Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 148 You are a bit too extreme

Chapter 148 You are a bit too extreme (original)
Fan Siwei is not the only one who is watching "Fist of Fire". After all, Lin Qingshan spent his own money to give away 10,000 sets of "Fist of Fire".

Before sending it out, all major bookstores also put the single volume of "Fire Fist" on the shelves.

Some of Lin Qingshan's loyal fans also chose to buy "Fist of Fire" with their own money after learning that they were too late and failed to "win" "Fist of Fire".

They are all reading the story "Fist of Fire" at the moment.

But there are also a few people who are not fans of Lin Qingshan and bought the single volume of "Fire Fist" with their own money.

For example... Yang Shuzhun, right now, he is looking at "Fist of Fire" to see what kind of comics Lin Qingshan, the competitor he regards as his lifelong enemy, will create this time.

He continued to read, although Agni saved Sang and the people in the village.

But everyone knows that Agni did not take action to save talents.

He is out for revenge.

However, Sang, who was saved from a desperate situation, regarded Agni as the savior and the god of the world, and began to follow Agni all the way.

But Agni didn't want Sang to follow him, because he was not a god in Sang's eyes.

He's just a poor Avenger.

Isn't it pitiful for those who choose to live for the sake of revenge and have the meaning of living?

That's why Agni did not hesitate to take action when faced with Sang's request before he was about to be killed by Besim Druk's soldiers: "If I die, please live with me." Save Sang.

Because he no longer wants to live with the hopes of others.

He died after trying to kill Dema.

Yang Shuzhun felt a little heavy when he saw this.

In fact, according to his values, death is the heaviest thing.

Because when a person dies, there is nothing, so no matter what, living is the most important thing.

That's why the male protagonist of "Gods" has a special voice called "Don't Die".

But whether he is watching "Edge Walker" or the current "Fist of Fire".

The values ​​Lin Qingshan wants to expound in it are completely opposite to him.

In "Edgewalker" David dies but Lucy survives alone; in "Fire Fist" Luna dies but Agni lives alone.

The most painful person is the one who survives in the end, so it seems that in Lin Qingshan's values, death is not painful, but living is the most painful.

This made Yang Shuzhun disagree, but he could still feel the pain of Agni in "Fist of Fire".

It was as if a raging fire was burning through the whole body and inside.

In the comic, just when Agni and Sang thought they were safe...

But at this time, Besim Druk's soldiers attacked again.

However, Agni did not take any precautions and was directly beheaded by a soldier of Besim Druk!

But Agni was still not dead, and his severed head was still burning with flames.

At the same time, he saw... the person who cut off his head, after taking off his mask, turned out to be...


Agni said incredulously.

Yes, the person who cut off his head had the exact same face as his sister Luna!
However, this person is not Luna resurrected from the dead, but Besim Druk's soldier-Yoda.

Agni and San were then taken back to Besim Druk's stronghold.

Because Sang possesses the rare blessing ability of electric discharge, he was caught in a special place.

Here, he met the girl Nanette, who was also a slave.

At the same time, the true face of Besim Drucker is also shown here.

It turns out that the Ice Witch was Besim Drucker's lie, and that the world actually entered an ice age.

This is why the world falls into cold, hunger and madness.

Soon if this continues, human civilization will be destroyed.

So Besim Druk's executives created a lie - it was the Ice Witch who destroyed the world.

And on the pretext of fighting against the Ice Witch, he gathered "well-wishers" from everywhere.

Only when the "Blessers" came to Besim Druk did they realize that they were not here to defeat the Ice Witch.

They are the ones being exploited, and Sang and other well-wisher slaves must contribute resources to Besim Druk 22 hours a day.

San and Nanette were not going to just sit there and wait for death, so they planned to stun Jack, the soldier guarding them.

But unfortunately at this time, another brother Ivan who was looking after Jack came in. Sang's legs were cut off by him with an axe. The two brothers subdued the two and decided to let Sang become...

Bessim Drucker's fuel.

What is firewood?
They are directly fixed to the bed and forced to continuously output electricity until they die.

"It's such a crazy world." Yang Shuzhun couldn't help but frown and said.

The world view of "Fire Fist"... is really too crazy and dark.

The whole world is one big lie, and then the higher-ups feed on the lies.

It's even crazier than the cyberpunk worldview of "Edge Walker", after all, no matter how dark Night City is.

It still maintains its brilliance on the surface.

Just like one is a sanctimonious gangster in a suit, and the other is a desperate desperado.

Apparently the desperados look crazier.

Lin Qingshan's current works "Edge Walker", "Chainsaw Man" and now "Fist of Fire" actually have very distinct personal characteristics.

That's madness.

Madness that is different from ordinary people.

Whether it is the setting of abandoning one's own body and then transforming it into a prosthetic body, or the sudden bloody fight, or the opening scene of "Fist of Fire" in which Agni breaks his arm to save people.

They are all crazy settings that ordinary people would hardly think of.

It's not unexpected, it's just that everyone seems to have a bottom line and won't design the plot like this.

In fact, when Yang Shuzhun was watching the plot of "Chainsaw Man" during this period, he felt that Lin Qingshan did not seem to have the crazy feeling when he was painting "Edge Walker".

Now that I have seen "Fist of Fire", think about it carefully...

Maybe it's because Lin Qingshan restrained himself when creating "Chainsaw Man"?
This is probably why the current plot of "Chainsaw Man" is so bland.

Even comparing the world view and storyline of "Fire Fist", maybe the setting of "Edge Walker" is not that extreme...

"Edgewalker": You are a bit too extreme.jpeg
Yang Shuzhun was immediately full of expectations for "Fist of Fire" and continued reading.

He continued to read, and at this moment, a brand new strange character appeared.

Her name is... Togata, but at the beginning she seemed to be facing the camera and introducing herself, "I am Togata... My name is Togata!"

"My favorite movies include... Home Alone, Star Wars, The Dark Knight, Inception... Oh, I like a lot of them anyway!"

"Speaking of movies... movies, let's cut this part out and re-record it..."

"Movies are a remnant of a time when there were no well-wishers..."

"...But my house was burned down by Bessim Drucker! All the films were burned down, so I can no longer watch movies..."

"...I absolutely can't bear to watch a movie without it!"

It can be seen that she is definitely a serious movie fan.

However... in this period of ice age and the end of mankind, the setting of the character is always a bit confusing.

After she said a lot of messy words, after talking about Agni being caught by Besim Druk.

Togada said very exaggeratedly, "The man Besim Drucker's guys arrested after that..."

"You are still alive even though you only have a head. Are you a blessinger with the ability to regenerate?"

"There is also an appearance that is incomprehensible..."

"For example, he has eyes like Zorro, his body is like a human torch, and he's naked and his nails are burning!"

"After all, he is a man who is always on fire."

"In this world covered with white snow, it is reflected in red by such flames. I have never seen such a blessing ability!"

"By the way, why is he burning?"

"Why are you naked?"

"Why were you caught by Besim Druk's people?"

Amid a series of questions murmuring to himself, Togada's eyes were full of excitement.

She finally said, "...So I made a decision! Let him be the protagonist of my movie! I will be the director!"

"I can make the movie myself, can't I do that?!"

"...and the name of the movie...mysterious story...the truth in the snow...the plan...the flame plan..."

"Fire flames and ice... crimson... crimson death flames... raging flames... flaming fist..."

Finally, with Togata's excited smile, she confirmed the name of the movie.

"'s decided, just call..."

"Fire Fist!"

 I like many plots of Fist of Fire... so I will be writing the original plot for a long time. If you have watched it, you can skip it~ But I estimate that it will only take these two days to write the important parts of the original plot, and then start directly." Comic Review” session is here!

(End of this chapter)

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