Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 127 Movie Demon

Chapter 127 Movie Demon
Chris Nolan looked at Lin Qingshan in front of him with sharp eyes. He took the lead in extending his hand and said hello, "Hello, I am Chris Nolan."

Yang Dahai was stunned for a moment, this name...

It couldn't really be the one he knew.

But now is not the time to think about this. He was about to translate for Lin Qingshan.

But Lin Qingshan also responded, "Hello, I am Lin Qingshan, the author of "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker"."

He spoke fluent English, with a vague accent of Xinxiang local Zhengbaiqi.

This made everyone present shine.

I didn’t expect that Lin Qingshan could speak English so well.

In fact, knowing English is not a big deal in the Republic. Chris Nolan’s self-introduction just now was also the simplest "I am..." sentence.

So Lin Qingshan could understand and had nothing to say.

But when he introduced himself, he spoke the English of "Cyberpunk 2077: Edge Runner" very fluently.

This proves that his spoken English is not bad.

The Republic can say that even those who have passed CET-4 or CET-6, or those who have extremely high English scores in the college entrance examination, may not necessarily be able to speak English.

Only after arriving at university, if the professional school is from the School of Foreign Languages, or if they study abroad and need to take IELTS or TOEFL, the oral expression of these students will be required.

However, Lin Qingshan is just a cartoonist. Does a cartoonist have any requirements for spoken language?
Not really.

Therefore, Lin Qingshan's fluent English is quite surprising.

Yes, after all, Lin Qingshan gained proficiency in official language interpretation from completing tasks in the system.

He can easily communicate and translate the official languages ​​commonly used by the United Nations.

English is also the official language of the United Nations, so naturally his English is pretty good.

Chris Nolan and Miles were even happier after knowing that Lin Qingshan had no communication barriers.

"Could this be..."

Yang Dahai looked at Chris Nolan with a smile and asked.

Although Chris Nolan has become one of the top famous directors, most people only have an impression of top famous directors by their names and may not necessarily know what they look like.

Moreover, there are many people with the same name in Europe and the United States. Among black men, there are not a hundred but eighty people named James.

Among white women, there are not a hundred people named Emily, but eighty.

Just like Zhang Wei and Wang Fang of the Republic.

It's inevitable that they even have the same last name.

"Yes, this is Chris Nolan, the chief director of "Inception."

Miles said, "Chris was really looking forward to getting this script."

"Then let's go in and sit down and talk."

Yang Dahai said with a smile at this time.

"no problem."

Miles and Chris both nodded.

Then they entered the conference room, all sat down, and started discussing.

"My friends, you should know the purpose of our visit this time."

Miles said directly, "We at WB really hope to reach a cooperation with your company and obtain the film and television rights of "Edgewalker"."

"Then how much money does your company plan to give? Will it be purchased separately for the film rights, or together with the TV rights?"

Yang Dahai asked directly with a smile.

“We want to get them all if we can.”

Miles doesn’t mince words.

They want movies and TV series from WB Pictures!

"What's the price?"

Miles thought for a moment and said, "How about $500 million?"

"$500 million for the film and television rights bundled together? Isn't it too little?"

Yang Dahai smiled and said.

"It's quite a lot. The film rights for "Cretaceous Park" are only US$200 million."

Miles said, "Five million dollars, bundled with film and TV series rights, is definitely very sincere." "Add two million more, and I don't believe that 'Edgewalker' is much worse than 'Cretaceous Park.'"

Yang Dahai spoke directly and said, "Besides, "Edge Walker" also has a market in the Republic. This is a sure profit for you guys."

"No, 700 million is too high, and there is nothing guaranteed to make money in a movie."

"The fixed price is 650 million, which is our bottom line."

"The most I can give is 50 more. It really can't be any more. We will also invest the budget in the special effects production of "Edge Walker"."


The two sides completely turned into merchants and customers selling clothes in the night market, bargaining in various ways.

This is a real mall, with a focus on simplicity.

"Six million! This is the most we can give!"

Myers finally said.


Yang Dahai was still a little embarrassed, "Actually, do you know how much Fox said he would give?"

"How many?"

Miles frowned.

"That's 800 million."

Yang Dahai said with a smile.

This is indeed not an alarmist statement. Fox does intend to pay US$800 million to acquire the rights to "Edgewalker".

Miles was sweating profusely and mentally scolding Fox for driving up the market price.

But when he saw the smile on Yang Dahai's face, he suddenly thought of something.

"But since you didn't reject our offer, it proves that you must have something in mind, right?"

Miles asked.

"Yes, in fact, there is no difference between the film and television rights of "Edge Walker" this time, 200 million more or 200 million less."

Yang Dahai said, "The most important thing we want is... a good movie."

"I understand, you want to use the "Edgewalker" movie to increase your reputation."

Miles suddenly understood.

"So... we can accept 600 million, but in one sentence, why?"

Yang Dahai spread his hands and said, "You need to give me... no, you should give Teacher Qingshan a reason."

He looked at Chris Nolan, and the answer was self-evident.

Chris Nolan looked at Lin Qingshan and said, "Actually... I read the entire "Edge Walker" comic no less than ten times before coming here."

"To be honest, I was shocked by Aoyama-sensei's crazy setting and talent."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Qingshan felt a little embarrassed.

“The meaning of prosthetic body modification and cyberpsychosis is not just human body modification, but as simple as a kind of mental illness.”

"Before it, most of the future worlds in any science fiction works were spotless, orderly, and full of machine worship. However, the future society in "Edge Walker" is different. It is damp and dark, with humanities and people's spirit. The world has collapsed, leaving only ruins and tragedy.”

Chris Nolan continued, "This is a weird, vast, tragic and romantic work with a strong narcotic effect. It is a masterpiece that contains madness that makes comic fans dizzy. I can only describe it with huge... success to describe it."

"That's why I wanted to make this work, because it can do so much more on film."

His eyes were fiery, "Like my "Inception" or "The Dark Knight", it can give the audience heavy thoughts and bring a new wave of thought to the movie and the world!"

Lin Qingshan blinked, hearing these words from Chris Nolan, he was willing to call Chris Nolan a movie devil!

 After reading the comments, maybe I was too anxious.

  Sometimes it’s hard to win everyone’s favor when writing a book, and everyone’s preferences are obviously different. I can only say that I’ll stick to my original ideas.

  Write the plot slowly, don't rush it, and update more at the same time.

  Write the original plot in detail, then write about the derived perceptions of readers, viewers, and industry personnel, and then occasionally write about daily and auxiliary plots.

  If you want to skip order, just jump in and just see what you like.

  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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