount of revenue!
Therefore, the six major Hollywood studios and famous directors have begun to pursue "Edgewalker".

"Sigh... As expected, Steven and Ridley also saw this excellent book."

Chris said hesitantly.


There was a hint of determination in his eyes, "It would be a pity if I didn't direct such a good book."

"What did the comic company say? Did they say who they planned to sell it to?"

Chris asked.

"No, they have no obvious tendency to sell the copyright to any company now."

Kevin said, "It seems to be looking at who offers better conditions."

"That's it...then I'll go to the Republic with you in person."

Chris said calmly.

"Ah? Do you want to go to the Republic to negotiate in person?"

Kevin was a little surprised.

"Well, I really hope to direct the script of "Edgewalker", which also represents my sincerity."

Chris said, "And I also want to see what kind of comic book author can create "Edgewalker"..."

At this point, his eyes were bright and full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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