Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 114, the new work "Chainsaw Man"

Chapter 114 New work "Chainsaw Man" (sixth update! Please order first!!)
As soon as these words came out, all the "Edge Walkers" present were touched.

"Clap clap-!"

Suddenly, someone in the venue clapped first.

At first there was sporadic applause, but soon all the comic fans present began to applaud one after another.

Gradually, all the comic fans present applauded, and the applause was as loud as thunder.

Lin Qingshan's reply convinced them. Originally, everyone thought the setting of cyberpsychosis was very strange and unreasonable.

Just think of it as a virtual setting drawn by Lin Qingshan as an excuse to haircut.

But after what Lin Qingshan said, they felt more and more that the existence of cyberpsychosis was reasonable and possible.

Maybe when human beings really reach the point where they can modify their bodies at will, mental illnesses such as cyberpsychosis will really arise.

But that... would be too scary.

So we must not let such a terrible future come!

"Thank you all, thank you to the fans for the applause."

After the applause ended, the host smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Teacher Aoyama, for your answer. Then I will continue to hold Miss Ayumi to account."

"Excuse me, in the eyes of Miss Ayumi, what kind of person is Teacher Aoyama?"

He smiled and said, "I believe everyone is also curious about what Teacher Aoyama is like in normal times, right?"

Suddenly, the fans present were looking forward to what kind of person Lin Qingshan would be like according to Ayumi Ito.

Ayumi Ito said, "Teacher Aoyama is a very powerful genius. Whether it is drawing comics or other aspects, Teacher Aoyama is very good."

"Oh? Can you tell me specifically what it is?"

"Teacher Qingshan cooks delicious food, is also good at computers and making games, and sings quite well."

Ayumi Ito replied.

"What's Mr. Qingshan's personality like?"

The host asked again.

"Although he is occasionally... not serious, he is more often than not a very gentle and considerate person."

Ayumi Ito said.

When the fans below heard this, they almost laughed out loud and commented one after another:

"What the editor wants to say is that the old thief Qingshan is usually not normal."

"There is no doubt that the old thief Qingshan is a mental patient."

"It's intermittent, right? That's good. The old thief Qingshan is indeed a cybermaniac."

"But I didn't expect that the old thief Qingshan is quite powerful. So he is also good at computers and making games, and he can also draw comics. If it is true, he is indeed very powerful."

"I think in the editor's eyes, someone who can turn on a computer and play games means he or she is good at computers and making games."

"Laughing to death, it's really possible."


Next, the host asked a few more questions, and then the interview session was finally coming to an end.

But at the end of the interview session, the host said, "Okay, today's interview is almost over, and the signing session for "Edge Walker" will soon follow."

"However, I heard that Mr. Qingshan has two final things to share with the comic fans here."

"Teacher Qingshan, please make an announcement." The host looked at Lin Qingshan, who immediately nodded. Under the gaze of all the fans, he said:
"After the completion of "Edge Walker", my... latest work "Chainsaw Man" will be released soon, and it will also be serialized on "Comic World Gogo". Please stay tuned!"

"There is also the upcoming animation and spin-off game "Cyberpunk 2077" of "Edge Walker". Please support it."

"At the same time, I also hope to give you a special gift next. There will be news about it in about half a year, so please look forward to it~"

As soon as this statement came out, it really aroused heated discussion among comic fans.

After the completion of "Edge Walker", Lin Qingshan has a new serial work called... "Chainsaw Man"?
This is something worth looking forward to...

The subsequent words to promote the "Edge Walker" animation and "Cyberpunk 2077" also gave comic fans some expectations.

But what makes the comic fans most curious is the special gift Lin Qingshan mentioned at the end for the comic fans...

What exactly is it?
But now they are unable to get any more information from Lin Qingshan. The interview session officially ends, and then comes the most important formal part of the autograph session - the autograph session.

Then Lin Qingshan began to sign autographs for the first "Edge Walker" comic fan.

The first comic fan was obviously very excited. He grabbed the single copy of "Edgewalker" and couldn't put it down, with a look of excitement on his face.

After all, he came here early in the morning to queue up.

"Hello Mr. Qingshan, I am a loyal fan of "Edge Walker". I have been watching it since the first serialization..."

he said excitedly.

Upon hearing this, Lin Qingshan showed a "kind and amiable" smile to this enthusiastic and excited fan. He took the single volume of "Edge Walker" that he handed over and directly opened the page and signed his pen name.

However, when he smiled at the fan, the fan's expression suddenly froze.

The comic fans behind also saw Lin Qingshan’s weird smile and couldn’t help but start saying:
"Wow...what a healthy and cheerful smile..."

"This smile...this is a normal person, I just eat it!"

"Very good. It once again fits my stereotype of Qingshan's old thief and mental patient."

"Is there really no problem with Teacher Qingshan's mental state... It is recommended that Teacher Qingshan's mental state be strictly investigated."


However, Lin Qingshan ignored these comments. He felt that it was very necessary and necessary to have a "kind and approachable" smile for the comic fans who supported him.

So under his weird smile, he began to sign autographs to comic fans.

Although Lin Qingshan's smile is indeed weird, it still cannot stop the enthusiasm of comic fans.

""Edge Walker" is very good, and Mr. Qingshan, your painting skills are also very good. Teacher, how did you learn to draw?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuah, I hate you, old thief Qingshan, you are so ruthless in cutting people, can you please use a lighter knife..."

"Teacher Qingshan, can you help me write... for my favorite Mr. Liu? My boyfriend is your fan, and he happened to be on a business trip and didn't have time to come to this autograph session..."

"Teacher Qingshan, can you take a picture with me?"


The enthusiastic fans directly asked Lin Qingshan to sign autographs for a whole afternoon, which made his wrists feel a little sore.

But fortunately, when Lin Qingshan used the ability [Flash of Spirits (Platinum)], he also used the ability [King of Resistance to Falling (Gold)].

It greatly increased his physical fitness and physical tolerance, so it was quite acceptable.

Lin Qingshan was always very patient. It was not until he signed the autograph of the last comic fan that today's autograph session finally came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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