Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 138 Sunny and cheerful Lin Qingshan

Chapter 138 Sunny and cheerful Lin Qingshan
"I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards~"

The phone rang, Lin Qingshan picked up the phone, took a look, and then answered the phone.

"Hello, Chief Editor Yang?"

However, there was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and then Yang Dahai's somewhat hoarse voice came, "Teacher Qingshan..."

"You really... hurt me..."

Lin Qingshan blinked, and then thought of something, "Oh, Chief Editor Yang, you have finished watching "Fist of Fire", right?"

"how do you feel?"

He was very much looking forward to Yang Dahai's reaction.

"Fist of Fire" is the ultimate work that will definitely make people applaud after watching it. After Yang Dahai watched it, he must also think "Fist of Fire" is very good-looking.

"It feels... not very good..."

Yang Dahai said weakly.


This was something Lin Qingshan didn't expect. "Fist of Fire"...could it be rated so low in Yang Dahai's eyes?

"What's wrong with "Fire Fist"?"

He became even more curious. Could it be that Yang Dahai had a different opinion?

"No... "Fist of Fire" is a very good work, but I'm not... very good."

Yang Dahai looked at the "Fire Fist" drawings in front of him and said with a trembling voice.

That night, he planned to go to bed after reading the first part of "Fist of Fire".

As a result...the more you look behind, the more out of control you become.

What "survive", what "people need not only food, but also hope" to live, what "pain comes from knowing the world too well"...

It was so painful for him to watch, but he still had to watch.

Just like the protagonist Agni, living is a kind of torture for him. He hopes that he will die, and Yang Dahai, a spectator, also hopes that he will die.

But he just wants to continue living under everyone's hope of "living on."

The same was true for Yang Dahai. Although he was exhausted physically and mentally, he felt like there was a flame burning in his body all the time.

But he just wanted to continue watching "Fist of Fire".

After watching "Fist of Fire", he was at a loss again.

The more I understand this world, the more painful it becomes.

After Yang Dahai watched "Fist of Fire", he became completely depressed.

And after watching "Fist of Fire", he was sure of one thing...

Lin Qingshan... is very dangerous!

His mental state allowed him to create the work "Fire Fist". He definitely has a mental problem as said on the Internet!
And it's not a general problem, it's not as simple as cognitive impairment as mentioned in the previous physical examination report.

The person who created the comic "Fist of Fire", if you say he committed suicide the next moment, Yang Dahai will believe it.


Lin Qingshan was a little unexpected when he heard Yang Dahai's response.

However, he soon remembered the common reaction that ordinary readers would have after reading "Fist of Fire" in the previous life.

But that's okay, that's normal.

"Don't worry, that's a normal reaction."

Although he thought it was a normal phenomenon, Lin Qingshan still comforted him softly, "Chief Editor Yang, go take a nap and then you'll feel fine."

"Is everything going to be fine after just a nap?"

Yang Dahai smiled bitterly.

Putting aside the issue of sleeping or not, "Fire Fist" has so much stamina, how could it be possible that it would be fine?

"Teacher Qingshan, "Fist of Fire"... is a very good work."

Yang Dahai said tactfully, "But I think... this kind of work is still a little too early for comics."

Yes, no matter what, Yang Dahai recognized in his heart that "Fire Fist" is a good work.

Could it be bad?

They have broken away from the limitations of comic works and have risen to the level of philosophy.

That's really good, but...

You draw it so well, you plan to give it as a gift to comic fans...

Have you considered the feelings of comic fans?
"I think it's okay." However, Lin Qingshan said with a smile, "Everyone should like this work very much. This is the best gift for everyone."

"Teacher Aoyama..."

Yang Dahai also planned to persuade him.

But Lin Qingshan said firmly, "No matter what, "Fist of Fire" is a gift I want to give to everyone, so if Chief Editor Yang and the comic industry are unwilling to publish it, I can find other publishing houses to publish it at my own expense. "

After hearing what Lin Qingshan said, Yang Dahai also took a deep breath.

In this case...he has no reason to persuade.

After all, if he doesn't help publish "Fist of Fire", Lin Qingshan will publish this comic work at his own expense.

"All right……"

Yang Dahai silently mourned for the comic fans.

But forget it, just think that Lin Qingshan’s comic fans can watch "Fist of Fire" like him and feel his pain.

That's a good thing too... isn't it?

Anyway, we can't let him suffer like this alone.

After finding this reason, Yang Dahai suddenly became enlightened.


On the other side, Lightspeed Development Company.

"What have you been doing?!"

An angry voice came from the phone, "You took money from home and threw it away again, you prodigal son, I shouldn't have let you start a business in the first place!"

Liang Zhiyuan put the phone slightly away to prevent his father's voice on the phone from deafening his ears.

"Dad, I'm doing something amazing!"

After his father Liang Jianlin finished scolding him, Liang Zhiyuan said helplessly, "Don't worry... I will definitely succeed this time!"

He is very confident now. After all, the current "Cyberpunk 2077" is about to be completed, and the degree of completion is definitely very high!
However, "Cyberpunk 2077" has not yet been officially launched and has achieved good results.

So his tone still sounded a little weaker. The most important thing is...

In order to develop "Cyberpunk 2077", after he spent all his small treasury, he also took R&D funds for two small goals from his family.

So he really has no confidence.

"When did you not say that you would definitely succeed?"

Liang Jianlin snorted coldly and said, "Let me tell you, if you fail again this time, you should just go back home and inherit the group's work worth hundreds of billions."

It's not that he doesn't allow Liang Zhiyuan to have his own ideas.

But if Liang Zhiyuan fails too many times, it would be better to go back to work for him.

"……it is good."

Liang Zhiyuan was silent for a long time before finally speaking.

"Humph, you can take care of yourself outside."

Liang Jianlin didn't say much more, "Don't mess around outside. You're not allowed to damage your body or anything like that. It's best to find a good girl."

Finally he hung up the phone.

When Liang Zhiyuan heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

But I still feel warm in my heart, but's time to test the results.

He doesn't want to go home and inherit his family's hundreds of billions of wealth and become a rich second generation who is just waiting to die.

He wants to be like his father... a rich man!
Liang Zhiyuan walked out of the office with great ambitions and came to the game development department where Wang Weijie worked.

"Weijie, how is the development of "Cyberpunk 2077" going now?"

He looked at Wang Weijie and asked.

"It has been completed. There are no major problems during the testing phase."

Wang Weijie said.

"Now we can start preparing for the publicity work."

Liang Zhiyuan said with great expectation, "But according to Teacher Qingshan, can it be linked with the "Edge Walker" animation?"

"I wonder how the animation of "Edgewalker" is going."

 There are still three chapters left. I will write them tonight before posting them. Something happened today that delayed my morning update.

  Next up is "Fire Fist", anime and games, so pick up the pace!

(End of this chapter)

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