Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 162 The Freest Cartoonist

Chapter 162 The Freest Cartoonist (3000 words)
"I believe everyone has received my gift."

At this time, Lin Qingshan said happily.

I believe you have received the gift "Fist of Fire", and you should be able to feel his full sincerity from this work.

No, it absolutely can!
"Teacher Aoyama? What were you talking about just now?"

The voice coming from the side interrupted Lin Qingshan's mumbling.

Lin Qingshan turned around and saw Ming Yiyang appearing in front of him, then smiled and shook his head, "No, I was thinking about the gift "Fist of Fire" I gave to my fans recently. I believe the fans should feel that I I have so much love for them."

The animation and game of "Edge Walker" are planned to be launched next week. At the same time, Gu Qianli's C station will also be put into trial operation and the complete ten episodes of "Edge Walker" will be released directly to attract traffic.

During this period, Trigger Animation and Lightspeed Game Development Company will hold press conferences before this.

Lin Qingshan came to Trigger Animation today to prepare for the press conference.

As for Qianli Culture, to which Gu Qianli's C station belongs, it has not yet held a press conference. After all, it can only be regarded as a grassroots team now.

But Lin Qingshan also has a way to divert traffic, that is...

Take a video and put it on your personal account, and then draw traffic like "Fire Fist".

But now, Lin Qingshan is still with Trigger Animation.

"Oh I got it."

Ming Yiyang smiled and nodded, "Teacher Qingshan is so generous. He actually gave away 10,000 sets of single books to your fans at his own expense."

He was also aware of Lin Qingshan's recent behavior of giving away 10,000 sets of his latest work "Fire Fist" out of his own pocket in order to repay the support and love of his fan base.

But he has not watched "Fire Fist". After all, it is now the time when the "Edge Walker" animation is released.

He still has a lot of work to do next, but he doesn't have time to watch Lin Qingshan's latest work "Fist of Fire".

But no matter what, in Ming Yiyang's opinion, Lin Qingshan's willingness to spend his own money to send out 10,000 sets of single volumes is definitely full of sincerity.

Some cartoonists may sell only 10,000 copies of their single volumes at most.

Even if Lin Qingshan's "Fire Fist" falls short of its previous standards, it won't be much worse than the works of these cartoonists.

"This is nothing."

Lin Qingshan chuckled and said, "As long as my fans like it, I can... give them more works like "Fist of Fire"!"

His eyes were full of joy, and it didn't look like he was lying at all.

"Aoyama-sensei's fans are so happy..."

Ming Yiyang couldn't help sighing and sighing at this time.


However, at this time, all the major online forums related to comics, "Edge Walker" and the comic industry were exploding.

Especially the forums and posts about "Edge Walker" comics and animations.

In fact, some fans who got the stand-alone version of "Fire Fist" went online to express their opinions before they even finished reading it.

It’s just that at that time, the number of these fans who expressed their opinions was not large.

Everyone held their breath and finished watching "Fist of Fire" before posting their opinions online.

"How do you feel after watching "Fist of Fire"?"

"Well...I feel like I still have plenty of energy now. I won't say more. My attending doctor told me to take medicine."

"After reading this, I just want to say... use the Flame Fist on the old thief Qingshan!"

"Woohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohong Mountain's old thief really came from a mental illness, showing me a numb," Yanquan "gave me to see me all Yuyu."

""Fist of Fire"... has the same crazy feeling as when I first watched "Edge Walker", and it is completely unexpected for the plot development..."

"I always thought that the plot of "Edge Walker" was sudden and free enough to highlight one's own free will. I didn't expect that "Fire Fist" would be even more heavyweight."

"After watching "Chainsaw Man", I thought the old thief Qingshan's condition had improved, but now it seems... Hurry! Increase the dose!"

""Chainsaw Man" really doesn't have that flavor compared to "Fire Fist" and "Edgewalker"..."

"I would like to call the old thief Qingshan the freest cartoonist in the world!"

"It's scary. Is this the freedom of a mentally ill person?"

"The ideological core of nihilism remains the same as before, but the world order in "Fist of Fire" has collapsed even more completely, or it can be said that there is no longer any order."


Fans who had finished watching "Fist of Fire" were having heated exchanges under the posts of "Edgewalker" and "Chainsaw Man".

And inevitably, when comic fans talk about "Fist of Fire", they can't help but compare it to Lin Qingshan's other two current works "Edge Walker" and "Chainsaw Man".

This is also inevitable.

After all, Lin Qingshan's crazy personal characteristics are too distinct in these three works.

It can be said that even if "Fist of Fire" covers the title of Lin Qingshan's work, comic fans will wonder whether it is Lin Qingshan's work. At the same time, everyone also began to discuss the concepts and thoughts in "Fire Fist".

"With the advent of the Ice Age, the world order has completely returned to chaos, so the story of "Fist of Fire" will appear even more chaotic than the cyberpunk world like "Edge Walker"."

"So I agree with Dema's point of view. In this world view, correct education is more important than food and fire."

"But in that case, with plenty of food and a warm environment, how could humans lose the right education?"

"Yes, so we have an old saying that if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace, and if you have enough food and clothing, you will know etiquette. If you don't have enough food and maintain the most basic living environment, then ethics and morality will definitely not be born."

"So no matter what, Dema is wrong. Doesn't the subsequent behavior of Turner and Lien towards Agni and Yoda mean that he has not given his students and future generations the so-called correct education?"

"That's not a wrong education, right? At least I didn't eat meat. In such a harsh environment, that's how you can survive."

"Dema's so-called correct education is to basically maintain the bottom line of being a human being, but in fact it is not very correct."

"Yes, so when Agni killed him, I just felt that he died."

"He made a mistake, no matter what reason he had, it was a mistake. He made Agni suffer all his life, so he deserved to die."

"But for Agni, it would be just as painful for him whether he killed Dema or not."

"The reason for Agni's pain is just like what he said. He cannot forgive the sin in front of him and cannot accept the death in front of him. It is precisely because of his contradiction that he suffers."

"It would have been better if Agni and Luna had died from the beginning..."

"Three words will keep my brother alive until the earth explodes."

"The root of Agni's pain lies in these three words: survive..."

"Fire Fist" has been hotly discussed on the forums and posts of "Edgewalker" and "Chainsaw Man", and it has also aroused curiosity among passers-by who have not seen "Fire Fist".

"When will Old Thief Qingshan publish another comic book?"

A passerby who didn't know what happened suddenly came out and asked.

Someone immediately replied below, "Don't you know? The old thief Qingshan recently gave you another gift directly, which is a complete set of stand-alone "Fist of Fire"."

The man couldn't help but asked curiously, ""Fist of Fire"? Is it good to watch?"

Then many people came out and replied below:

"Very good-looking! Highly recommended. I would call "Fire Fist" the most popular comic this year!"

"Yes, yes, it looks great! Highly recommended!"

"It's so beautiful! You will have a great experience after watching it!"

"I suggest you watch it first. After watching it, you will definitely come back and thank us."

Then out of curiosity, the man went to a nearby bookstore and bought a single volume of "Fire Fist" and started reading it.

But just such an act of curiosity made him regret it.

After reading the entire booklet, it took the man a long time to regain his composure.

Then he looked back at these people's "following the guidance."

He angrily replied below, "Okay, okay, you lied to me like this! You guys, take a flaming punch from me!"


Suddenly, the group of people who had watched "Fist of Fire" in advance began to recommend others to join "Fist of Fire".

After all, we can't let them suffer the consequences of "Fire Fist".

This also triggered a related meme, which is what Luna said in Agni's hallucination before he killed Dema - "Use the Flame Fist on the person who recommended you to watch "Fist of Fire" !”

And because of this, the discussion caused by "Fire Fist" is still spreading.

"No matter what, "Fire Fist" is indeed a good work that I have never seen before. But if Aoyama-sensei can create such a work, is it really okay?"

"I can see that the old thief Qingshan is a supporter of nihilism. Whether it is "Edge Walker" or "Fist of Fire", in the eyes of the old thief Qingshan, everything seems to be meaningless."

"I can only say that the old thief Qingshan's thoughts are too free, with a kind of Nietzsche's beauty..."

"Maybe geniuses are like this, after all... Nietzsche was also a psychopath."

"You really sound like it when you say that. After all, Nietzsche also believed that so-called values, concepts, and truths are just man-made explanations. The world itself has no metaphysical truth or ultimate value or meaning."

"That's how it is. Identity, belief, and even human civilization are all in vain. In the universe, only emptiness, coldness, and darkness are the eternal themes."

"Isn't this the world view of "Fist of Fire"? Besim Drucker is also a so-called country built on lies. It is said to be a utopia, but in fact it is a huge lie by the top leaders in order to exploit others and keep themselves alive. "

"People can only survive by feeding on lies."

"The sentence in "Fist of Fire" that I remember most clearly is what Uroy said, in Besim Druk, except for humans like them, everyone else is just firewood.

It's really like Nietzsche once said, if you can't obey yourself, you must obey others. This is the nature of living beings. "

(End of this chapter)

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