Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 126: Using external forces

Chapter 126: Using external forces (third update)

"Sure enough, it's the "Dragon Clan" in the parallel world."

On the other side, Lin Qingshan also put down the magazine in his hand, scratched his head and said.

At present, it seems that in addition to the dragon clan becoming the god clan, the character names have also changed, and the rest has basically remained unchanged.

It’s still a familiar recipe and a familiar taste.

It's just that it's different from the "Dragon Clan" comics he's read. The style of this "God Clan" comic is more refined and closer to the Japanese comics from the previous life.

The most important thing is that the plot is the same as the novel, both are relatively slow and do not speed up the pace.

This filled him with interest.

He also sincerely hopes that "Dragon" in this parallel world, although it is a comic, will have a good ending.

at this time……

"I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards~"

The ditty of widowhood sounded. In the past two months, Lin Qingshan had already composed the music.

Then I asked the music production team of Trigger Animation to hire a well-known two-dimensional singer to record it.

Lin Qingshan was the first to use it as his ringtone.

He glanced at the phone, answered the phone, and said, "Moses Moses~"

"Teacher Qingshan, it's like this. I told you before that people from WB Pictures in the United States who are interested in "Edge Walker" have arrived today."

Ayumi Ito said directly, "If you have time to come to the company at noon tomorrow, can we discuss this matter together?"

Lin Qingshan thought for a while, he was actually very free now.

He has finished drawing the 58th episode of "Fire Fist". There should be no problem in finishing it before the animation of "Edge Walker" is completed.

At that time, before the animation of "Edge Walker" is produced, it will not be a problem to give it as a gift to the comic fans who support him.

"Okay, I'll just go there."

Lin Qingshan was uninterested.

After all, "Edgewalker" didn't have a movie in his previous life, so he didn't have any insistence on movies.


At noon the next day, after eating, Lin Qingshan took Pochita to the downstairs of Manjie Company by car.

The temperature in Shanghai has dropped recently, but fortunately there hasn’t been much freezing rain or snow.

So he wore only a coat and a coat besides his sweater. He also added a layer of "clothes" and four small shoes for Pochita before going out.

Then under the leadership of Ayumi Ito, Lin Qingshan once again entered the comic company.

This time it was Yang Dahai, the editor-in-chief, who took the initiative to greet Lin Qingshan!
"Teacher Aoyama!"

Yang Dahai extended his hand to Lin Qingshan very enthusiastically.

"Editor Yang, long time no see."

Lin Qingshan also responded politely.

"Haha, sit down, teacher, the people from WB Pictures will be here later."

Yang Dahai said with a smile, "But before that, I actually want to ask Teacher Qingshan what he thinks."

This film and television copyright incident for "Edge Walker" is very important to the comic industry company.

Because this is a major event that can further expand the international influence and popularity of the comic industry company.

So naturally even the editor-in-chief Yang Dahai was dispatched.


Lin Qingshan shook his head, "I don't have any ideas..."

In his previous life, "Edge Walker" only had animations, and there was also a native game "Cyberpunk 2077", so he was more interested in animations and games.

As for movies, TV shows, etc., he doesn't care.

But if he can make some money by selling the copyright, he can do it.

Who doesn’t want to have more money?

If you are not interested in money, you are either a liar or a saint.

Lin Qingshan thinks that he is vulgar and not a saint, so if he wants to make money or something, it is not shameful to say so.

"Actually, I think...if "Edgewalker" really wants to sell the film and television rights, it would be best to sell it to a film company that can make "Edgewalker" a hit and a hit."

Yang Dahai said at this time. "In this way, the fame of the movie version of "Edge Walker" will be fed back to your original work, teacher, and what it brings will not be as simple as just a little copyright fee."

Lin Qingshan originally thought it didn't matter, but after hearing this, he suddenly became thoughtful.

Yes, as the seventh human art, film has an extremely far-reaching influence.

Especially in today's technologically advanced contemporary society, the influence of movies has been extremely great.

It can be said that the influence of movies cannot even be compared to animations, comics, and novels.

Because of anime and manga, there may be biases and age restrictions.

Novels are also limited by language, cultural level, and audience.

But movies don’t have these limitations, and their influence is even greater.

If "Edgewalker" becomes a hit as a movie, it will indeed make the original work even more famous.

Just like after "Jurassic Park" became popular in the previous life, many movie fans went back and bought a whole set of "Jurassic Park" novels.

And Lin Qingshan's system mission just needs more popularity!

Now the system's popularity requirement for the mission "Edge Walker" has reached one million levels.

Subsequent animations and games will be released, which can increase its popularity.

But what about the over 100 million hits later?
That will definitely require external help again.

And movies...are indeed a good external force.

So Lin Qingshan thought a little about what Yang Dahai said.

When Yang Dahai saw this, he also smiled slightly. It seemed that what he said had touched Lin Qingshan.

at this time……

"The editor-in-chief, Mr. Qingshan, and the people from WB Pictures are here."

A staff member came in from outside and said.

"Okay, let's go meet the people from WB Films."

Yang Dahai said to Lin Qingshan with a smile.


Lin Qingshan nodded.

Then he followed Yang Dahai out and saw a group of foreigners walking towards them.

"Oh, my friend, welcome to the Manjie."

Yang Dahai took the lead and embraced the white-haired man in the lead.

He studied abroad in the early years, and his spoken English has not fallen behind. He also knows very well that this is how foreigners meet.

"This is our company's editor-in-chief, Yang Dahai."

The staff of Manjie Company introduced Yang Dahai to them.

"This is the head of WB Pictures this time - Miles Harlin."

"Oh, Chief Editor Yang, thank you very much for your warm welcome."

Miles immediately smiled and hugged Yang Dahai.

After the hug, Yang Dahai introduced to Miles and others with a smile on his face, "Come on, this is the original author of "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker" - Mr. Qingshan."

Miles and others looked at Lin Qingshan, very curious.

Mainly... Lin Qingshan looks too young.

In fact, the main reason is that Asians look relatively young. In the eyes of Europeans and Americans, Lin Qingshan looks exactly like a college student who has just entered college.

But soon, it became tradition to serve food wherever you meet someone.

"Oh, awesome. I like the work "Edgewalker" very much, and I am very familiar with Teacher Aoyama's name."

Miles smiled and said, "By the way, Teacher Qingshan, let me introduce you to a friend first..."

He looked behind him...

 Talking about the water problem, there is no way... maybe I don’t understand what people like to see, maybe it’s my own habits, anyway, I definitely didn’t mean to water on purpose (really, believe me), I’m very serious Writing.

  You can make some suggestions. The animations and games will be written in a few days, and then we will start to fix the updates according to the previously agreed time.

  If that doesn't work, you can skip ordering. I'll just update more and win by quantity.

(End of this chapter)

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