Chapter 155 Live! (Original)

"What should I do if I go to the cinema?"

Agni stood in front of the cinema and remembered what Togata said before.

"First, after entering, go to the ticket office to buy tickets for the movie you want to watch."

At this time, Agni took out a movie ticket from his pocket.

"What happens after you buy it?"

"Then get some caramel popcorn."

"As for drinks, they will make you want to go to the bathroom during the movie, so don't buy them."

A bucket of popcorn appeared in Agni's hand.

"what's next?"


Guided by what Togata said before, Agni finally officially entered the screening room.

He found his place in the audience in front of the big screen.

But just then, Agni saw...

Sister Luna!

She was sitting in the audience, and she also spotted Agni at this moment, and then looked at each other and smiled.

Luna even put down the seat in the auditorium for Agni and motioned for Agni to sit next to her.

Agni was happily planning to come forward and sit next to Luna.

But just then...

A hand suddenly grabbed his collar and pulled him back!
Popcorn was scattered all over the floor.

Togata sat in the seat that belonged to Agni.

She started talking about why she liked movies.

"Agni, I think I will become a man one day."

“Be like the protagonist in the movie and help others.”

At this moment, the scene returned to reality, and Togata was seen hugging Agni who was burning again!

She saved Agni!

However, at the same time, she was also ignited by the raging fire in Agni.

Feeling the flame belonging to Agni on his body, Togada couldn't help but wonder how Agni could endure such pain.

At the same time, she was thinking that characters in movies would leave last words before they died.

So what kind of last words did he leave behind?
"We'll meet again in hell."

No, it seems there is no hell.

What she said before was that after death, people would go to the cinema.

So she thought again and said, "Become a cat..."


Neither does this sentence.


Finally, let’s talk about mother. It’s quite touching when the dying person talks about his mother at the end.

Although quite vulgar.

But it was decided.

However, Togata looked at Agni in front of him...

Suddenly I thought, "If I die, he will want to die too."

So she didn't want Agni to die, after all, she had to sacrifice her life to save it.


"Why must he live?"

"He has successfully killed Dema and can see his sister after death."

"He himself also wishes to die..."

"That's for sure, after all, living is hot and painful."

"To live is just to suffer..."

"But why must he live?"


Togata suddenly smiled, and then she finally said to Agni, "Ah...Gni..."

Agni looked at Togata who was gradually being burned to death in front of her, and watched as she said her last words to him——


Then Togata died completely, without any breath of life.

However, Agni looked at Togata in front of him in disbelief. He asked loudly, "Why?"

"Why do this?!"

"Togata! Why do you do this!"

Togata... died like this? !
Fan Siwei couldn't accept it. He felt that he had lost the courage to continue and turn to the next page of the comic.

Togata died here directly in order to save Agni.

Agni survived because of this.

People who didn't deserve to die died, but people who deserved to die survived.

Agni... is the one who deserves to die the most!
Not because he does all kinds of evil, but because death is the best ending for him.

If Agni died here, Fan Siwei would only feel extremely happy and happy for Agni.

Because... I'm finally free.

It’s not easy. Even if “Fist of Fire” is not Agni’s story, he will happily accept it.

Don’t torture Agni anymore, don’t torture him anymore.

This is the first time that Fan Siwei feels that a protagonist is better dead than alive.

So let Agni be liberated like this.

Don't continue, because continuing is just torture.

But... Agni did not die, but Togata died.

Fan Siwei felt like his stomach was churning and spasming, and his body seemed to be burning like Agni.

Bitter water filled his mouth.

Why... why do you want Agni to live...

He had the same idea as Agni now, and he felt as if he was going crazy.

In the manga, Agni never gets an answer as to why Togada wants him to live.

So he could only hold Togata's body and walk in the snow.

Eventually he walked back to the Agni stronghold.

However, the village where the Agni Cult is located at this time...

It has been completely destroyed. Towering trees have grown up on the ruins of the village, and countless branches and roots have grown out of the believers.

The believers seemed to have been swallowed up of all life, and their bodies became extremely dry.

The Ice Witch appeared in front of Agni at this moment. It was she who took Yoda and began to turn into a tree next to the Agni believer's village, draining the life of everyone in the village.

She directly attacked Agni, but her ability was completely unable to affect Agni, so she wanted Yoda, who had turned into the World Tree, to attack.

But Agni now heard Yoda's voice on the towering tree.

"Agni, kill me."

"I don't want to live anymore."

"But I can't kill myself."

"I am on this tree, and I built Besim Druk with my own hands."

"I created Dema."

"I killed your sister."

"So kill me."

She kept talking to Agni and seemed to want to die.

Agni was extremely angry, "That's it...that's it...that's it!!"

"I am going to kill you!"

He withstood the attack of the Ice Witch and climbed up the towering tree, "Then, I'll kill you!"

Agni climbed up the tree and found Yoda's location. In anger, he shook his fist!

"Kill you!"

"I am going to kill you!"

"Why can't it be burned?"

"I'm going to kill you right now!"


Looking at Agni who seems to have gone crazy, the Ice Witch who is watching everything on the ground is asking Yoda to kill him.


Yoda did not attack Agni, but simply allowed Agni to attack.

"What are you doing?"

The Ice Witch couldn't believe it, "Kill him quickly! Kill him!"

However, Yoda didn't resist at all until...

Agni punched a crack in the tree, and lying was Yoda!
(End of this chapter)

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