Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 192 If you love him, you have to eat him!

Chapter 192 If you love him, you have to eat him!

After releasing the little sparrow to freedom, Lin Qingshan always felt a little empty in his heart.

"Qingshan, do you want to have a cup of milk tea?"

Gu Qianli looked at him at this moment, pointed with his finger, and said.


Lin Qingshan came back to his senses, nodded with a smile and said.

He put the birdcage in his hand in the trash can nearby. After all, the birdcage was of no use to him now.

The two walked and started chatting.

"Station C is now starting to get on the right track. Qianli, you guys can actually consider developing client and mobile terminals."

Lin Qingshan said with a smile.

This is also a video type that was quite popular on barrage websites in the past and later periods, and it has also become popular among many big UP owners.

Gu Qianli nodded and said, "As for the mobile version... my idea is to wait until the computer client is completed before starting the mobile version."

Gu Qianli said.

If the UP owner mentions a work that the audience also likes in the video, and praises it in all kinds of rainbow farts.

Lin Qingshan said, "Such as rating new series, recommending new series, or complaining about some series with outrageous plots and poor production, these are things that the official cannot personally produce."

"Officially, we can promote high-quality animations and works on the site, but because you are an official account."

Lin Qingshan said, "The most important thing is the content of the website. I think... the current video type is still relatively weak. You can cultivate some UP masters yourself."

"This type of video not only provides emotional output value to viewers who have the same feelings, but also provides advance preparation for viewers who plan to watch it."

"But because this is too subjective, you officials cannot personally show off, or even publicly promote this kind of video."

After getting their own milk tea, they continued to sit in the milk tea shop and talk.

"Cultivate some UP owners ourselves? Let's just use the official account to post videos like before."

"The computer client is being considered for production. During our previous meeting, a senior brother also mentioned this matter."

Gu Qianli asked curiously.

The two of them walked slowly to a nearby milk tea shop. Lin Qingshan ordered a cup of pure milk tea, while Gu Qianli preferred fruit tea.

"My opinion is……"

He cleared his throat and said, "You officials can't do this type of new ratings, recommendations, and complaints personally. But you can take the initiative to train some UP owners to make this type of video."

"That's right, there's no need to be too anxious."

"A more subjective video?"

The main focus of this type of video is emotional output and Internet mouth substitutes.

Lin Qingshan took a sip of milk tea and said, "You can't make some subjective videos."

"I just have obvious personal preferences for some works."

Then these viewers will also feel very happy, happy that their favorite works will also be liked and praised by UP owners.

If the UP owner complains about a certain work, everyone will feel that the complaint is in place and they will feel relieved from the bottom of their hearts.

In addition, another advantage of this kind of video is that the UP owner tries his best to avoid those inferior works for the unsuspecting viewers.

Even later, everyone likes the video UP master to give bad words to the creative team of those inferior works.

After listening to what Lin Qingshan said, Gu Qianli suddenly realized, "Okay, I understand."

"Actually, this type of video is not limited to animated series. Movies, TV series, novels, comics, etc. can all be used to make this type of video."

Lin Qingshan continued.


Gu Qianli listened to Lin Qingshan's words and silently kept these in his heart.


Gu Qianli left. She is different from Lin Qingshan now. Lin Qingshan has always been more free.

Especially after recruiting three assistants including Wu Shiqing, he only needs to be "responsible" for plot issues, as well as painting the main body of the portrait.

There is no need for him to complete other drawing work at all.

Gu Qianli obviously has to do a lot of things during the establishment of Station C.

Therefore, during this period, she did not look for Lin Qingshan as frequently as before, but Lin Qingshan could go to the C station studio to look for her.

Gu Qianli is very busy now, and he may have a little more free time after hiring more employees.

So she went back to the studio directly, while Lin Qingshan went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables by himself and then went home.

"I don't know what happened to the little sparrow..."

He sighed at this time and said.

Lin Qingshan still couldn't forget the little sparrow. He walked past the place where the little sparrow was released just now.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered...

There was a little wild cat under the tree, chewing on something unknown.

It's...a little sparrow.

Lin Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then he saw the little sparrow's left wing with thin feathers...

This is the little sparrow he just released!

"Stop biting!"

Lin Qingshan quickly stepped forward and said to the wild cat.

When the orange wild cat saw him approaching, he instantly became vigilant. Even the little sparrow in his mouth seemed to have lost its fragrance, and he kept venting at Lin Qingshan.

But obviously, it would be very difficult for it to just give up the prey it finally got.

Lin Qingshan had no choice but to take out a piece of chicken from the vegetables he bought at the vegetable market and motioned to the wild cat, "How about I trade this with you for it?"

Then he threw it directly to the other side.

Obviously, that tender and delicious piece of chicken attracts wild cats more than sparrows.

The big orange cat let go of the little sparrow and pounced on the chicken.

At this time, Lin Qingshan hurriedly picked up the little sparrow.

But... the little sparrow was bitten to a bloody pulp, with no trace of life left at all.

"how so……"

Lin Qingshan felt very sad.

After all, he has had feelings for this little sparrow for some time.

He finally took care of it to recover from its injuries and then released it.

Unexpectedly, the little sparrow died.

This made Lin Qingshan feel very sad.

"Then... let you rest in peace."

When Lin Qingshan was about to dig a hole for the sparrow to bury, he found that the orange cat that had chewed the chicken was watching eagerly.


He immediately realized that even if he buried the sparrows, they would still be dug up and eaten by wild cats.

"If you have to be eaten in the end..."

Lin Qingshan held the little sparrow in front of him with sad eyes, "Then why don't I eat you, so... you will be alive in my body forever."

He picked up the little sparrow's body and planned to take it home and cook it properly.

Only in this way can the little sparrow be able to rest in peace...

(End of this chapter)

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