Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 179 Special Fans

Chapter 179 Special Fans

Then the boring signing session begins.

In this session, cartoonists will turn into ruthless signature machines, repeatedly signing their names and adding other words according to the fans' requirements.

"Teacher Aoyama, I am your fan."

The first person to come up was a Lucy cosplayer, and she didn't have the "Edge Walker" single book in her hand.

"Sign here."

Instead, he pulled off his shirt and walked in front of Lin Qingshan, getting very close to him. Even the huge scar was clearly visible.

She watched Lin Qingshan keep ogling her and whispered, "Can I...get Teacher Qingshan's Penguin?"

I have to say, this cosplayer is quite good-looking.

It looks professional at first glance.

Originally...she just thought that it would be nice if she could have some contact with this talented cartoonist who has become very popular recently...


The Lucy cosplayer's face froze, and then he was arranged to leave by the staff at the front.

cough cough.

It's just that this relieved movement was seen by Ayumi Ito, Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang, Yuta Akumi and others.

For the sake of money, she can accept him even if he is not a very attractive guy.

Her face was ashen, but it was hard to get angry here.

She looked at the young and handsome Lin Qingshan in front of her, but she felt a little moved inexplicably.

Except for the small episode at the beginning, Lin Qingshan returned to the expected boring signing session.

It can only be said that after spending this time together, Lin Qingshan also discovered that his assistant seemed a little...

But I didn't expect that the talented cartoonist in front of me was unexpectedly young and very good-looking...

Lin Qingshan, a talented and popular cartoonist, definitely earns a lot of money...

As Lin Qingshan's assistant, Chen Chunqiang, who is also a man, can't help but feel a little envious. Teacher Qingshan... is really a winner in life.

Lin Qingshan showed an "amiable" smile, signed his name on her clothes, and then shouted, "Next one!"


Gu Qianli, who was not far backstage, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

"I don't play penguin."

It seems... the relationship between Chisato and Aoyama-sensei is really like that...

He became a well-known and popular cartoonist in the industry at a young age, and such a beautiful girl likes...

As for Yuta Akumi, who is also Lin Qingshan’s assistant and also a man, why don’t you envy him?

"Teacher Aoyama..."

In front of Lin Qingshan, a different booklet appeared.

The cover above is not a portrait of David, but a face with half of it covered in flames.

It's Agni, the male protagonist of "Fist of Fire"!

This is the stand-alone volume of "Fire Fist"!
Lin Qingshan looked up at the fan and saw that she was a thin female fan.

"I'm also your fan, but I'm different."

The girl said, "I like the work "Fist of Fire" better. Can you sign this for me?"


Lin Qingshan signed the title page of "Fist of Fire" neatly.

Whether it's "Edge Walker" or "Fire Fist", these are all his fans.

So what does it mean to sign a single book?

Unless he signs a work that is not his, he may have some difficulties.

"I actually want to ask what Teacher Qingshan wants to express in "Fire Fist"."

The fan suddenly asked again.


Lin Qingshan thought for a moment, "If it's just from my personal point of view, no matter what, even if the world is a lie and everything is meaningless, I still have to live!"

This is his own idea about "Fire Fist", as for Mr. Fujimoto's idea.

He didn't know. "……is that so?"

The fan was thoughtful, but she was quickly reminded by the staff to leave.

She hugged the single volume of "Fire Fist" and slowly left here.

Lin Qingshan continued to look at the next fan and continued his ruthless autograph work.

This time, due to the influence of the "Edge Walker" animation, obviously more fans came to this autograph session.

So he spent a whole afternoon signing, but he still hadn't finished signing.

This is's time.

There is also a time limit for the autograph session. Otherwise, for those cartoonists with too many fans, wouldn’t a autograph session last for several days and nights?
So when the time comes, the book signing is coming to an end.

In the past, the "Edge Walker" autograph session could last until the last fan signed an autograph. That was because "Edge Walker" had not yet become popular in the industry.

Now it is precisely because it is popular that it has a very large number of fans.

The autograph session can no longer last until the time for the last fan to sign the autograph, and it is about to end.

Although the remaining fans were a little sorry, there was nothing they could do.

The fans who got Lin Qingshan's signature were very happy.


After the book signing.

Lin Qingshan took Gu Qianli, Ito Ayumi and others and planned to drive home.

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi saw with their own eyes today how huge the signing event for successful cartoonists is.

Looking at the dense crowd of fans and the "tragic situation" that Lin Qingshan kept signing autographs.

They are not that interested in the autograph session anymore.

Chen Chunqiang is still yearning for it.

But Wu Shiqing and Akumi Yuta secretly made up their minds not to hold book signings even if they become famous in the future!

wrong! The best thing is not to reveal your name or appearance!

"Teacher...are your hands okay?"

Wu Shiqing looked at Lin Qingshan and asked worriedly.


Lin Qingshan smiled and said, "Fortunately, I'm used to it, and I have a special physique!"

He does have a special physique, and he is not lying about this.

Gu Qianli and Ito Ayumi also knew very well that Lin Qingshan did have a special physique.

At least Lin Qingshan's last autograph session ended and his performance was very normal...

"Okay! We're ready to go back!"

Lin Qingshan took out the keys at this time and planned to drive home.

But just then...


A strange cry came from the grass not far away.

"This is……"

Lin Qingshan looked at the grass in front of him and saw that what was lying on the ground and making a whining sound turned out to be a sparrow...

It's just that it doesn't seem to be in good condition now, one of its wings seems to have been pierced by something.

This is probably the reason why it can't fly here...


Lin Qingshan looked at it with pity.


Gu Qianli also picked up the little sparrow at this time and said with compassion.

"Okay, let's take it back and give it some treatment."

Lin Qingshan also had this idea in mind and said.

(End of this chapter)

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