Chapter 173 Assistants

Good guy!
When Lin Qingshan heard this name, his eyes lit up.

This... all the crocodile teachers are here...

If Wu Shiqing hadn't said that his pen name was Wu Qinghu Shiqing, he probably wouldn't have known that there was another future boss here.

But Teacher Crocodile changed his household registration directly when he arrived in the parallel world... which was okay.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Qingshan said, "The pen not important. What is important is that you have to show your painting ability enough to become my assistant!"

"You should be familiar with my painting style, but as my assistant, you don't need to complete the character painting and story plot."

"But your job is mainly background painting, so..."

"Next, you draw a sketch of Night City in "Edge Walker" and complete it within half an hour. As long as you can satisfy me, you will pass."

But they were still adding lines just now, trying to make their sketches more three-dimensional and refined.

Just looking at his painting skills, his business ability is definitely passable.

The first thing Lin Qingshan saw was Chen Chunqiang's drawing.

"it is good."

Then they placed their completed drawings one by one in front of Lin Qingshan.

But he will not directly determine the candidate for his assistant.

Lin Qingshan looked at his phone and said, "Okay, it's time."

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta just put down their brushes, although they had actually finished it long ago.

Finally, half an hour is up.

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta obviously knew about it before they came, and they must demonstrate their business capabilities on the spot today.

Then, he looked at Yuta Akumi's drawings.

It's also very good, and the painting style is more three-dimensional, not much worse than Chen Chunqiang's.

Lin Qingshan was also waiting slowly. While waiting, he and Ayumi Ito tasted the coffee that was served.

So they took out the drawing paper and brushes from their backpacks and began to paint carefully.

Everything is possible in the parallel world. What if the two people in this parallel world have great business skills?

Not bad... even though it's not colored, the lines, composition, and light and shadow composition are all very good.

As expected by Lin Qingshan, Chen Chunqiang should indeed be the kind of cartoonist who is very good at drawing, but is not good at writing stories.

He also did not talk to Ito Ayumi, allowing Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta to paint with peace of mind.

Therefore, we still need to see the truth behind the scenes.

Lin Qingshan looked at them and said.

Although after hearing the pen names of Wu Shiqing and Akumi Shita, he was a little more impressed by Wu Shiqing and Akumi Yuta.

Then there is the drawing of the crocodile teacher from the parallel world...

Hmm... slightly inferior to the previous two...

It feels like I’m not very good at drawing cyberpunk urban style.

However, the painting style is quite delicate, and overall it’s OK.

But if you compare it with Akumi Yuta and Chen Chunqiang...

The difference is a bit obvious.

After all, the paintings Mr. Crocodile was good at in his previous life were not modern urban style...

"Sorry, Shiqing."

Lin Qingshan took the lead and shook his head at Wu Shiqing, "Your paintings are very good, but..."

He showed her drawings and Chen Chunqiang's in front of Wu Shiqing.

Obviously, everyone can see the obvious gap.

"I... I can study hard." Wu Shiqing was obviously panicked and said, "Please teacher, please give me another chance..."

She didn't want to be eliminated just like that.

This is a great opportunity.

Lin Qingshan was also a little confused immediately, after knowing that this person in front of him was the crocodile teacher from the parallel world.

He also developed some love for talents.

But in this case, there is no fairness to Chen Chunqiang.

"never mind……"

Lin Qingshan relaxed his brows.

Does he think that much?

Since Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta have all shown good painting skills, for the sake of fairness, wouldn't he just hire them all?
He is no longer short of money now, and there is no problem in recruiting an additional assistant.

Generally speaking, it is not unusual for a big cartoonist in the industry to have three assistants.

"You are all very good, I am very satisfied."

After Lin Qingshan figured it out, he said directly, "Congratulations to you, you are all admitted."

Wu Shiqing was stunned for a moment. She originally thought she was eliminated.

But suddenly Lin Qingshan changed his mind and admitted them all?

Isn't this too sudden?
Before she even said anything, Lin Qingshan announced it directly.

Even though all three of them were hired together.

But no matter what, this is definitely something to be happy about.

Wu Shiqing cried with joy, "Thank you teacher for giving me the opportunity!"

Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta were also full of joy, "Thank you, teacher!"

Now they are all Lin Qingshan's comic assistants!
It’s nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Lin Qingshan, a new and great cartoonist, will learn something by working as his assistant, right?

They also came to be Lin Qingshan's assistants with the idea of ​​​​learning in this way.

Many cartoonists in the industry are like this. They started learning by working as assistants to some well-known cartoonists.

Until you feel you can stand alone, you will create your own works and then submit them.

Finally became famous.

"If you want to be my comic assistant, I will drive 8K for a month. Usually when I have work, you can have dinner at my house."

Lin Qingshan said, "But I won't accommodate you. You can occasionally stay at my house for one night or something, but you can't live there permanently - you should have a place to stay."

In addition to being a cartoonist, he now also has some inheritance from his predecessors' parents, as well as some additional income-such as comic copyrights and game dividends.

As for station C... it can only be said that it is only investment but no income.

Even so, he is still quite wealthy, and naturally he will not be stingy with better treatment.

He is not someone who takes money very seriously either.

Upon hearing the treatment offered by Lin Qingshan, Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi all looked ecstatic.

This treatment...even within the industry, is quite good!

After all, the average salary of a cartoonist's assistant is only 4-6k a month, not to mention Lin Qingshan's salary.

"Thank you teacher!"

they responded happily.

Then there was nothing else to do. Ayumi Ito went back to prepare the contract, and Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi would formally sign the contract in the future.

The employment relationship between Lin Qingshan and them was completed.

However, before the contract was signed, under the strong suggestions of Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi, they went directly to Lin Qingshan's apartment and started working as cartoonist assistants.

(End of this chapter)

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