Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 177 The one-eyed cat who was led astray

Chapter 177 The one-eyed cat who was led astray

"That's it."

Lin Qingshan said with a smile, "As a professional cartoonist, the most important thing is not to care about the evaluation of the outside world."

When the three people present heard Lin Qingshan's words, they all nodded thoughtfully.


Akumi Yuta quite agrees with Lin Qingshan’s words, “When you are a professional cartoonist, you cannot care about the opinions of those in the outside world!”

"The shaping of the character, whether it is death or resurrection, should be decided by the cartoonist!"

When Lin Qingshan heard what Yuta Akumi said, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The one-eyed cat teacher in this world could not have been led astray because of his words.

"Also...that's not what you say."

He coughed and taught Yuta Akumi earnestly, "Yuta, you can't be too arbitrary. You have to know how to balance the trade-offs."

Editors follow cartoonists to book signings, which is a normal thing in this world.

Lin Qingshan turned to Wu Shiqing and the other two people in the apartment and said, "Okay, let's set off together."

"Qianli, Ayumi!"

Ayumi Ito said.

There is nothing wrong with daily conversation, but the meaning of the idiom... is only superficial!
Just when they seemed to have successfully ended the topic, Lin Qingshan's doorbell finally rang.

Lin Qingshan quickly got up and opened the door...



Now, the one-eyed cat teacher in this parallel world must not have been led astray by him...


Lin Qingshan looked at the two people outside the apartment door and said hello.

It was Ayumi Ito and Gu Qianli. Because they were attending a book signing today, the editor Ayumi Ito must have known about them in advance.

Gu Qianli is very busy due to the recent launch of station C.

No matter how busy I am... I still have to accompany Qingshan to participate in every major event in his life!
"Teacher, are you ready? Let's go when we are."

Akumi Yuta seemed a little confused, but he suddenly realized, "Okay, I understand the teacher's teachings!"

Lin Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief.

What is an average level of Chinese?

And Lin Qingshan didn't hide it from Gu Qianli.

But what he didn't know was that Yuta Akumi's Chinese was average...

But she still decided to accompany Lin Qingshan to attend the online "Edge Walker" signing event today.

After all, a cartoonist's assistant is equal to half of the cartoonist's disciples in some respects, so he also planned to let Wu Shiqing and the three of them see the world.

Of course, this was also because Wu Shiqing wanted to go, so he asked the three of them to follow him.

If Wu Shiqing and the others said they didn't want to go, Lin Qingshan would never force them.

After all, as a social animal in his previous life, he also knew very well that forced team building was really abominable!

It’s just that Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta really want to experience what it would be like to participate in a book signing as a professional cartoonist?
After all, holding a book signing is a sign of great success for a professional cartoonist.

"Okay, teacher."

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi immediately followed Lin Qingshan out of the apartment.

"They are..."

When Gu Qianli saw the three of them, he was stunned for a moment.

Because she was too busy during this period, she had no idea that Lin Qingshan had hired three assistants.

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi were also stunned when they saw Gu Qianli and Ayumi Ito appearing. They had never seen Gu Qianli before, so they were a little curious.

But Ito Ayumi and Lin Qingshan looked very familiar.

That's Mr. Aoyama, the manga editor and now famous manga artist in the manga world!
Could it be that... this beautiful girl is also a well-known cartoonist in the industry?
After all, there are so many cartoonists in the industry, and it is normal for them not to know what some of them look like.

Although with Gu Qianli's outstanding appearance, if he were really a cartoonist, he shouldn't be famous.

The title of beautiful girl manga artist definitely attracts the attention of the outside world.

But what if Gu Qianli never showed his face?

Not all cartoonists are willing to show their faces in public, and some cartoonists even do not even hold their own book signings.

So outsiders sometimes don’t even know the cartoonist’s real name.

What if some comic fans saw a cartoonist drawing their favorite characters to death, and happened to recognize the cartoonist on the street?
Even... what if a comic fan comes to you?
Therefore, some cartoonists prefer to remain anonymous.

"This teacher is..."

Therefore, Chen Chunqiang still asked at this time.

"Qianli, you are my good friend!"

Lin Qingshan said with a smile at this time, "Don't call Qianli Teacher or anything like that, Qianli is a little younger than you all!"

Gu Qianli is still a female college student in her third year this year. She is indeed younger than Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi who have graduated from college.

"Are you a cartoonist teacher who is still in college?"

Wu Shiqing was a little confused.

"No no no..."

Gu Qianli finally understood at this time and quickly explained, "I'm not a cartoonist like Qingshan... I'm just... his friend."

"oh oh……"

Wu Shiqing and others understood now.

But when they looked at Gu Qianli's youthful and energetic face, and then at Lin Qingshan, they seemed to understand something.

"Let me introduce you to Qianli too."

Lin Qingshan said, "This is Shiqing, this is Chunqiang, and this is Yuta! They will be my assistants for a long time to come!"


Gu Qianli's beautiful eyes lit up, "That's fine... Qingshan, you don't need to be so busy."

She was very happy that Lin Qingshan had hired three assistants, so that... he would have more free time.

"Okay, let's get ready to go!"

Lin Qingshan gave a thumbs up and said.

"Okay, no problem."

Gu Qianli nodded.

The others also followed directly behind Lin Qingshan and set off!
Only poor Pochita was left in the apartment.

At this moment, Wu Shiqing leaned into Ito Ayumi's ear and asked softly, "Miss Ayumi... I'm actually very curious, why the teacher always has that thumb..."

"That's probably the teacher's habit."

Ayumi Ito whispered.

"I see."

Wu Shiqing and the others suddenly realized.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, they have probably confirmed that Lin Qingshan's comments to the outside world do not seem to be just rumors...

But really... I have some mental problems.

But after all, he is the genius cartoonist who created "Edge Walker" and "Fire Fist", so it is reasonable to have some questions... right...

(End of this chapter)

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