Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 178 Drainage Car God

Chapter 178 Drainage Car God

"Are you ready?"

Lin Qingshan asked confidently to the people sitting in the car.

Yes, he recently bought a car.

After he extracted a powerful driving ability [Drainage Car God (Platinum)] from his system, he thought of buying a car and driving it himself.

[Drainage Driving God (Platinum)], greatly improves the stability of driving, and increases the drift speed by 50% and the success rate by 50% on lanes with drainage ditches!
Lin Qingshan was an experienced driver in his previous life, and now that he has this ability, he is naturally excited.

But to his surprise, the original person had a driver's license.

This means that he does not need to retake his driver's license in this world.

After getting a new driver's license, Lin Qingshan bought a luxury car in full.

But... what he drove today was not his own car, but a rented 7-seater SUV.


Since the autograph session was not held in the Magic City today, they had to drive there.

But now, she also felt something bad in her heart.

The driver was shocked, "Who dares to do this on the highway?"

What a perfect arc!

This completely startled him, "I'll go! What the hell!"

After all, she knows very well that Lin Qingshan will never be the kind of person who causes trouble for others...

But after hearing Lin Qingshan's words, they felt inexplicably panicked...

In an instant, except for Lin Qingshan, everyone else shouted loudly in the high-speed running machine!
On the highway, a driver was driving normally.

Although there are no traffic jams on the highway now, if you dare to drift without slowing down on the road... it's too cruel!

Drifting at a speed of 90 kilometers per hour is really scary!
"Okay, we're here."

Or a 7-seat SUV? !
"I'll go! Drift!"

Somehow, Ayumi Ito and others were not very scared at first.


Gu Qianli blinked. She had no worries about Lin Qingshan driving.

This speed!

He looked forward, and then saw the black shadow making a beautiful drift on the curve ahead, and "flying" quickly.

Lin Qingshan nodded with satisfaction, then stepped on the accelerator!

It was precisely because he saw that there was no traffic jam on the highway that Lin Qingshan became interested and immediately showed off his unique skill - drifting without slowing down!
But this scared Gu Qianli and the others badly!

Suddenly, he saw a black shadow suddenly rush out from the side——

"very good!"

Lin Qingshan once again completed reversing with a perfect drift, and said to the people behind him with satisfaction.

Satisfied, satisfied!
Although it was limited by the configuration of the car itself, and he still had some reservations for safety reasons to ensure that everything was under his control.

But he is already very satisfied!

Sure enough, Fast and Furious and Akina Yamamoto are the ultimate dreams of men!
But...Natsuki is not!
"Excuse me……"

Ito Ayumi covered her mouth at this time and said something vaguely.

Then she quickly opened the car door...and threw up!
After a while, everyone finally calmed down.

Lin Qingshan felt a little embarrassed when he saw Ayumi Ito's pale face.

"Sorry, Ayumi."

he said awkwardly.

"I'm fine..."

Ayumi Ito waved her hands quickly, but she still looked a little pale and said, "That's time, teacher, let's come by car..."

She has already made up her mind that next time...

wrong! It’s later!

You will never ride in a car driven by Aoyama-sensei again!
No... they will probably have to take Mr. Aoyama's car when they go back next...

Ayumi Ito suddenly looked a little desperate. "Is this Teacher Aoyama?"

At this moment, a voice came from the side.

They are the staff who arranged this autograph session. They have been waiting here for a long time.

As for Lin Qingshan's appearance, they obviously already knew it, so they came over to ask.

"Yes, I am."

Lin Qingshan responded.

Next, it’s time for the autograph session.

But after all, he had the experience from the last autograph session, so Lin Qingshan seemed extremely relaxed.

This time the arrangement was not at a comic show, but in a super large shopping mall.

But because of the popularity of the "Edge Walker" animation, this autograph session included more "Edge Walker" cos.

And obviously more professional cosplayers joined the event.

Their costumes and makeup are more professional, and their character cosplays are more exquisite.

Lin Qingshan and the others even saw several David cos that even had abdominal muscles and chest muscles, not the kind of muscle lines or muscle suits.

But they are real muscles. This is really the cosplay in place.

Even the cosplay of Adam Hammer looks quite professional. He is a full 1.9 meters tall, even with the addition of a booster pad, it is still not as good as the real Adam Hammer.

But the costumes and props are obviously more well-costed.

But the Adam Hammer, in conjunction with David and Lucy's cosplay, started the "It's Fantasy Time" performance.

After Lin Qingshan arrived, the autograph session was about to begin.

At the beginning, it was a regular interview and interaction session, which was actually similar to the last book signing.

Lin Qingshan cooperated to complete this link as agreed in advance.

At the end, the host smiled at Lin Qingshan and asked, as planned, "Teacher Qingshan, let me ask you one last question, do you have any other hobbies?"


Lin Qingshan was well prepared for this problem and said, "I'm a floater... I'm actually very good at it. I can hit more than 20 floaters at a time!"

Facing Lin Qingshan's answer, the host was stunned for a moment.

But the fans off the field were obviously brightened.

"Twenty wasted!"

"I'll go! Really? Teacher Qingshan still has this skill?"

"The best I can do is hit seventeen at a time. Old thief Qingshan said he can hit 20 at a time?!"

"Is it fake? There is no place for old thief Qingshan to show it now."


Lin Qingshan also thought of it now and said, "Let's do this. I will have time to record a video for everyone later! Now..."

"I give everyone the whole job!"

He came directly to the stage and looked at the fans in the audience.

"Go! Ignore!"

In one go, Lin Qingshan came directly in front of everyone...

Backflip on the spot!
The smoothness is jaw-dropping.

This is not an ability extracted from the system, but something Lin Qingshan himself knows.

He did a backflip on the spot, causing everyone present to be confused...

Why did he suddenly do a backflip...

However, it actually worked!

"it is good!"

I don't know who shouted, and then suddenly, all the fans present applauded...

(End of this chapter)

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