Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 115 Subway Judge

Chapter 115 Subway Judge (Seventh update! Please order first!!)

After the book signing, Lin Qingshan had a meal with Gu Qianli and Ayumi Ito at a restaurant near the city center.

The cost of this meal is very luxurious, a piece of fried chicken breast can be sold for 1299.

This made Lin Qingshan couldn't help but sigh, the prices in Magic City are really magical.

But it doesn't matter, he is now a rich second generation, and he is considered a rich second generation who has succeeded in starting a business.

So just be extravagant if you want...

Money is for spending, it will not be taken with you if you live or die.

There is a sentence in a famous sketch called "The saddest thing in the world is that people are still there even if they have no money."

Therefore, Lin Qingshan is not stingy with spending money at all. Saving money when necessary is the correct value of life.

Naturally, they took the subway back at night - after all, they were going back to a different place.

The three of them got on the subway smoothly, but one of them, Lin Qingshan, was recognized by the comic fans who were also riding the subway.

After all, before the book signing event, comic fans didn’t even know what Lin Qingshan looked like in real life.

Naturally, no one recognized Lin Qingshan when he took the subway in the morning.

It's different now. Of course he is easily recognized by comic fans when he rides the subway.

However, Lin Qingshan is not a star. At least his comic fans are not that many and they are not that crazy.

Therefore, even if he was recognized, his life would not be in danger.

"Qingshan, you signed for so long today, do you feel tired?"

After getting on the subway and finding a seat to sit down, Gu Qianli looked at Lin Qingshan with concern, "Remember to use hot water and a towel to apply on your hands when you go back."

"Fortunately, my hands are not sore, and this is also to thank so many comic fans who came here specifically to support me today."

Lin Qingshan said with a smile.

The ability of [King of Resistance to Falling (Gold)] has greatly improved his endurance and resistance.

After just signing autographs for an afternoon, Lin Qingshan felt that he could sign for another whole day.

"Looking at Mr. Qingshan's appearance today, he does not look very tired."

Ayumi Ito said curiously, "This is completely different from other teachers!"

"These are all talents. Talents given by God cannot be learned."

Lin Qingshan chuckled and said.

"By the way, I saw a few cosplays just now. They were so professional. They were able to cosplay David, Lucy, and Rebecca so much like each other. It was really amazing..."

Gu Qianli said at this time.

"I also saw that the David cosplayer actually has eight-pack abs!"

Ayumi Ito said.

"It's just eight-pack abs..."

Lin Qingshan said disdainfully at this time.

He actually had abdominal muscles before, but they were just abdominal muscles that had been lost due to starvation, but now his lower abdomen is flat and even a little more prominent.

But generally speaking, Lin Qingshan's figure is still slim and tall. This is probably the physical talent of the original owner. He eats too much but doesn't gain weight. At most, his belly is a bit bulging...

While Lin Qingshan was chatting with Gu Qianli and Ayumi Ito...

Suddenly, there seemed to be some quarrel and noise in the car in front of them on the subway.

It seemed like two aunts were arguing, and then there seemed to be an uncle's voice helping one of the aunts.

The quarrel between the aunts and uncles was so loud that even Lin Qingshan could hear it from across the carriage.

He was a little curious and stood up to join in the fun.

"Qingshan...what are you going to do?"

Gu Qianli also stood up and asked.

"Should I go see what's going on?"

Lin Qingshan said curiously.

Then he immediately rushed to the car in front where the quarrel came from.

Gu Qianli and Ito Ayumi also quickly stood up and followed Lin Qingshan to the area where the quarrel occurred.

As Lin Qingshan walked forward, the sound of quarrels became more and more obvious.

Finally, he saw two aunts sitting in the front seat arguing, and then an old man in blue standing in front of one of the aunts in purple. They seemed to be a couple, arguing with another aunt in a plaid shirt. Lin Qingshan was very curious as to why there was such a quarrel.

Then he stood quietly and listened.

"How come you occupy two seats?"

The voice of the aunt in the plaid shirt was clearly heard by Lin Qingshan.

"Whoever is wrong should be justified."

The man in blue retorted.

The two continued to have a high-intensity battle.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, I'm telling you, I just have to tell you if I don't like it."

“It’s so much that I can’t stand it!”

"The social atmosphere is now being corrupted by some people!"

"Some people are so bad that one person occupies two seats..."

When this was said, Lin Qingshan probably heard it clearly. It seemed that the aunt in purple had more room to sit, and the aunt in plaid asked her to move some space.

As a result, Aunt Ziyi didn't want to do it, so a dispute broke out.

And the uncle in blue...he said something because he couldn't stand it, but the look in his eyes made it clear that he and Aunt Ziyi were married!
But it's still hard to say anything now.

But just then...

The uncle in blue said arrogantly, "I'm telling you, you can't care if I occupy ten seats if there's no one left!"

Lin Qingshan's eyes widened, good fellow, you occupy ten seats, right? !

He immediately took a step forward, under the strange looks of everyone and the stunned gazes of Gu Qianli and Ayumi Ito behind him.

When the old man in blue stretched out his hand and slapped him, he originally wanted to slap him back, but he was afraid that the old man would fight back later.

Then, out of nowhere, he slapped him again with his forehand.


Clear and loud slaps echoed in the car.

"Get out! It makes sense for you to occupy two seats!"

After Lin Qingshan finished slapping the old man, his face looked very righteous, his eyes widened, and he looked like an upright judge.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned, even Gu Qianli and Ayumi Ito were stunned on the spot.

Not to mention the other spectators, even the man in blue was confused.

Lin Qingshan suddenly came out to give him a competition. He didn't know Lin Qingshan, so everyone was confused.

"Hey, you kid..."

The uncle in blue and the aunt in purple both reacted and were a little angry, and didn't care about the aunt in plaid.

He came directly towards Lin Qingshan.

Lin Qingshan also ran back slightly, avoiding the angry blow from the blue-robed man.

But the man in blue was obviously extremely angry at this time, and he continued to chase Lin Qingshan.

"Wait! Hey, don't be impulsive!"

Gu Qianli and Ito Ayumi also panicked at this time, and quickly stepped forward to dissuade him.

"Okay! That's right!"

However, at this moment in the carriage, the passengers all around suddenly laughed and applauded.

"That's right, it's okay to occupy a seat. Will you die if you move your seat?"

"You also said that this is how the social atmosphere is ruined. You are the one who is ruining the social atmosphere!"

"Well done, buddy! You're awesome, you actually slapped me right after you said I'd slap you in the mouth."


The passengers were very happy at this moment, Lin Qingshan helped them do something that spoke directly from his heart.

However, at this moment, some "Edge Walker" fans in the carriage recognized Lin Qingshan, and they all looked at each other.

"Isn't that... Teacher Qingshan?"

(End of this chapter)

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