Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 147 Brother, stay alive! !

Chapter 147! ! (Original) (Please vote for me!!)
The setting of the first episode of "Fire Fist" is very simple.

The narration at the beginning tells comic fans that the world in this comic is shrouded in ice, snow, hunger and madness because of a well-wisher known as the "Ice Witch".

Among them, some special humans with special abilities were born, called "blessers".

The male protagonist Agni and his sister Luna are one of them. They are running away for some reason in the ice and snow.

But in the end they were rescued by the elderly in a small village and lived here.

However, what Fan Siwei saw was the opening lightning strike.

I saw the brother and sister from the beginning of the first episode. At this moment, the sister was holding an ax above her brother's arm.

"Luna, chop it down in one go, neatly!"

"Don't try too hard! Brother!"

During the conversation between the two, Luna aimed at Agni's arm and struck it hard with an axe!

"Ahhhhhhh it hurts!"

Agni shouted in pain.

Fan Siwei was confused. In the beginning, the male protagonist... broke a hand?

Or proactively?
However, the conversation between Luna and Agni continued, letting him know.

It turns out that Agni and Luna are both regeneration blessings, that is, they are born with powerful regeneration abilities.

Agni's regeneration ability is the most powerful, while her sister Luna's regeneration ability is slightly weaker.

That's why he took the initiative to cut off his arm, because it would take a long time for Luna's regeneration ability to regrow an arm.

The next moment, a new and complete arm grew out of Agni's broken arm.

Fan Siwei didn't know what to say, it was so unexpected.

The purpose of his amputated hand was actually very simple, which was to save people.

Quite like Christ and Buddha.

And maybe even greater than that.

Agni sacrificed his life to save others, which made him even more great.

But it's still very unexpected...

Something that ordinary people would never dare to think about.

Is this cyberpsychosis?
But even so, there are still some old people who insist on the bottom line as human beings.

Without accepting Agni's kindness, as the food finally ran out, cold and hunger swallowed up the last vitality of those old people.

Agni and Luna both felt very sad.

Only the old people still alive in the village thought that this old man was great and made up their minds.

"Everyone, we must not bow to death!"

"Even if we have to endure all other pains, we must never lose to death!"

This is really... the most noble courage of mankind is to dare to face the fear of death!

Fan Siwei couldn't help but stand in awe, not just anyone could face the fear of death.

It is precisely because of this kind of courage that those brilliant heroes in human history were born, and that civilization, country and nation can be sustained!
At the same time, the brother and sister Agni and Luna also showed a deep relationship that is typical of orthopedics.

Just... very straightforward.

They went hunting together in the jungle outside the village, but at this moment...

The sound of engines roaring could be heard in the sky.

"That's...a plane?"

Agni was shocked and ran back towards the village, "That is the direction of the village."

Armed soldiers with guns disembarked from the plane.

The soldiers behaved in a vulgar manner, but the leader was very polite.

Agni and Luna also quickly returned to the village at this time to face Agni's inquiry.

The leader of the soldiers introduced himself, "My name is Dema."

"...We are not here to cause trouble. Our house was burned down due to the war nearby. I happened to see a village here and wanted to come over to borrow some gasoline and food."

However, Agni didn't like him at all, "We don't have anything extra here. Here it is, go away! And take your hands away!"

But Dema didn't look offended at all and said, "Sorry, we'll get our own food."

"In return, I can make you a resident of Besim Druk."

"Besim Drucker?!"

"Besim Druk is the country of freedom created by our king, and it is now recruiting young people like you."

"As long as you have the ability, anyone can become a successful person regardless of age, and you can even have slaves."

"When we prepare our combat power, we can defeat the Ice Witch and restore the world to its original state!"


After saying these words, Fan Siwei's eyes showed a look of understanding.

It seems that the protagonist will join this powerful force next, and then embark on the road to defeat the villain Ice Witch's forces, and finally defeat the Ice Witch, right?

It's really... a very "royal" plot direction.'s still a little strange that Besim Drucker, who claims to be a country of freedom, actually said that "you can still own slaves."

A free country that still retains slavery does sound a bit like Ami's style back then. But then, the plot took a sudden turn for the worse.

Because... Besim Druk's soldiers found the severed arm that Agni gave to the old people in the houses in the village!


As the soldier shouted.

Suddenly, Dema seemed to have "misunderstood", "We retreat, there is nothing in the village here!"

"These villagers are no longer human!"

Even though Agni tried hard to explain, Dema didn't change her mind.

"What do you want to do?"

Agni saw Dema extending her palm towards Agni and everyone in the village on the plane, and couldn't help but become frightened.

"My fire doesn't go away until it burns something."

In an instant, horrific flames swept through the entire village.

Let the entire village turn into a sea of ​​fire and purgatory!
Everyone will be burned to death by Dema's flames.

However...Agni and Luna are the worst offenders because they are the Rebirth Blessers.

The flames burned their bodies, and when they were burned to ashes, their bodies began to regenerate.

Repeatedly like this, this is simply the most cruel punishment in the world.

This reminded Fan Siwei that in mythology, there are eighteen levels of hell in Hades, including the volcanic hell.

Those who enter the volcanic hell will be driven into the volcano and burned alive without dying. Their bodies will be burned by the flames all the time, and they will feel the pain of burning their bodies.

Agni and Luna...don't they seem to be in such a hell now?
However, at this time, Agni still kept asking the gods, "Please bless Luna from the flames, please bless Luna to survive safely!"

In the extreme pain of the flames burning his body and the body constantly regenerating, Agni finally discovered it.

"When the brain refuses to regenerate the arm, the arm turns to ash and does not regenerate."

"I found a way out of this pain."

"If you die, you will be free..."

However, just when Agni was ready to embrace death calmly and usher in liberation...

Luna, who was almost on fire, suddenly struggled to crawl towards him.

"elder brother!!!"

Luna was about to burn to ashes because her regenerative power was weaker than Agni's.

"How cruel, but this way the family can be reunited."

Agni imagined those beautiful scenes of reunion.

But at this moment, Luna's body, which was almost burned by the flames and no longer looked like a beautiful girl, crawled to Agni's side with difficulty.

She touched Agni's fist with her hand, and then said to him in a hoarse voice...


Then, Agni saw Luna being completely burned to ashes, and finally dissipated in the ice and snow!
Even watching this scene, Fan Siwei felt severe pain in his heart.

Those three words "live on" are even more striking!
For the first time, he felt that the words "live on" were so heavy!

However... Fan Siwei also hopes that the protagonist Agni can survive at this moment, and then... go find revenge on that damn Dema and that damn Besim Druk!

But... Luna's words of "live on" made Agni completely lose the idea of ​​relief from death.

His body began to be covered in the flames of revenge, and he gradually adapted to Dema's flames.

It took Agni eight years to finally master the use of his regenerative powers, then remove the flames from his face and focus them on his body.

At the same time, Agni made up his mind to find Dema and burn him and kill him in the most cruel way!

"Use this fist to turn him into ashes!"

It is with this idea in mind that Agni keeps moving forward in the ice and snow.

Then the soldiers of Besim Druk were found.

These soldiers of Besim Druk captured many innocent people, seemingly as slaves, humiliated these slaves in every possible way, and even brutally killed them in the end.

At this point, Fan Siwei was basically sure that Besim Drucker was definitely not a good person!

Definitely similar to Ami, both of them appear to be sanctimonious on the surface, but in fact they commit all kinds of crimes including burning, killing, looting and looting!

Among these innocent people, the little "girl" Sang faced the guns in the hands of the soldiers and prayed to the gods.

at this time……

Agni appears!

His body was burning with fire, and he knocked down those nasty Besim Druk soldiers with one punch!
"This is the end of this story."

Fan Siwei didn't pause at all. Because it was a single book, he could continue reading the next chapter, one after another.

The past before Agni and Luna escaped, the story after saving San and other innocent people, and the attack by Besim Druk soldiers again. After that, Agni was believed by San and other people as a god... …

These stories deeply attracted Fan Siwei and made him unable to stop reading.

 Thanks to book friend Qing Yunyi for the 5000 starting coin reward!
  I think it is necessary to write the first chapter of "Fire Fist" in detail here. After all, it is the origin of everything. Three words allowed Agni to live until the beginning of the destruction of the world, so I used a few more words to write it.

  This will also happen later, the original plot content that is not very important will be omitted, and the original plot content that is very important will be written in detail!
  Book friends who have read it feel dissatisfied and can skip this chapter. I am already prepared to be skip-subscribed.

  Finally, continue to ask for monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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