Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 156 Powerful Infection

Chapter 156 Powerful Infection

Yang Dahai sat in front of his office with some sluggishness and took a sip of water.

The single volume of "Fire Fist" has been officially released...

The 10,000 single copies of "Fire Fist" should also be successfully distributed to fans.

As the first victim of "Fire Fist", he was really worried about what kind of impact "Fire Fist" would have next.

That's right... It had only been two days since the single volume of "Fist of Fire" was officially released, and he was already worried about how much noise "Fist of Fire" would bring.

This naturally stems from Yang Dahai's confidence in being the first to watch "Fist of Fire".

He finished reading it that night, but his whole body felt bad.

"I originally thought that "Edge Walker" was already Lin Qingshan's pinnacle work."

Yang Dahai's hand holding the water glass trembled a little, "I didn't expect that compared to "Fist of Fire", "Edge Walker" is also restrained."

Although "Edgewalker" also has great staying power, it still has a tragic ending.

But at least it is not as miserable as "Fist of Fire". Mainly, the ending of "Fist of Fire" is actually a happy ending.

But the entire story of "Fire Fist" is miserable within the miserable.

The main tragedy is concentrated on the protagonist Agni.

The deaths of supporting characters are not as many as in "Edgewalker", and they are slightly inferior.

Probably only Togada's death is truly sad.

Originally, Luna's death at first was a bit painful, but after seeing Agni's tragic situation...

Yang Dahai felt that Luna's death was a relief.

Living with fire on your back like Agni is the real pain.

The subsequent plots are also tragic one after another, whether it is the plot in which Agni hides his name, assumes the alias "brother", and kills people in order to maintain a peaceful life with "Luna".

The battle with the "Agni Cult" believers and the battle with Sang are both extremely bitter.

Agni initially lived for the lie of revenge and for his sister Luna's words of "live".

Then there were people and countless lies to keep him alive.

It's like Bessim Drucker's top executives feed on lies so that they can survive and "civilization" can continue.

Agni also kept himself alive with countless lies.

Although it is not for himself, he is for Luna, for "Luna" who killed his sister but became his sister, for the original slaves, and for the believers of the Agni Cult...

He just kept living.

So "Fist of Fire"... this story has always been cold-toned and depressing.

Especially under Lin Qingshan's brushwork, whether it's Luna's "Let's use fire fist on him" face, or Agni's awkward face that seems to be smiling bitterly.

Yang Dahai could feel the shock, as if he could feel the pain, bitterness and contradiction of Agni in the comics.

But... this is of course because of the [Finishing Touch (Master)] ability that Lin Qingshan extracted from the system.

This ability directly makes the originally depressing story of "Fire Fist" more lethal.

If the appeal of the story of "Fire Fist" itself is 100 points, then Lin Qingshan's ability of [Painting Kaleidoscope (Master)] plus [Finishing Touch (Master)] will make the appeal of this comic reach 150 points!
It is equivalent to spreading salt on a wound or putting chili oil on a mouth ulcer.

So Yang Dahai felt numb on the spot after seeing the whole person that night.

I immediately shut myself up on the spot, unable to extricate myself at all, and my whole head was buzzing.

Since he, a successful middle-aged man with a mature heart, is like this, there is no need for others to say more.

So Yang Dahai is now very worried about the subsequent impact, and at the same time, he can't help but admire it.

"Teacher Lin Qingshan can draw this kind of work, it's really..."

Yang Dahai said, "It's amazing... but this mental state is worrying..." "Fist of Fire" is like a psychotic work. In addition to being depressing and uncomfortable, it is also very unexpected.

But at the same time, "Fist of Fire" is not just crazy. In Yang Dahai's eyes, it is a crazy and genius work.

Just like "Edgewalker", the story itself is not just a story, but also mixed with some of the author's thoughts.

"Edgewalker" is a conjecture about the harsh environment of the future science fiction world. It is full of humanism and nihilism, which are not found in previous science fiction works.

And "Fist of Fire"... although it seems to be nihilistic.

After all, the main theme of the comic is that living is painful, the world is made of lies, and people live on lies.

Morality, identity, belief, and even civilization... are actually meaningless.

The protagonist Agni lives until the end and has nothing left.

The universe is getting colder, the earth will wither, and people around him will die one after another, eventually returning to nothingness.

It seems that this is the main theme of "Fire Fist".

But only after reading it and thinking about it did I realize that there was a hint of existential romance mixed in with this nihilism.

Because the protagonist Agni survived no matter how much pain he faced.

And he continues to fight, struggle, and survive for this.

Living may be painful and meaningless.

But Agni still wants to live.

This is existentialism.

This is why Yang Dahai thinks Lin Qingshan is a genius... even though he looks a little crazy.

But as the saying goes, genius is on the left and madman is on the right...

"By the way... Teacher Aoyama said this is a gift for the fans..."

Yang Dahai was speechless when he thought of this.

Are you sure this is a gift?
As he said before, the comic "Fire Fist" is still a bit too early for fans.

"But... looking at "Chainsaw Man" so far, it seems that Mr. Aoyama has restrained himself?"

He thought about it and felt it was becoming more and more possible.

But at the same time, he felt a little guilty, "It's not because of our Mankai that Teacher Qingshan restrained himself."

But Yang Dahai thought about it carefully, "Forget it, it's better to restrain yourself..."

When he thinks of "Fire Fist" now, he feels scared.

If Lin Qingshan doesn't restrain himself, God knows what he will draw.

Should everyone who reads the comics be sent to a mental hospital?
Hey, don’t tell me, it’s really possible.

This is "Fist of Fire", which makes people want to be sent to a mental hospital after watching it.

If Lin Qingshan doesn't restrain himself, the mental hospital may become overcrowded.

As expected of Mr. Aoyama, who is known as a cyber madman and a cartoonist, drawing cartoons can actually contaminate mental illness!

"Forget it... let's see what happens next."

Yang Dahai sighed and said, "After all, geniuses... are all unreasonable, and no one can guess what they will do."

 Write an original chapter. 0.0 Insert a paragraph first and continue writing tomorrow.

  Otherwise, it feels like I have been writing the original work, and my senses are not very good...

(End of this chapter)

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