Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 112 Book signing [th update! Please make your first order! ! 】

Chapter 112 Autograph Session (Part ) [Fourth update! Please make your first order! ! 】

After chatting on the subway for a while, Lin Qingshan, Gu Qianli and Ayumi Ito had arrived at the autograph signing venue before they knew it.

However, the signing venue this time was not simple at all. The venue looked like a large comic exhibition.

At this moment, cosplayers of various animations and comics were walking back and forth in the venue, and more of them were visitors to the comic exhibition.

However, among these cos, Lin Qingshan saw the cos of "Edge Walker" as he wished, and the cos of David, Lucy, Rebecca, and even Mann all appeared.

The most interesting thing is that some amateur cosplayers even cosplay Adam Hammer.

It's just that the height of Adam Hammer is really difficult to reproduce with cosplay. In addition, these cosplayers are definitely made with a prank mentality, so they look a little ugly.

The most important thing is that they cosplay Adam Hammer just to be the clown.

They cooperated with David's cosplay, lying on the ground and acting out the scene of being beaten by David.

Everyone present couldn't help but applaud. They very much hoped that this was true. David smashed Adam's hammer in the ending and lived happily with Lucy.

But's fantasy time.

"Teacher Aoyama..."

The staff who had been waiting for a long time nodded when they saw Lin Qingshan's appearance.


Lin Qingshan was also quite polite, so he, Gu Qianli, and Ayumi Ito were led by the staff to his signing location.

The on-site comic exhibition is not just a signing event for Lin Qingshan, there are other cartoonists who also held signing events here.

But Lin Qingshan’s autograph session was different from them.

Because the popularity of "Edge Walker" is indeed very high, when the final episode came out, it directly reached the third most popular position again.

Although the popularity still seems to have not made a big breakthrough, in fact, the popularity of "Edge Walker" has reached a true industry phenomenon level.

It even broke the circle again because of the "Cyber ​​Madman" joke.

The day the final episode of "Edge Walker" was released, all comic fans turned into "cyber maniacs" and frankly said that they were really going crazy.

Since then, Lin Qingshan's fans have all called themselves "cyber lunatics".

And they mainly focus on a Vietnam War style, so they can be found everywhere.

The popularity of "Edge Walker" is not low, so naturally the arrangement of this autograph session is different from that of other cartoonists.

At the central venue of the Comic Exhibition, a banner titled "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker Single Book Signing Event" has been raised.

Fans of the "Edge Walker" comics gathered around the venue. They all looked eagerly and talked with each other.

"I heard that the old thief Qingshan will appear in person this time. I am really curious about what the old thief Qingshan looks like?"

"Didn't the old thief Qingshan appear once? Didn't you see it in the 'Flying' video?"

"What can you see in that AV quality video? At most, you can see that she is quite thin and pretty."

“UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoriThe old thief Qingshan is really a cyberpsychopath. He was so cruel that he painted David and Rebecca to death..."

"Look at you like that. This is just a comic. Be mature. How can an adult cry over a comic?"

"Brother, can you take off your sunglasses before you say this?"


Looking at the surging number of fans and their comments, Lin Qingshan felt that he was in danger.


With so many fans, when will he be able to sign in?

Fortunately, he doesn't need to transform into a ruthless signature machine just yet.

Because this autograph session also had a pre-conference interview session. After learning that Lin Qingshan and Ayumi Ito had arrived at the scene, the backstage staff arranged to start the interview session in ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, the host of the interview session took the lead in standing in the center of the venue.

"Hello to all fans and friends who are attending our "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker"! Our book signing is about to begin, please be quiet."

The host came on stage and said directly with the microphone.

Suddenly, the fans in the venue fell silent and stared at the stage in the center of the venue.

"Before the autograph session officially begins, we first welcome Mr. Aoyama, the manga teacher who created "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker", and his editor-in-chief, Ms. Ayumi Ito!"

Suddenly, the audience burst into warm applause.

However, it was also accompanied by the voices of some excited comic fans shouting "Old thief Qingshan, give me back David" and "Old thief Qingshan, give me Rebecca-chan".

This is a small episode.

Lin Qingshan and Ayumi Ito slowly took the stage under the introduction of the host.

Then the comic fans couldn't help but be very surprised when they saw Lin Qingshan and Ayumi Ito's real-life appearance.

"I didn't expect... Qingshan old thief is really so young... or does he just look young?"

"He doesn't even look like he's thirty years old, but he can be seen to be the same person as the flying lunatic in the video."

"Shasha, this editor-in-chief is so pretty. Does your name sound like a Japanese girl?"

"Speaking of which, the old thief Qingshan is not bad looking. If nothing else, he is quite handsome."

"Very good, this messy hair and abnormal smile fit my stereotype of the old thief cyber lunatic Qingshan!"

"Yeah... It's okay for the old thief Qingshan not to smile, but it's really scary when he smiles..."


Comic fans were talking a lot as Lin Qingshan and Ayumi Ito appeared on the stage and sat in the pre-arranged seats.

"First of all, welcome Mr. Qingshan and Miss Ayumi. Please say hello to the fans present."

The host said with a smile.

"Hey hey hey, hello everyone, I'm Lin Qingshan!"

Lin Qingshan gave a thumbs up and said with a smile.

However, the host and Ayumi Ito were shocked.

Because Lin Qingshan actually said his name completely when introducing himself.

Although Lin Qingshan's pen name is completely derived from his name, comic fans don't know that.

They always thought Qingshan was just Lin Qingshan’s pen name.

Now, Lin Qingshan directly reported his family name and exposed his real name.

"I really used my own name to draw comics..."

"Very good. A real mental patient never hides anything. This brain is really not normal!"

"Teacher Lin Qingshan, he really... I cried to death, he is mainly sincere!"


The matter has reached this point, and there is nothing that can be done, but revealing the real name is actually not a big deal.

The host simply ignored this small accident and immediately started the question session after waiting for Ayumi Ito to introduce herself.

"First of all, I want to ask Mr. Qingshan. I know that the work "Edge Walker" is the teacher who imagined the worst ending in the context of powerful future technology. Therefore, "Edge Walker" was in your imagination at the beginning. Is it going to end tragically?"

(End of this chapter)

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