Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 136: Use Flame Fist on him!

Chapter 136: Use Flame Fist on him!
The memory scene ends and returns to the real timeline.

Ji Ye noticed the movement and said, "Qiu... is here."

I saw, with everyone watching, a door was opened.

Then there was a... head, a bloated head with one foot and one hand, which it used to crawl, appeared in front of them!
"This is the end of this story."

Zhou Wenwei was slightly startled by this weird thing, mainly because he was a little disgusted.

But overall, the plot of "Chainsaw Man" is still tepid.

But "Gods" is different. "Gods" is still making great progress, and the plot is getting higher and higher.

Some people even think that "Chainsaw Man" is the work of Lin Qingshan who has exhausted his talents.

Because it is true that "Chainsaw Man" does not have much plot points at present, it is mainly funny.

Even when the Bat Demon and the Leech Demon appeared, there weren't many surprises.

On the other hand, "Protoss" is different. The setting and plot are very interesting, although the story background of the academy is still a bit old-fashioned.

However, the combination of historical truth and falsehood, as well as the scientific argument of killing gods, make it very interesting.

Therefore, although the popularity of "Protoss" has not continued to reach the top, its popularity is very stable.

Looking back at "Chainsaw Man", there are already faint signs of instability in popularity.

But this is nothing to Lin Qingshan. The setting of "Chainsaw Man" is indeed not as direct and blockbuster as "Edge Walker".

The plot is also relatively slow, but why was "Chainsaw Man" such a success in its previous life?

There's a reason for that.

and so……

Just let the bullets fly for a while.

Moreover, for Lin Qingshan, there is another more important thing to do next.


"Teacher Aoyama, are you saying...that you plan to publish a single volume of the manga directly?"

Yang Dahai looked at the thick drawings in front of him and asked.


Lin Qingshan said with a smile, "This is a gift that I carefully prepared and drew for a long time to give to the comic fans before the "Edge Walker" animation and game are released!"

"A gift for...comic fans?"

This was the first time Yang Dahai heard that a cartoonist gave a gift to comic fans by directly publishing a complete single volume of a comic.

"This called "Fist of Fire"?"

He looked at the name on the drawing and said.

"That's right, Flame Fist!"

Lin Qingshan made a gesture of punching, "It means 'hurry up and use the flame fist on him'."

This name... is full of the flavor of ancient hot-blooded boy comics.

Yang Dahai was a little surprised. Did Lin Qingshan really draw an ancient-style passionate young man comic?

And didn't Lin Qingshan just serialize "Chainsaw Man" seamlessly before?

As we all know, serializing a comic, especially weekly serialization, already consumes most of the energy and time of the cartoonist.

Lin Qingshan is still serializing "Chainsaw Man", but does he still have time to draw another comic?

And looking at the number of drawings, it’s definitely not a short or medium-length comic.

This kind of drawing speed and quality of drawings are like a humanoid printer!

After Yang Dahai improved his evaluation of Lin Qingshan again without leaving a trace, he looked at the drawing.

"How about I see how it goes first and see if it can pass the trial, and then we can talk about the separate book?"

Yang Dahai asked.

This is indeed a normal process. They also want to see if Lin Qingshan has drawn anything or plot that cannot pass the review.

Otherwise, it will be directly used for printing and publishing, and they will not be able to live with it if something happens.

"Okay." Lin Qingshan smiled and nodded.

Then he left the sketch behind and left.

Yang Dahai also specially sent Lin Qingshan to Chengdu, and then asked someone to help scan the drawings into the computer.

He will watch it on electronic devices then.

After all, this is a cartoonist's original manuscript, so you can't just flip through it and read it.

But having said that... this drawing is really thick. Lin Qingshan just... moved it here by himself?
After asking his subordinates to scan all the more than a thousand pages of drawings for Chapter 83, Yang Dahai was not in a hurry to read it, but went to complete other daily tasks first.

The work content of the editor-in-chief is also very complicated, and it is impossible to be free all the time.

He has a meeting to hold in the afternoon.


Six pm.

The editorial department of Mangaijie Company ended its work today at a slightly leisurely pace.

Yang Dahai also saw that it was time to get off work and stretched, "Hmm~~~ It's finally time to get off work!"

Although he is the editor-in-chief, he is also very eager to get off work.

They are all working as laborers, so why are they doing this?
Unless there is really important work at hand that needs to be completed immediately.

Otherwise, Yang Dahai would not work overtime.

He also wants to set a good example for his subordinates. Otherwise, if he also curls up, wouldn't he lead the entire editorial department to curl up?
So he can't set such a bad example.

Soon, Yang Dahai picked up his briefcase and walked out of the office.

"By the way, take the manuscript of "Fist of Fire" written by Mr. Qingshan back home and read it tonight."

He remembered something again and went back to turn on the computer in the office.

In this way, he can log in remotely at night and read the "Fire Fist" comic manuscripts stored in the computer.

The company also has uninterrupted power supply at night. Although no one works here, the power supply is also uninterrupted.

The comic industry is not short of electricity bills.

After doing this, he left the office again.

"Editor-in-Chief, I'm leaving first."

Ayumi Ito has just prepared her things and wants to get off work.

"Okay, you can get off work."

Yang Dahai nodded with satisfaction, very good.

Ayumi Ito, who used to work overtime until ten o'clock at night, has finally gotten rid of the bad habits she brought from her hometown after working in Shanghai for more than a year.

I usually have nothing to do, just don’t work overtime.

If you work so much overtime, if you have a health problem, the company will have a big headache.

They are not a shady company like Arasaka Corporation in "Edge Walker".

Yang Dahai then walked to the company's underground garage, and then drove straight back home.

After enjoying dinner with his wife, son, and daughter, Yang Dahai logged into the company's computer remotely, and then opened the scanned copy of "Fire Fist" on the computer.

"Another work by Mr. Aoyama, let me see what's going on first."

Yang Dahai said relaxedly and freely.

He didn't plan to read all the manuscripts tonight, but planned to read part of them and then go to bed to rest.

"Fist of Fire", the cover shows a man with half his face burning with flames, looking seriously ahead.

Yang Dahai continued to look down.

The first official drawing of "Fist of Fire" shows a boy carrying a girl on his back through the snow in a stormy sky.

"Human beings who can use miracles since birth are called..."


(End of this chapter)

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