Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 172 Cartoonists in the Parallel World

Chapter 172 Cartoonists in the Parallel World

Three days later,
Lin Qingshan led Pochita to a coffee shop.

"Teacher Qingshan, here."

Ayumi Ito, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted Lin Qingshan from a distance.

"Ah, it's coming!"

Lin Qingshan immediately walked over.

Then he discovered that there were three young people behind Ayumi Ito.

These three young people were two men and one woman, and they all looked quite unattractive.

When they heard Ito Ayumi calling Lin Qingshan "Teacher Aoyama", they all seemed a little nervous.

At the same time, he seemed a little surprised.

"Thank you teacher..."

The three young men looked at each other.

Lin Qingshan gave a thumbs up, "Come in and order something to drink first. Don't worry, I will pay for today's consumption!"

"My name is Lin Qingshan, the author of "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker", "Chainsaw Man" and "Fire Fist"."

"Okay, you must already know my identity."

The three young men glanced at Pochita, and then looked at each other.

Lin Qingshan continued to maintain an amiable smile and said, "But I still have to introduce myself first, after all, politeness cannot be abolished!"

There is quite a sense of embarrassment in facing elders who are unable to refuse their hospitality during the Chinese New Year.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Let's go in and talk first."

Then, unable to resist Lin Qingshan's hospitality, they ordered their own drinks.

"no problem!"

Ayumi Ito was a little helpless at this time and said quickly.

Then, Lin Qingshan and Ito Ayumi led the three young people directly into the coffee shop.

"Yes, it is."

Lin Qingshan asked directly with what he thought was an "amiable" smile.

"These three are the future cartoonists who will apply for my assistant job today, right?"


“This is my partner—Pochita!”

Pochta shouted enthusiastically at them.

The three young people became even more nervous after seeing Lin Qingshan's smile.

Apparently they also watched "Chainsaw Man".

Did Lin Qingshan...write his dog into the comic?

Well, this is probably nothing.

But this self-introduction, introducing his dog together, this brain circuit...

It's really a bit surprising.

The outside world said that Teacher Qingshan's brain circuit was not normal, and even the nickname of Teacher Qingshan was "mental patient".

Originally, they did not take these things seriously, they only thought that this was an exaggeration of Lin Qingshan by the outside world.

Now it seems……

Hiss, it looks like there is something wrong.

"Okay, it's time for you to introduce yourselves."

Lin Qingshan looked at the female among the three young people, "Ladies first, this lady, you come first."

The female among the three, she wears a pair of black square-framed glasses. She looks younger than Lin Qingshan and a bit dull.

"My name is...Wu Shiqing."

She hesitated for a moment, then introduced herself neatly, "I graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts last year, but I like comics very much. My dream is to become a famous cartoonist in the industry like Mr. Qingshan!"

"very good!"

Lin Qingshan smiled and clapped, "With such a lofty dream, I believe you will succeed soon."

"I don't dare... Now I just hope to learn something from the teacher..." Wu Shiqing seemed a little embarrassed when he heard this, and waved his hands quickly.

"Next up are you two young men."

Lin Qingshan looked at the remaining two young men again and said with a smile.

"My name is Chen Chunqiang."

The slightly mature man with a round face took the lead in introducing himself, "I also graduated from the Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, but two classes earlier than Junior Sister Wu. I once serialized my own comic works in Zero Degree Comics, so I am very familiar with the work of a cartoonist!"

"My goal is to learn plot ideas from Teacher Aoyama for a period of time!"

Lin Qingshan nodded, having experience as a cartoonist, this is definitely a plus.

But since I have been a cartoonist before, I now choose to be a cartoonist’s assistant, which proves...

Chen Chunqiang’s comic serialization performance should not be very satisfactory...

It is not even difficult to guess that his comic works should have been cut in half in the end.

Zero Degree Comics is another well-known magazine company in the comics industry, and its reputation is completely incomparable to that of the comics industry.

But even so, Chen Chunqiang's comic works were cut in half.

Combined with what Chen Chunqiang said just now and what Ayumi Ito said beforehand, the painting styles of these three are very good.

Obviously, he is the so-called reply carving type cartoonist - the story relies on the reply, but his painting skills are very strong.

No wonder he planned to work for Lin Qingshan as his assistant.

After all, the relationship between a great cartoonist and his assistant can be regarded as the so-called master-apprentice relationship. In working together day and night, the assistant can always learn something from the cartoonist.

"Can I ask for your pen name?"

Lin Qingshan asked Chen Chunqiang curiously at this time.


Chen Chunqiang gritted his teeth and said his pen name, "My pen name is Absolute Strong, and my previous work was called "Swordsman Unparalleled"."

He also named his works.

It seems that he really wants to become Lin Qingshan's comic assistant.

"Well, the name is interesting!"

Lin Qingshan nodded, and then looked at the last person.

"My name is... Yuta Akumi."

I saw the last one speaking tremblingly at this time.

"You are japanese?"

Lin Qingshan said curiously when he heard the name.

"Yes... from Iwate Prefecture, Honshu, Japan."

Yuta Akumi seemed to be a little afraid of society, and said timidly, "I...I have also submitted articles to some comic magazines, but I have not been successful so far, so I want to come and study under Mr. Aoyama..."

It seems that because Chen Chunqiang mentioned his pen name and works before, he said again, "As for my pen name... it's Akumi Shita, and I don't have any works yet."

Lin Qingshan didn't think it was anything at first, but after hearing Yuta Akumi's pen name, he was stunned for a moment.


He looked at Yuta Akumi with confusion on his face.

"What's wrong? Teacher Qingshan..."

Akumi Yuta was a little nervous.

"Forget it, it's nothing."

Lin Qingshan, slap your mouth, be good...

He has met the "one-eyed cat" teacher from the parallel world.

But there are Dragon Clan and Nanda in the parallel world, and he knows them all.

So it seems reasonable to meet a mustard again.

Lin Qingshan also understood that some people and some works may or may not exist in parallel worlds.

It may even be that the person and the work have changed their names and some settings, as is the case with "Protoss".

"Everyone has said their pen name... Then I seem to be embarrassed to hide my pen name..."

Wu Shiqing could no longer hold back at this time, "My pen name is... Wu Qinghu Shiqing."

(End of this chapter)

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