Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 152 Correct Education

Chapter 152 Correct Education (Original)
"I also hate it when others worry about me..."

Togata glanced at Agni and said.

But she accepted it happily in the end, "You... you are still a stupid kid... you don't look like a god at all..."

"...Just call me sister."

At the end, Togata sat next to Agni and said.

At this moment, she suddenly took out a cigarette from her arms, took out her lighter and slowly lit it.

Seeing Gu Qianli here, he couldn't help but feel a little strange...

It seems... Qingshan likes cigarettes very much?

After all, there are very attractive female characters in Lin Qingshan's works.

Whether it's Lucy, the heroine in "Edge Walker", or Qiwei, Lucy's friend and mentor.

Or the Himeno-senpai who appeared in "Chainsaw Man" and the current Togada in "Fire Fist".

They all like to smoke.

It can’t be a coincidence that the cigarette element appears so many times.

So is Lin Qingshan really..., she and Lin Qingshan have been together for so long, but she has never seen Lin Qingshan smoking.

Not to mention the way he looks when he smokes, even the smell of cigarettes is not on him.

So Lin Qingshan... likes girls who can smoke?
Gu Qianli suddenly had some thoughts in his mind...

Not only her, but comic fans also seem to realize this about Lin Qingshan.

The plot in the manga continues, with Togata and Agni continuing to talk.

However, after this, Agni said to Togada, "I'm going to see Dema."

Dema's flame is still burning on his majestic body, seeming to tell Togada next to him that the desire for revenge that once drove him to this day has not ended until this moment.

"I end revenge once and for all."

Agni said.

Looking at Agni's back, Togata said, "Yes."

"I'll go back."

After that, Togada took Agni back to Besim Druk's former stronghold.

They found Besim Druk's former soldiers. Although the soldiers were very afraid of Agni, they still helped them find Dema.

However, at this moment, Dema has already turned into a look of embarrassment with a full beard, and is no longer as high-spirited as she was at the beginning of the story.

Everyone looked at this scene, thinking that Agni could finally complete his revenge happily.

"Just like this...let this end..."

Chen Wenrui looked at this scene with complicated eyes, although the story of "Fire Fist" was not over yet.

But he extremely hoped that Agni could complete his revenge at this moment.

It's just that he hopes this, not out of the desire for gratification, but out of thought...

This should give Agni some relief.

No more... being tortured by the pain of revenge.

Even if he hadn't known about the plot of the fourth single volume of "Fist of Fire", he would have hoped that Agni would die after completing his revenge. was too painful for Agni to continue living like this.

In Chen Wenrui's view, although Agni has become a god, he is really just a mortal.

And living as a god meant nothing to Agni.

His code of conduct, his justice of not wanting anyone he cares about to die in front of his eyes, cannot become a god who is neither sad nor happy, and aloof.

So... just die happily after completing your revenge.

This is the best destination for Agni.

However, after Agni and Togata found Dema, Agni did not kill Dema directly.

Instead, he said, "Dema, I'm here to talk to you."

Dema readily agreed, and came to the frozen river with Agni. On the ice, Dema skillfully fished through the ice on the river.

"Aren't you here to talk to me? Tell me..."

Dema took the initiative and said to Agni.

Agni was silent for a while and then asked, "Why are you fishing?"

"I have 17 children here, and I fish to feed them."

Dema said, "I thought you were here to kill me. Then I would cry and beg you for mercy, because my death is related to the life and death of 17 other children."

Fan Siwei frowned when he saw this moment.

"Are you trying to blackmail Agni with this? What a bastard!"

He gritted his teeth, "Don't be soft-hearted! Agni! Just kill him!"

After talking so much, he deeply felt that the culprit of all this was Dema.

If it hadn't been for the things he did at the beginning, Agni would not have been in so much pain and could have continued to live with his sister and the villagers.

"But you came to talk to me. If you talk, you will be forgiven. No matter how long we talk, I will accompany you!"

"How can I forgive you?!"

Agni said angrily, "These are your flames!"

"No matter how much I want to forget, when I see these flames, the pain makes my brain boil and howl!"

However, under Dema's questioning, he did not take action.

This is naturally because of...the 17 orphans adopted by Dema.

Agni added, "You just said it! Your death is related to the lives of 17 other people!"

"I will take them to the village, where they don't have to worry about food!"

However, Dema's face was calm at this time. He looked at the angry Agni and said, "Do you want the children to eat meat?"①
"Yes! Eat the meat I provide!"

Agni said firmly, "They all survive by eating the meat provided, whether it's the villagers you killed or Luna, they are all!"

"We didn't kill anyone!"

"But it was all because of your misunderstanding that you set the village and Luna on fire, burning everything to the ground!"

However, at this time, Dema replied calmly, "I did not misunderstand."


Agni was in disbelief.

"Agni, what do you think everyone lacks most nowadays?"

After Dema asked, without waiting for Agni's response, she added, "It's neither the warming climate, the endless food, nor the gods..."

"But...correct education."

Dema was telling Agni her original idea of ​​doing this, "What do you think a village that is used to eating meat will look like after you die?"

Agni guessed and said, "I will starve to death..."

"They won't die."

Dema said firmly, "Life will not die easily."

"Even if you die, that custom will be passed down."

"In that case, they will attack others and kill others to continue the practice."

"Or... the village is killing each other and exchanging children for food."

Finally, Dema expressed her conclusion, "If there is no correct education, as the foundation of human beings, people will easily do things that cross the line..."

"If that's the case..."

"People cease to be people."

 Dema is not a pure bad guy, and his thoughts... I feel the need to write about it.

  ①: Stacked Armor, because the specific plot of the same genre cannot be written in too much detail, so I made some adaptations myself. Don’t ask why, it will be like this later.

(End of this chapter)

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