Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 161 Use Flame Fist on Lin Qingshan!

Chapter 161 Use Flame Fist on Lin Qingshan! (Original)

In the end, Agni still did not die.

Because "Luna" said that to him

Which sentence of "live on" is this already?

The sentence about sister Luna at the beginning, the sentence about San, the sentence about Togada, and the sentence about "Luna".

But this time, Agni finally no longer chose to die, and his right arm grew again.

And after that, he lived a peaceful life as his "brother" for ten years.

Seeing this sentence, comic fans suddenly felt a lot relieved.

Now... Agni has finally found his peace.

He no longer transformed into a flaming fist, no longer suffered pain, and he was no longer Agni.


But it’s not over yet, fans continue to read.

And ten years later.

For some reason, the world's climate is getting colder again.

In the past ten years, Turner also gave birth to Dema's grandson, and named the child after Iya.

But at this time, Turner once again asked Agni to kill "Fire Fist".

And Yoda doesn't want Agni to kill anyone again, even if Agni is the "Fire Fist".

Immediately afterwards, the reorganized and large-scale Agni Cult planned to snatch Yoda away in order to warm the earth, hoping to turn her into a "tree" again.

And because of this, a familiar person - Nainat suddenly came to find Agni.

It turned out that ten years ago, the Ice Witch took Yoda to the village where the Agni Cult was located to absorb life.

Sang, Nanette and the man in briefs survived because they were out.

During this time, San continued to spread Agniism and became Pope.

Ten years later, the world has become cold again, and the Ice Witch and Jack plan to capture Yoda as the World Tree to warm up the world.

As the new leader of the Agni Cult, San had long known where Agni and Yoda lived. Only in order not to harm Agni did he not capture Yoda, who could turn into a tree and warm the world.

However, under the instigation of Jack and the "Ice Witch", Knight was sent to negotiate, and arranged for the well-wishers who had a grudge against Yoda to forcibly abduct Yoda when the negotiations broke down.

"Hand over Yoda and escape with the others."

Nainat made a condition to Agni.

However, Agni did not agree, but returned to Yoda at night...

"If you could only choose between Agni and Turner, what would you choose?"

Agni asked.

Yoda looked at Agni and replied, "I will choose my brother no matter what, because I love him.".

What follows is an indescribable plot.

But at this time, Turner, who was listening outside the door, understood Agni's true identity and broke into Agni and Yoda's room.

At the same time, the "Avengers" who believed that the negotiations had broken down also attacked at this time, and the residence of the Dema students was blown up.

Yoda was also beheaded by Briefs Man, one of the "Avengers", and was taken back to the Agni cult's settlement by Nynet.

After Agni defeated the briefs man, Turner asked him not to turn into "Fire Fist" to save Yoda, but to live with everyone as "Agni".

However, Agni, who had completely regarded Yoda as Luna, rejected Turner's request. The eternal flame released by Turner's daughter Iya, which was the same as Dema's flame, attacked Agni. Walk to the believer's settlement.

Agni possessed the flames from Dema's grandson and transformed into a flaming fist, and fought to regain Yoda and the Agni cult.

In the end, Sang, who believed in "the god Agni who responds to all requests" and had become a core figure of Agni religion and possessed great power, started a battle, causing Sang to be burned to death in the flames.

But he also lost his memory after Yoda removed the flames from his body.

Yoda, who had recovered all his memories, entrusted Agni to his partner Nanette ten years ago as a condition for turning into a "tree". Yoda also transformed into a "tree" to slowly let the world enter the Ice Age and restore warmth.

This time it is Agni who has lost all his memory, and Nainat treats him as the reincarnation of Sang.

Since then, Agni has been living in the New Agni religion under the name of San, and has served as a teacher for decades.

In the blink of an eye, 80 years have passed, and civilization on the warmer earth has returned to a certain level.

Even the movie theater that Togata had been thinking about was rebuilt.

Nynet dies, but Agni, who remains young because of the blessing of regeneration and who has attempted suicide multiple times, gets a drug to kill herself from her students and sees the crude "Pyro" movie.

Watch the man in the movie who is burning for no apparent reason, fighting for no apparent reason.

He also seemed to understand something.

Thousands of years later, the earth was destroyed, but Agni did not take the medicine, but wandered in the universe.

After that, he met Yoda again, who was transformed into a tree. After the two met, they finally "fell to sleep" happily.

At the end, it is the scene of Agni and Yoda smiling at each other in the cinema.

In other words... it's San and Yoda, or it can be said to be Agni and Luna.

it is finally over.

However, fans who have finished reading "Fist of Fire" don't think so. They are still stuck in the plot of "Fist of Fire" and are completely unable to extricate themselves.

After reading it, they all had the same idea.

That is……

"Use Flame Fist on Lin Qingshan!"

At this time, many people clenched their fists, and like Yang Dahai before, their eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

Can it not be all bloodshot? !
How many people stayed up late to watch "Fist of Fire", even though the story of "Fist of Fire" was painful in the middle and even later.

But the story of "Fist of Fire" is still so attractive.

And Lin Qingshan’s highly contagious painting ability is completely addictive!

So everyone has to finish watching "Fist of Fire" even if they stay up late.

Even if I have to go to class and work the next day, I still have to read it!
At this time, many people turned around and watched Lin Qingshan's video.

"Fuck your gifts!"

"Come on with some comic jokes, Fist of Fire is a gift!"

"Is this a gift? This is my mental hospital admission certificate!"

"Very good. After watching "Fist of Fire", I feel in good spirits. I'm not afraid even if the doctor increases my dose of medicine!"

"A very good gift, "Fist of Fire", made me admitted to a mental hospital!"

"After watching "Fist of Fire", I quickly contacted the nearby mental hospital, but the mental hospital told me that their beds were full!"

"Can you arrange for me to go to the hospital bed next to Teacher Lin Qingshan? Hehehe, my Teacher Qingshan!"

"Damn it, I thought it was a hot-blooded shounen manga at first, but I didn't expect it to be a masterpiece about mental illness!"

"Hot-blooded! Why aren't you hot-blooded? Cao Mu Ma, I feel like I'm on fire now!"

"Agni kind of burns up, right?"

"Just say Ran is not Ran!"

"I'm so... so happy now!"

 I've finished writing it, I won't write it in detail later. After all, I've written all the famous scenes and important parts. If you're interested, just watch "Fist of Fire" directly!

  Then it’s rainbow fart time!

(End of this chapter)

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