Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 180 The Caged Bird

Chapter 180 The Caged Bird (original)
Yang Shuzhun opened the comic book magazine as usual, and then went to read "Chainsaw Man" drawn by Lin Qingshan.

After waiting for a week, he could finally see what Lin Qingshan's next plot for "Chainsaw Man" was.

He is really curious, what does Lin Qingshan want to do next?
Yang Shuzhun saw that the title of this episode was "Gunshot".

Then at the beginning, there was a scene of the foursome Denji, Hayakawa Akira, Himeno and Pava dining in a restaurant.

Not only them, but also the police demon hunters from Section 4 who appeared at the orientation party were shown on the screen.

Dongshan Xiaohong and Arai were holding a book and asking an old lady with a wrinkled face.

However, their dialogue was not shown in the comics, so Yang Shuzhun didn't know what they were asking.

But... this should be some unimportant daily routine.

But just when Yang Shuzhun was thinking this...

In the next cartoon, when Dongshan Xiaohong and Arai turned around, the old lady took out a handful from her arms...

"When the tongue becomes dull, a person's happiness will decrease."

"Don't talk to me casually!"

Someone suddenly spoke to me, and it was someone I didn't know. Anyone would be confused.

"Let's go out."

Denji looked at that person with some confusion.

The "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom" symbol that symbolizes shooting appears on the sky in the picture!

But while Denji and others were talking, a completely unknown person next to him interrupted.

Hayakawa Qiu seemed to notice something was wrong and said.

"Although my grandfather is a gangster, he is a gangster with a strong sense of justice. Someone must play the role of evil. My grandfather is such a person..."

Yang Shuzhun suddenly realized, "It was the group of people who killed Makima on the high-speed train!"


“I really don’t know what I’m selling, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”

The strange man said, "I heard that if you eat this kind of food since you were a child, your tongue will become dull."

"Who is this...?"

But... the man still said inexplicably, "My grandfather is the best person in the world. He always takes me to eat some expensive high-end cuisine."

The scene returned to the restaurant, where Denji, Hayakawa Akira and four other people were eating noodles.

The old lady even pointed her gun at them!
At the same time, the other demon hunters from Public Security Section 4 who appeared on the screen and the person they were questioning also took out a pistol.

Ji Ye asked doubtfully.

"You can actually swallow the ramen here. Don't you think it tastes bad?"

Denji and Pava responded.

"I think it's delicious!"

Yang Shuzhun also frowned, and suddenly thought, "Grandpa... the underworld? Could it be..."

Sure enough, after the man said such strange words that although his grandfather was a gangster, he was a good man.

He took out a group photo from his arms and pointed it at Denci, "Denci, you too, right?"

Above is the gangster who exploited Denci in the beginning, and even wanted to join forces with zombie demons to kill Denci in the end!
Yang Shuzhun suddenly understood, "So you are here to seek revenge from Dianci?"

Then the next moment, this strange man took out a gun from his arms and shot Denji.

He aimed at Ji Ye again, and Hayakawa Akira reacted and wanted to rush towards the man.

But...the gun is faster than him!

Himeno, Hayakawa Akira and Pava were all shot by men!
But Pava was a demon of blood. She ignored the wounds on her body and rushed towards the man with an uppercut!

"Little pigtails!"

Pava gestured to Hayakawa Qiu.

Hayakawa Qiu also pointed directly at the man, making a gesture to summon the fox demon, "Knock!"

The huge head of the fox demon suddenly burst out of the restaurant again!
At this time, Hayakawa Akira looked at Denji and Himeno, and saw that they were both shot and fell to the side. But this time...

The fox demon's eyes turned to Hayakawa Akira and said, "Hayakawa Akira..."

"There is something extraordinary in my mouth...neither human nor demon..."

The next moment, a demon with a sharp saber on his head and blades on his hands appeared on the screen, splitting open the fox demon's head!

This look... looks very much like when Denji transformed into Chainsaw Man.

It's just that Denji's head and hands are electric saws, while this man's head and hands are long knives!

So this man is the Demon of the Sword!
Looking at the sword demon in front of him, Hayakawa Akira officially drew out the "long sword" on his back for the first time.

He said to Pava, "Pava... help Himeno-senpai stop the bleeding."

"This is the end of this story."

Next... is a very important plot.

However, Machima’s motive for death was still not apparent.

Yang Shuzhun was even more curious, because he was sure that Lin Qingshan's plot arrangements were carefully arranged!

Therefore, Machima's death will definitely not be without meaning!


At this time, in Lin Qingshan’s apartment.

"You're recovering well, you..."

Lin Qingshan looked at the sparrow in the birdcage and said to it with a smile.

It was already a week ago that I picked up this little bird at the autograph session.

After returning home, they saw clearly why the little sparrow was injured.

Its wings seemed to have been injured by the naughty child's slingshot, and then it fell to the ground.

During this time, Lin Qingshan helped it heal its injuries with medicine, and even bought it a birdcage.



The sparrow tapped the birdcage impatiently, as if it wanted to leave.

"You're really ignorant."

Chen Chunqiang, who was beside him, curled his lips and said, "Teacher has taken care of you for a long time, and there is food and accommodation here. You still want to leave, right?"

"The thing about sparrows is that their brains don't know what is good and what is bad."

Akumi Yuta on the side said, "Unlike cats and dogs, cats and dogs have some brains and know what kind of environment is suitable for them to survive."

"That's not what I said..."

Lin Qingshan sighed, "For birds, it is not their nature to be imprisoned in a cage."

"Living as a caged bird is the saddest thing."

Speaking of the caged bird, he suddenly remembered a famous comic book from his previous life.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Qingshan really shouldn't imprison this little sparrow in a cage.

"Forget it...wait until you feel better..."

Lin Qingshan said to the sparrow in the cage, "I'll let you out... okay?"

It's just that the sparrow really doesn't have much brain at all, as Yuta Akumi said.

It couldn't understand Lin Qingshan's words, it just chirped and shouted as always.

It's like a comic book character shouting "freedom".

Lin Qingshan shook his head helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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