Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 174: Be a good teacher

Chapter 174: Be a good teacher (original)

With the addition of three assistants, Lin Qingshan really felt that his work had become much easier.

After all, he no longer needs to do other complicated work, he just draws characters and "narrates" the plot.

However, he also gave Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi different work arrangements.

Chen Chunqiang focused on background painting, while Wu Shiqing arranged for tasks such as blackening, whitening, and coloring. Yuta Akumi's work was a little more boring, mainly pasting dots and bubble dialog boxes.

But their jobs are relatively easy. After all, Lin Qingshan is a man who has saved manuscripts.

So there is no rush in his work.

In the end, Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi felt a little embarrassed, and then they took the initiative to ask (nei) Ying (volume) to help Lin Qingshan clean the apartment.

Also helped Pochita shovel the shit.

Even after Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta completed their work in the first week, Lin Qingshan still took them to chat for a while.

"The teacher is so awesome..."

Lin Qingshan laughed and said, "You guys, go ahead too."

Lin Qingshan scratched his head. After all, he was just a copycat.

"I think the deaths of Mann, Dorio, Rebecca, and Togata were quite sudden. Teacher, did you have any other intention in arranging this?"

Just copy it and that's it.

Lin Qingshan shook his head, "No, I have always been lazy, but I draw comics very quickly. One person can complete these tasks very quickly."

"Haha, maybe I'm lucky."

"Teacher...this place is quite special."

"Teacher is not just lucky."

Lin Qingshan smiled and said to the three of them, "I'm not busy with work here, am I?"

"well enough."

Being able to become a time traveler and system owner is not just a matter of luck.

Wu Shiqing looked at Lin Qingshan and said, "There are actually manuscripts saved. Teacher, you were so diligent before..."

She mistakenly thought that the previous Lin Qingshan was the kind of person who had been working hard, so he had so many manuscripts.

Wu Shiqing said seriously at this time, "I have read all three of the teacher's works. The plots and settings are all very good. The teacher can come up with so many good settings and plot designs while completing the drawing work by himself." , really a genius.”

Chen Chunqiang, the only one among the three who has worked as a professional cartoonist, said with some emotion, "I didn't mention saving the manuscript before. It was just a matter of whether I could submit the manuscript on time."

Lin Qingshan thought for a moment and then said, "I think the death of the characters must be meaningful and must show their charm and highlights."

At this time, Yuta Akumi raised his hand and asked, "I think the teacher's plot of arranging the death of the character is very good, but I actually don't understand it..."

"Actually, I want to ask the teacher a question..."

Why do you need to think about the plot? There is no need at all.

"how does it feel?"

"But once too many forebodings of death begin to be laid, for comic fans, the death of the character will be easy to guess and accept, so it will not reach that highlight moment."

"So I prefer to arrange their departure when the character development is almost complete, and then use death to complete their final development after that."

This theory was of course summed up by him.

After all, both Mann and Togada completed their most complete character creations when they died in the end.

Especially Mann, maybe everyone didn't know much about him before he died and left the scene.

I just feel that he is a sophisticated cyberpunk and a qualified big brother.

But the scene of death's departure directly perfected Mann's portrayal and became the unique and best big brother in Night City.

The same is true for Togata. Before her death, everyone just thought that she was a patient with gender cognitive disorder who was obsessed with film art.

But after she died in exchange for Agni's survival, she became Agni's best sister. "Is that so?"

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi were all thoughtful.

"Use death to show the final charm and highlight of the character."

Wu Shiqing murmured to himself.

"If there are too many signs of death, it will be easily guessed and accepted by comic fans..."

Chen Chunqiang noticed this.

"Use complete the final shaping of the character..."

What Akumi Yuta noticed was this sentence.

Lin Qingshan also looked forward to seeing the three of them looking thoughtful.

I hope his "teachings" will be helpful to them in their future careers as cartoonists.

Maybe... because of this, he might be considered by the outside world as the one who taught three good cartoonists?

This will also increase his fame to a certain extent, right?

Lin Qingshan's eyes lit up, and he planned to teach Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi well in the future.


Lin Qingshan has recruited three new assistants, which is nothing worthy of attention from the outside world.

The "Edgewalker" animation was also released on television, and "Fire Fist" began to become well-known as word of mouth spread among fans.

And "Chainsaw Man" is still being serialized...

It is currently following the last episode where he brutally killed the Eternal Demon and finally escaped smoothly.

The plot rarely ushered in a calmer part.

"Welcome party?"

After leaving the weird hotel, Hayakawa Akira and Himeno squatted behind the alley, smoking together.

Fan Siwei looked at this scene and suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Compared with the always depressing and serious plot of "Fist of Fire", "Chainsaw Man" seems much more humorous and relaxed.

Thinking about it this way, the plot of "Chainsaw Man" is more suitable for the public.

Although the content in it is a bit vulgar, such as touching bears and rustling things.

"That's right! The people from Class 4 haven't gotten together yet."

Jiye said, "Let's deepen our relationship and solve some of the existing problems."

Then manga fans learned that Higashikata Higashikata and Hiroshi Arai were frightened by the hotel incident and said they would resign.

And Himeno also planned to apologize to Denci - she almost wavered in giving Denci to the Eternal Demon in the hotel.

But it was also thanks to Denji that they not only defeated the Eternal Demon.

He also obtained the meat pieces belonging to the Gun Demon from the Eternal Demon's body.

Finally, Ji Ye also talked about Machima.

"The strangest thing is that Makima doesn't know why she is particularly interested in Denji."

"She used to run around all the time, but recently she has been staying in the city. I think it's because of Denji?" ①
"Maybe she knows Denji's secret?"

However, she watched Qiu Hayakawa take a puff of cigarette in silence after hearing what she said.

"How about getting her drunk and asking?"

Ji Ye finally put out the cigarette butt and said.

(End of this chapter)

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