Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 153 Become a Flame Fist!

Chapter 153 Become a Flame Fist! (Original)
When Chen Wenrui saw this paragraph, he couldn't help but fell silent.

As an educator, he also has deep feelings about Dema's point about "correct education".

He even felt that what Dema said was right.

In fact, what Dema said is that people cannot lose the most basic morality as a human being.

That is behavior between the same kind and must not be allowed.

Otherwise, in this desperate environment, human beings will only kill each other until they are completely destroyed.

So even though Dema knew it was Agni's severed arm that he sacrificed his life on his own initiative, he still chose to destroy the village.

But is Dema really right?
Among Besim Drucker, he did not do anything right.

Following the orders of Besim Druk, a high-ranking official, he killed innocent people everywhere and captured slaves at will.

All this is far from being wiped away by his "correct education."

Blood debt is blood debt and cannot be erased!

However, in the face of Agni's accusation, Dema silently accepted it.

He said, "Agni... I am not blaming you. I have no right to blame you."

"It's not me with the right education who set you on fire, but me with the wrong education..."

Under Dema's narration, Bessim Drucker used third-rate films left over from the past and used the special effects to confuse the public.

Let them think that there is the existence of the Ice Witch, let them think that they have received inspiration from the gods, and go out to collect supplies and capture slaves.

And one day long after that, Dema discovered that it was all fake. Those images of gods performing miracles were all part of a movie.

So he just burned those movie reels.

When Togata heard this, he couldn't help it, because what Dema burned was...

Togata's home and videos of her home.

She directly pushed Dema to the ground and vented her anger with punch after punch.

However, Dema didn't resist, and he looked extremely pitiful now.

"Please... forgive me."

Dema just said extremely humbly.

He can obviously use his fire ability to resist Togada.

But he didn't, because he knew he had done a lot of bad things and could only ask for forgiveness.

And just then...

"Stay away from my teacher!"

A dozen children ran out from a distance, holding firearms to warn Togada and Agni.

Then they all protected Dema, who was now pitiful and looking very embarrassed.

"Don't bully the teacher!"

"Don't bully him!"

"That's it!"


The children shared the same hatred and stood firmly in front of Dema to protect him.

At the same time, Dema's face was still full of scars, and she said extremely humbly, "Please...please let me go..."

"You two, please let me go..."

"I know that I have done something unforgivable. I have done something that cannot be forgiven no matter how I try to make amends in this life..."

"But I can't die yet!"


After seeing these children protecting Dema, and what Dema said before.

Agni finally wavered, his reason told him.

Dema is not purely evil and cannot die.

Looking at those children, Agni felt that if he killed Dema now...

So what is the difference between him and the previous Dema?

So he said to Togata, "Togata, I no longer intend to kill Dema."

"Whether it's me or Dema, there are people we want to save..."

"I want to spend my life saving the people I want to save, and the same goes for Dema... That's it."

"Let's stop the matter of revenge..."

After saying that, Agni turned and walked outside.

"I want to go back."

But Togata didn't think so, "Is this enough for you? Are you satisfied with this?!"

"Will the dead Luna really be satisfied with this ending?" Agni stopped in place when he heard his sister Luna's name.

Then he turned to Togata and shouted, "Luna her!"

"Not someone who would be satisfied if someone died!"

After saying that, he was silent for a while and then said, "...I am the same way."

"Even if Dema dies, I won't be satisfied."

Dema, the child holding the gun, and Togata were all stunned by his words.

"Since you say so, let's stop here."

Togata said helplessly.

Agni and Togata slowly walked out, but Togata seemed to see that Agni was not so rational, so he still asked.

"Is this how your revenge preparation ends?"

Agni immediately asked, "If he were the protagonist...would he kill Dema like this?"

Comic fans feel a little stuck in their hearts at this moment. They thought it was a happy revenge, but in the end did Agni choose to forgive?
But...if you choose revenge, you will bear the weight of killing the 17 innocent children Dema adopted.

For Agni, this was something he absolutely did not want to do. Agni really willing to let go of his hatred at this time?

He and Togata were walking on the road, and Togata passed him, but he walked slower and slower.

Suddenly, a picture of my sister Luna appearing in her memories appeared.

Agni stood there, and then...more memories emerged.

In the memory, the villagers in the village were burning and wailing in pain, and Luna's face was peacefully sleeping.

The picture of real Agni begins to change in the comic's position.

He wanted to move forward, but the next memory picture appeared, and his position changed back to the left side of the picture.

It seems that the position on the left side of the picture is his sensibility, which wants him to turn around and kill Dema and his adopted child at all costs.

On the right is his reason, which allows him to put aside all hatred and start over.

Agni wanted to follow reason and he knew it was wrong to kill Dema.

But the painful memories of the past brought him back again with the sensibility he had tried so hard to suppress.

Pictures of memories appeared one after another, including Luna's peaceful sleeping face, and then the painful and ferocious look of Luna before she was finally burned to death.

Dema looked condescending back then...

The scene of young Agni looking up to him...

The flames swallowed up his original pain...

The self-satisfied smile of Dema who did all this in the first place...

Also, the scene of the child Dema adopted just now protecting him.

Finally, suddenly my sister Luna appeared in front of me.

Everyone knows that this is definitely an illusion.

But in the hallucination...

She looked at the blazing bonfire in front of her and said to Agni, "Brother, please."

"For me, kill Dema..."

"No... Dema is already regretting and reflecting..."

Agni said to Luna in the hallucination.

He can no longer tell whether this is an illusion or reality...

He really couldn't tell the difference!

"His regret was just an act..."

Luna in Agni's self-delusion said to him.


Agni was confused.

"Yeah, show."

Luna in the hallucination said, "Aren't the people around my brother like this?"

"But...but I am already the protagonist, a god..."

"Brother...for me."

In the hallucination, Luna continued to talk to Agni.

Finally she made a punching motion——

"Use Flame Fist on him!"①
 ① Stacked Armor: The correct translation of the original text is "Become a Flame Fist". I know this, but I think the translation of "Use a Flame Fist on him" is better and more meaningful, so I changed it to this!
  I was almost late for work this morning, so I didn't update it this morning. Next time... I'll try to update it as much as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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