Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 171 The Misfortunes of the Food Episode

Chapter 171 The Misfortunes of the Food Episode
Generally speaking, slightly famous cartoonists will choose to recruit assistants to help them complete the work of rushing out manuscripts.

Especially for weekly serial cartoonists, it is inevitable to hire assistants due to tight schedules and heavy tasks.

After all, who would be willing to spend money to hire an assistant if it wasn’t because I was in a hurry to deliver the manuscript.

Being able to hire assistants can really save cartoonists a lot of time and reduce their workload a lot.

Even some cartoonists with considerable income will hire three to four cartoon assistants to help them complete the drawings.

The work of cartoonist's assistants generally involves drawing backgrounds, blackening, whitening, coloring, pasting dots, pasting bubbles, etc. These are relatively complicated but not particularly important tasks.

However, they rarely participate in the creation of comic stories and plot conception.

Because this is the main job of cartoonists.

Many cartoonists in the industry believe that professional cartoonists must put the story, settings and plot design of the comics first, while the assistants only need to complete other tedious work.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The story setting and plot design are the main reasons why a comic can become popular.

Under this circumstance, he even had time to finish drawing the entire "Fire Fist" during the serialization of "Edge Walker" and "Chainsaw Man".

Therefore, many professional cartoonists will focus their work on stories, settings and plot design.

Mainly to ensure the quality of comic stories.

That was nothing more than a jumbled-up reply.

But Lin Qingshan is different. After all, he is a civil servant.

If the story and plot are based on the defense, then no matter how exquisite the style of a comic is.

"Is that so?"

However... this does not mean that Lin Qingshan does not want to hire assistants because he can complete his job.

There is no need at all, he has a ready-made perfect plot in his mind, and he doesn't even need to think about the storyboards.

Lin Qingshan blinked and thought for a while, "Okay, but the painting skills and style that I value first are the other things that come second."

Does Wen Chao Gong need to come up with a plot?

After all, it would be a good thing to have a lighter job.

Not to mention that he has super abilities given by the system.

It will definitely be too late to complete the drawing work at this time.

In order to design better stories and plots, they need to spend a lot of time thinking over and over again.

"No, no, no, the company has a few candidates for assistants."

Ayumi Ito said, "They all have good painting skills and have an understanding of the assistant's work. So if Mr. Aoyama needs it, the company can let them come to you and give it a try."

No matter how beautifully carved the defense is, it is still a pile of defense.

Therefore, Lin Qingshan has always been able to complete the work of a cartoonist by himself.

No one likes to answer questions.

His painting style was basically established during the "Edge Walker" period, which is that his painting style is as exquisite as an oil painting.

The follow-up is whether it is the serialization of "Chainsaw Man" or the single book of "Fist of Fire".

His painting style has always maintained this almost artistic delicacy.

After all, how can it be possible to change the style of painting on the fly? One comic has one style of painting?
That means people will think that your work may be suspected of plagiarism.

But fortunately, the difference in style between "Edge Walker", "Chainsaw Man" and "Fire Fist" is actually not that big.

At least it's not as big as the style of "One Piece" and then "Ming Ke".

At least others can't see it. Ayumi Ito smiled and nodded, "Yes, Mr. Aoyama, the company also knows about your pursuit of painting. So they are all art students, and their painting skills are pretty good."

"That's it..."

Lin Qingshan nodded and said, "Let's make an appointment then and let me see their painting skills live."

"no problem."

Ayumi Ito nodded, "I'll talk to the company later and let them prepare to make arrangements."

After talking about business, Lin Qingshan said with a smile, "Bumi, it's almost lunch break now, why don't you stay for a light meal."

Ayumi Ito looked at the time, but hesitated.

In fact, it's only around 10 o'clock in the morning, and there is still more than an hour before I get off work at 12 noon.

Even including the round trip time, she still has nearly an hour to go back to the company to continue working.

Obviously, Lin Qingshan wanted her to stay and fish.


Why wouldn't she?
There was a smile on Ayumi Ito's lips, "Of course it's no problem. I haven't tasted the teacher's craftsmanship for a long time."

During this period of time, she has been separated from her status as a new editor.

After all, Ito Ayumi directly worked under Lin Qingshan, a great master, although others did not know that she basically did not participate in Lin Qingshan's comic creation.

But Lin Qingshan's reputation is here, and Ayumi Ito has also left the internship period.

Therefore, the comic company recently arranged for two new cartoonists to be in charge of her.

She has been very busy recently.

In addition, Ayumi Ito probably sensed the relationship between Lin Qingshan and Gu Qianli, although she would not avoid anything because of it.

But she also tried her best to maintain the relationship with Lin Qingshan as friends and colleagues.

"Well, I've been stocking up on a lot of seafood lately."

Lin Qingshan took out the seafood he bought and said with a hearty smile, "These three-headed dried abalone! It's absolutely sweet!"

Ayumi Ito looked at Lin Qingshan's joyful smile and suddenly said with a smile, "Speaking of Aoyama-sensei's talent in food, if it is used to draw food-type comics, it will definitely become a hit!"


Lin Qingshan thought for a while, "I do have some ideas..."

In the past life, "Chinese Ichiban" and "Gourmet Hunter" were all very good food series, and there is also "The Spirit of Aphrodisiac" which can actually be regarded as the leading food series in the post-comics era.

But unfortunately, the fate of the food show seems to have always been bad.

Except for "Chinese Ichiban", both "Gourmet Hunter" and "The Spirit of Aphrodisiac" were brutally cut in half in the later period.

This seems to indicate that cooking comics will basically be a dead end in the later stages...

"But I probably won't be able to draw it."

Lin Qingshan said regretfully, "After all, cooking comics are too difficult to draw..."

"Yes, Mr. Qingshan's current works are very good."

Ayumi Ito nodded and said with a smile, "Especially "Fire Fist"... it's a really impressive comic. Mr. Aoyama is a genius in comics. The comics he draws always make people think."

"And because of this and the success of the "Edgewalker" animation, it seems that Teacher has attracted a lot of attention in the industry recently."

(End of this chapter)

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