Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 125 Competitors

Chapter 125 Competitors (seventh update!)
However, Denji doesn't care at all about vulgar or noble reasons.

Even though one of his hands was cut off, he still tried his best to rush towards the leech demon.

"Everyone looks down on what I do..."

"What revenge..."

"What about protecting your family..."

"What about saving the cat..."

"This, this, that, that..."

"Your dreams are all great, how wonderful!"

"Let's just compare and see! Dream Battle!"

Denji's face was covered with blood and he rushed towards the leech demon angrily, and then made a speech that made people laugh to death——

"If I kill you! Then your dream is worse than touching your breasts!"

However, before Denji could rush to the leech demon, the chainsaw on his forehead penetrated the leech demon's body...


A slender flesh-colored tongue had already penetrated Denci's lower abdomen.

It's the leech demon's tongue.

At this moment, Denji seemed to have no strength to resist anymore.

He was like a BBQ meat skewer hanging on the leech demon's disgusting slender tongue.

The leech demon opened his mouth wide and said very politely, "I'm not welcome!"

It seems like he is about to swallow the electricity.

However, at this moment, a slender hand suddenly appeared on the screen on a tall building nearby.

The index finger and little finger of that hand are raised, the middle finger and ring finger are closed together, and the thumb is together.

Then he aimed at the leech demon that was about to swallow Denji in the distance...


Hayakawa Akira!
He used this gesture to close one eye and point at the leech demon, just when Zhou Wenwei didn't know what he was doing.

next moment……


Hayakawa Akira shouted softly.

Then...a huge fox head suddenly bit out!

He immediately bit off the head of the leech demon!
But instead of swallowing Denci, Denci's body flew out in mid-air.

The leech demon's head was in the fox's mouth, and he still looked confused, "Huh?"

At the same time, in addition to Hayakawa Akira, three new police demon hunters appeared closely behind Hayakawa Akira.

A man who, although he looked quite mature and had a scar on his face, was extremely nervous.

The other two are women, one of whom is particularly young and petite and wears a hairpin.

The remaining female demon hunter had short black hair and wore a black eyepatch covering her right eye.

She is obviously more experienced and calm than the previous two demon hunters.

Hayakawa Akira looked at the headless leech demon in front of him and ordered:

"The leech demon has been destroyed."

"The new person is responsible for escorting the survivors to evacuation."


The two demon hunters, who were obviously newbies, responded.

"Senior Himeno, can you help me take care of the demons?"

Hayakawa Akira said to the short-haired woman.

"no problem."

Ji Ye said with a smile. Then after Denci, Pava and Kitty were all sent to the hospital, the episode ended.

"This is the end of this story."

Zhou Wenwei found it quite interesting, "Haha, although it is not as interesting as "Edge Walker", this "Chainsaw Man" is quite funny. It seems that it has changed from a serious style to a comedy style?"

"But dreams really don't matter big or small or high or low."

He actually felt that this sentence was right.

No matter whether the dream is small, great, vulgar or noble, it is actually a dream.

They are all part of human desires, so there is no real distinction between high and low.

It’s just a matter of how deep your obsession is with your desires.

Next, Zhou Wenwei looked at another new comic.

This is a relatively good new comic series he recently found, called "The Gods".

After the second episode of "Protoss", the story begins to introduce the world view.

Casar College, which has its eyes on the loser Yang Mingfei, is actually not as simple as an ordinary aristocratic university.

Here...they are all fierce.

How fierce?
They are all hybrids with the blood of gods flowing in their bodies. Are they fierce or not?
In the academy, as long as you awaken your bloodline, even a seemingly weak girl can perform a slam dunk. Her running performance far exceeds the world record, and her strength level is comparable to that of King Hercules.

Moreover, this neurological school also believes that gods once ruled the world.

And humans are just monkeys who once suffered under the gods.

However, they feel that the gods are currently sleeping and will challenge human rule in the future.

And they themselves are a hybrid of humans and gods, demigod supermen with human hearts. The task of fighting the ancient gods can only be undertaken by them.

They train the best students and send them to all parts of the world to guard against the awakening of individual gods. If necessary, they formulate plans to kill gods so that those ancient gods who remain stubborn will continue to fall into sleep.

The poor boy Yang Mingfei turned out to be one of the best, known as an S-class hybrid.

However, this kind of plot and setting are indeed enjoyable and brilliant enough.

Especially there are many comic fans who can take on the role of Shai Zai, although... it's too funny that Shai Zai is sometimes inexplicably pretentious.

But it still has its flaws, allowing people to take part in it.

Therefore, after experiencing the slump in the previous chapters, the popularity of "Protoss" also suddenly rose, and it jumped to the top ten position.

The popularity of "Chainsaw Man" may be much lower than that of "Chainsaw Man", but you must know that "Chainsaw Man" actually still has the popularity bonus of "Edge Walker".

And more than two months have passed, and the popularity of "Edge Walker" has not dropped much.

This is because……

The animation of "Edge Walker" is already in production, which has attracted great attention from comic fans.

Naturally, this attention will be very hot for a while.

In this week's latest series of "Gods", the bad boy Yang Mingfei continued to show off his power and came to the campus. After seeing his crush Chen Nuonuo "killed".

Yang Mingfei immediately woke up, and relied on his accuracy that he had learned from playing the game, and killed the two giants on campus with two shots - the student union president Cesar Gattuso and the Lion Heart Club president Chu Zihan.

Although he later found out that this was the annual "Freedom Day" on campus and the bullet was a fake, the senior sister he had a crush on did not die.

But he still stole the show, especially when the teachers and students on campus knew that he was the only S-class hybrid in Casal College for ten years, which made him even more powerful.

Then the episode ends.

"This "Gods" is also very interesting, and it has a bit of science fiction flavor."

Zhou Wenwei is very interested. It seems that the demigod hybrids in the "Protoss" setting use firearms and science to kill gods.

It’s really curious, how to kill gods...

"Among the recently serialized works, it seems that the only one that can compare with "Chainsaw Man" is "Gods"."

"However, a copy of "Protoss" and a copy of "Chainsaw Man" happen to be about gods and demons..."

Zhou Wenwei said with great interest.

(End of this chapter)

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