Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 181 A sudden hot discussion

Chapter 181 A sudden hot discussion
"Teacher! You are popular on Station C!"

Wu Shiqing, who had been brushing his computer aside, suddenly exclaimed and said to Lin Qingshan.


Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta were both a little surprised.


Lin Qingshan was a little curious. Station C has been on the right track recently.

He also frequently browses Station C. After all, Station C has started to have some interesting videos.

For example, the last "Edgewalker" fan work was very well drawn and interesting.

The most important thing is that the barrage and comment area are more interesting to watch together.

It feels a bit like B in his previous life.

Even in some parts of the video that ordinary people cannot understand, there will be barrages to explain, explain the jokes, and make jokes.

"Teacher, look at this..."

Judging from the video release time, it was only two days.

I saw a video on the website of Station C with the title "Finally met the real cyberpsychotic Mr. Aoyama himself!" It was quite popular.

Wu Shiqing clicked the video play button.

Countless barrages came, which directly filled the room with a sense of interaction.

The video has had 800,000 views, more than 30,000 likes, and more than 10,000 coins.

Lin Qingshan came to Wu Shiqing with great interest.

"Congratulations on being popular!"

"Teacher Qingshan? Old thief Qingshan!"

Even if you haven't seen the video yet, these comments are interesting enough.

"Old thief Qingshan! You deserve to die!"


"Give me back David!"


"Fire tongs Liu Ming!"

"You're dead! The mental illness has escaped!"

"Give me back Rebecca-chan!"

But he really hasn’t seen any videos about himself.

I clicked to play the video, but before the screen came out, I saw an overwhelming barrage of bullets appearing in front of me.

"Let me see."

Isn’t this more interesting than those pure videos without any interaction?
This is why barrage websites were so successful in previous lives.

It’s really because of the sense of interactivity and fun that traditional video websites can’t compare to!

For the current C station, there is only a lot of time left to accumulate popularity and traffic.

Soon, the scene appeared in the video.

The picture was taken with a mobile phone at Lin Qingshan's last book signing, but the picture was extremely clear.

However, the video has been edited, skipping the previous steps and coming to...

At this time, the host asked Lin Qingshan, "Teacher Qingshan, one last question, do you have any other hobbies?"


Lin Qingshan faced the host and many fans at the scene and said, "I am doing tricks... I am actually very good. I can do more than 20 tricks at a time!"

"20! I'll go!"

"I rely on!"

"Niu 13!"

"It's really awesome!"

"I can throw 20 and blow them all day in the village!"


"It would be awesome if it were true!"

"There's no place to show it here."

"Even if it's fake, you can't expose the old thief Qingshan!"


The reaction on the barrage was also very intense, but then, the second half of the video came.

Lin Qingshan said:

"Well, I'll have time to record a video for you later! Now..." "I'll give you the whole job!"

He came directly to the stage and looked at the fans in the audience.

"Go! Ignore!"

In one go, Lin Qingshan did a backflip in the video!
The silky smoothness is like eating Dove, enjoying the silky smoothness.

At this time of the barrage, it was again:


"It's true!"

"Awesome, this backflip is so smooth!"

"No, old thief Qingshan is really doing a backflip?"

"We were just joking, but the old thief Qingshan turned out to be serious."

"As expected of cyberpsychosis!"

"Aoyama! My mental patient!"



The commentators were all overjoyed. After all, they really didn’t expect Lin Qingshan to really come to the rescue.

Although this life was sudden, it went well.

The most important thing is that with Lin Qingshan's current fame and influence, such an event will indeed attract everyone's attention.

The more famous a person is, even a small action will attract a lot of attention.

For example, the plastic Mandarin spoken by the CEO of a certain mobile phone brand in his previous life, or the live broadcast of a well-known novelist...

Therefore, Lin Qingshan’s sex video immediately became a hit.

There are also all kinds of ridicule in the comment area below. At this time, the comment area is full of joyful atmosphere.


Wu Shiqing looked at Lin Qingshan worriedly.

She was a little afraid that Lin Qingshan would be angry.

However, Lin Qingshan was completely unfazed and said with a smile, "It's not this video, I almost forgot about it."

"I also want to record a silly video!"

"Now...whose shooting skills are better?"

Lin Qingshan looked at Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi and asked.

The three of them looked at each other, and then Chen Chunqiang raised his hand, "I... I've been doing photography for a while before, so it's okay."

"Then please leave it to Chunqiang!"

Lin Qingshan said, "Let's go! Let's go outside and shoot a sexy video to show off to my fans!"

Then Chen Chunqiang, Wu Shiqing and Yuta Akumi followed him to the nearest river.

Lin Qingshan unlocked the phone and gave it to Chen Chunqiang, "Chunqiang! Start recording videos for me."

He doesn't have a professional camera, but with the best smartphone in the parallel world in his hand, it should be no problem to use it to take pictures.

"it is good."

Chen Chunqiang quickly took it and started recording smoothly.

"Hello, my fans, I am Lin Qingshan!"

Lin Qingshan first said hello to the camera, and then looked for stones on the ground.

"Today, I'm going to show you how to find a floating stone. First of all, of course, you need to find a good stone that complies with fluid mechanics."

he said seriously.

Then he started to search and said, "When we look for such a stone, we must first check whether the surface of the stone is smooth, and secondly, the shape must be flat at one end!"

"For example, these two pieces... are very good. Secondly, the weight should be..."

"This piece... is good!"

"The last thing is whether it is convenient for you to use your fingers. Well, this is it!"

When Lin Qingshan was looking for it, he would give the camera a close-up of each one in his hand, and he picked up a piece.

Then he aimed at the river opposite, "Grab the stone with four fingers! Then aim in a horizontal position, with your feet on the ground forming a triangle with your body..."

"Next! The waist and horse become one! The waist drives the body, shoulders, elbows and wrists, and throws it out!"

The stone in Lin Qingshan's hand shot out like an arrow, quickly splashing water on the river.


A total of 43 water floats appeared, and then the stone sank helplessly into the water!
(End of this chapter)

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