Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 137: Is the talent exhausted?

Chapter 137: Is the talent exhausted?

the next day.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Yanting opened her eyes in a daze. At this time, she should get up and make breakfast, and then send her children to school.


She habitually wanted to remove Yang Dahai's hand from under her neck when sleeping, but this time...

She didn't catch anything?
Zhang Yanting steeled herself and looked around, only to see that the bed beside her was empty.

"The sea?"

She was stunned for a moment, then called out tentatively and muttered, "Did you go to the toilet?"

But she suddenly thought about it, and it seemed that she didn't feel Yang Dahai coming back to sleep last night...

She panicked for a moment. Did Yang Dahai not come back all night?
So where did he go?
Yesterday, she remembered that Yang Dahai went to the computer study room after eating and taking a shower. He said he had some work to do, but...

Yang Dahai is not someone who will get off work all night after work.

Could it be that...he went out to fool around at night while he was asleep, and he hasn't come back yet?

Although Yang Dahai has always behaved very well over the years, he has never had any bad habits, and he has always behaved like a qualified husband and father.

But... her best friend said that the better a man behaves, the more problems he has.

He doesn't show it now, but that doesn't mean he has absolutely no problems.

When Zhang Yanting heard what her best friend said before, she just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

But now she discovered that Yang Dahai really didn't come back to sleep all night...

She panicked immediately...

Could it be that Yang Dahai really couldn't help showing off his flaws?
Otherwise, why didn't he come back to sleep all night?
Zhang Yanting became nervous instantly. She quickly stood up, vaguely angry, and planned to call Yang Dahai to find out where he was.

But just when she got up and went to the table to get her mobile phone, she saw... the computer study room opposite was still lit.

She was stunned for a moment, then came to the study room with her mobile phone.

Yang Dahai... is actually in the study room!
While Zhang Yanting breathed a sigh of relief, she saw that although Yang Dahai was neatly dressed at the moment, his eyes were bloodshot and he was looking at the computer screen in front of him dully.

She panicked again, came to Yang Dahai, and tried to shout, "Husband... Dahai? Yang Dahai?!"

Yang Dahai was still looking at the computer screen in front of him with bloodshot eyes, and suddenly began to mutter to himself, "Everything is meaningless."

"Thousands of years later..."

"Life will end..."

"Morality means nothing..."

"Identity has no meaning..."

"Belief is meaningless..."

When he said this, his body was shaking and he was breathing heavily.

The gasping sound was soft and heavy at the same time.

If it weren't for the silence nearby, Zhang Yanting wouldn't have been able to hear his slight gasp.

But Yang Dahai's breathing seemed to be breathing with all his strength, as if it was the last gasp of a dying patient burning all his life before death.

"Husband, don't scare me..."

Zhang Yanting was even more panicked. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with Yang Dahai.

At this time, she subconsciously saw the computer screen in front of Yang Dahai. On the computer screen, she saw a comic scene that seemed to be a scene from a movie theater.

A man and a woman were standing in the audience. There was no one around them, but they were looking at each other and smiling.

Is this... is it because of this comic that Yang Dahai became like this?
But looking at this cartoon, the scene is obviously very warm...

Zhang Yanting was a little confused, but now she turned around and paid attention to Yang Dahai, who was obviously in a bad state.

..."Congratulations to Teacher Itchy Rat, this week's popular "Protoss" still maintains the fourth place."

Yang Shuzhun's editor Gudean said to him with a smile on the phone.

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Gu."

When Yang Shuzhun heard the news, he showed a satisfied smile and hung up the phone.

Although "Protoss" still ranked fourth.

But he doesn't feel disappointed. After all, "Protoss" is still quite flat at the moment, except for the small climax of the Bronze City God-Slaying Operation.

So it is normal that the popularity has not increased.

Even the popularity has not dropped, which is enough to prove that the popularity of "Protoss" has stabilized.

This also proves that his plot arrangement is correct.

Next, there is another good start to the show.

It's just that he now knows better than to cut characters like Ye Sheng and Yaji who were only temporarily created as he did before.

Although it will attract attention and heated discussion among comic fans, it is not enough.

The level of characterization of Ye Sheng and Yaji is too low, and their death and exit have not caused much emotion and sadness among comic fans.

It must be like Mann and Dorio in "Edge Walker", who spent a lot of time creating a three-dimensional and popular character that comic fans will like.

Finally, let them make a tragic exit, so that the comic fans will have more feelings and a bigger reaction!
So... we can't just focus on the protagonist now.

It is necessary to shape other characters as well so that they can be better dealt with in the future.

Yang Shuzhun already had an idea in his mind and decided to shape the other characters well.

"Then... let's arrange a good show within the academy."

he said confidently.

Next, let's shape up several important supporting characters. If his protagonist is Shao Zai... forget it, let him grow up later.

For now, he can just continue to be a young boy who won't grow up.

Yang Shuzhun planned everything next in his mind, and then looked at what he put aside...

"Edgewalker" complete six single volumes.

He is feeling a little emotional now, not about "Edge Walker", but feeling...

"It's a pity, the plot of "Chainsaw Man" is really disappointing."

Yang Shuzhun shook his head, "Is "Edge Walker" really your peak work? Now you have exhausted your talent?"

To be honest, he was looking forward to "Chainsaw Man" at first.

He even has the idea of ​​learning the plot and setting of "Chainsaw Man" like he did "Edgewalker".

So recently, he has been watching the plot trend of "Chainsaw Man" in his free time.

However, after talking so much, he could only say that both the setting and the plot were mediocre.

The character design is quite interesting, especially the heroine Maqima. I have to say that the red-haired queen is really in line with Yang Shuzhun's XP.

And the ambiguous scene with the protagonist is also tense enough.

But if it were just that, it would still be inferior to his "Protoss".

After all, the next plot of "Protoss" will be one climax after another.

"If you continue with this plot."

Yang Shuzhun looked at the single volume of "Edge Walker" and seemed to be talking to Lin Qingshan, "I will win next."

 Recommend a copy of the latest masterpiece "Comprehension Against Heaven: Starting from Comprehension of the Immortality Kung Fu" by my friend Wei Yuan Zi Ye.

  The old author is hitting the new book list. Brothers and sisters who like Eastern fantasy can click on the direct link below.

(End of this chapter)

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