Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 111 Book signing [rd update! Please make your first order! ! 】

Chapter 111 Book signing (Part ) [Third update! Please make your first order! ! 】

When the final chapter of "Edge Walker" was revealed in the United States, the first book signing event for the single book "Edge Walker" in the Republic came as scheduled.

"Teacher Qingshan, are you ready?"

Ayumi Ito specially came to Lin Qingshan's house in advance this time to prevent an "accident" like the last time.

"no problem!"

Lin Qingshan changed his clothes from the room, gave a thumbs up and said.

I saw that he was wearing a rather literary fake two-piece sweater and white shirt today, a pair of loose and straight black trousers, and a pair of white canvas shoes.

Paired with his slightly messy broken hair, he really looks like a romantic hero!
This is the "Special Version for Autograph Session" outfits he matched based on the advanced outfits he wore in his previous life.

This will never be a problem!

It was the first time Ayumi Ito saw Lin Qingshan, who looked a little serious and looked very good in his outfit, and couldn't help but blush.

At this moment, Gu Qianli also arrived.

When she looked at Lin Qingshan's outfit, her eyes lit up.

Sure enough... Qingshan usually looks quite handsome, but if he puts a little more emphasis on his outfit, he will become even more handsome.

"How about it? Qianli, I can do this!"

Lin Qingshan saw Gu Qianli coming and immediately said with a smile.

"Qingshan, you look... very beautiful!"

Gu Qianli said with admiration, "Originally I was worried that your outfit would be bad... now it seems that Qingshan You does have very good taste."

Of course, this is a way of dressing that is nearly ten years ahead.

This is Lin Qingshan's confidence as a time traveler!

"Okay, let's get ready to go! I can't keep my dear fans waiting too long!"

After Lin Qingshan made all preparations, he was ready to leave for the location where the autograph session would be held.

"it is good!"

Gu Qianli and Ito Ayumi had no objections and agreed in unison.

"Pochita, you can only stay at home and play here obediently today."

Lin Qingshan touched Pochita's head and said.

"Wang Wang..."

As a dog, Pochita is still very understanding of human nature. When he heard what Lin Qingshan said, he didn't make any fuss and only responded twice.

Lin Qingshan nodded with satisfaction when he saw this. Dogs are the best at this. They are not as cold and disobedient as cats.

The kitten he raised in his previous life, Lv Shui, was very willful. It would either run away and end up somewhere unknown, or it would insist on following Lin Qingshan out every time he went out.

If you refuse to take it out, just wait for it to scratch your trousers.

But Lv Shui is relatively smart and knows that Lin Qingshan is its owner, so he never goes too far.

But it's still far behind Pochita. The only thing better than Pochita is if Green Water could turn into a kitty girl...

Hey Hey……

"Let's take a taxi. I'll call a car."

After walking out of the street, Ayumi Ito volunteered and said.

After all, today is a special day, so it would be more convenient and faster to take a taxi.

However, Lin Qingshan looked at the time on his phone and said with a smile, "There is still time to take the subway, there is no need to be in such a hurry..."

"OK then."

Gu Qianli and Ito Ayumi thought it was reasonable, and they were also frequent subway users, so naturally they would not have any objections.


The Shanghai subway is not that crowded during non-working hours on weekends.

If the subway is not crowded, the speed is indeed faster than taking a taxi. After Lin Qingshan, Gu Qianli and Ayumi Ito got on the subway, they started chatting.

"This is the first time Teacher Qingshan has appeared in front of everyone. Teacher, are you nervous?"

Ayumi Ito asked nervously.

"There's nothing to be nervous about, but I guess there will be many fans there who will scold me."

Lin Qingshan blinked and said innocently.

"Qingshan, you have the nerve to say that you drew such a brutal ending. Cartoonists who draw such plots are usually hated by fans."

Gu Qianli rolled his eyes and said.

She was actually one of them. After she finished reading the final episode of "Edge Walker", she couldn't relax for a long time.

Especially during Lucy's final trip to the moon, when David's hallucinations appeared, she couldn't control her emotions at all.

Girls tend to be emotional, so when Gu Qianli saw this ending, she really burst into tears and couldn't help herself for a long time.

At that time, she also remembered what Lin Qingshan said back then, "Lucy will never die."

Yes, Lucy is not dead, but with such an ending, who wouldn’t feel that living is more uncomfortable than death.

This made Gu Qianli ignore Lin Qingshan for several days.

"There's nothing I can do about it, it's my fault."

Lin Qingshan blinked his eyes, feeling unexplainably miserable.

He is just a copycat, and the tragic ending of "Edgewalker" was not created by him.

He is just a drawing and copying machine with no emotions.

"If you don't blame this, who do you blame?"

Gu Qianli said angrily.

"If you want to blame it, let's blame the guy named Hiroyuki Imaishi."

Lin Qingshan smacked his lips and said, "He designed all of this!"

However, Gu Qianli and Ito Ayumi did not take his words seriously. After all, they both knew that Lin Qingshan's mind was indeed not normal.

Probably in order to shirk responsibility, he randomly imagined a character to help him take the blame.

"This time, the single-book series of "Edge Walker" is expected to sell one million copies of the first volume, but unfortunately it is a novella, and there are only six single-book volumes in total..."

Ayumi Ito said with a pity, "Otherwise, the profit should be higher."

Since the profit from the single volume is divided between the cartoonist and the comic industry company, naturally the more the single volume, the greater the profit.

And Lin Qingshan gets more money.

Unfortunately, "Edgewalker" is indeed limited by its length, with only six single volumes.

The content of these 38 chapters can actually be combined into four volumes, and a single volume may contain about 10 chapters.

However, in order to make more money, the comic company chose to produce six separate books.

Of course, the single book contains the settings of "Edge Walker", character introductions and prosthetic body introductions, as well as exquisite illustrations, etc.

The main one is mixed with a little more water but sold at the original unit price.

"That's enough."

Lin Qingshan said with a smile at this time.

After inheriting the inheritance from his original parents and a living allowance from his uncle, he is now wealthy.

No, he plans to rent a larger apartment closer to the city center.

But after he told Uncle Dong about this, it happened that Uncle Dong actually had an apartment in the center of the city, and there were two free furnished apartments in it.

After negotiating with Uncle Dong, Lin Qingshan plans to move again next week.

(End of this chapter)

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