Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 193 Hospitalization

Chapter 193 Hospitalization
"Hey! Teacher, I'm here!"

Wu Shiqing pressed the doorbell at the door of Lin Qingshan's apartment.

It's working time now, but she got here earlier today.


Lin Qingshan, who usually opened the door quickly, did not respond after a while.


Wu Shiqing felt a little strange, but she didn't care.

What if Lin Qingshan was going to the toilet or something?
She thought for a while, then took out her mobile phone and called Lin Qingshan.

The call was quickly connected, but what came over the phone was Lin Qingshan's extremely weak voice, "Hello... Shiqing?"

Wu Shiqing, who was not too worried at first, heard Lin Qingshan's unusually weak voice.

she asked quickly.

It's just that... his face was quite ugly now, which shocked Wu Shiqing.

"Nothing...just diarrhea."

"Teacher...are you really okay?"

After saying that, Lin Qingshan hung up the phone.

Wu Shiqing shrank his neck, but still felt that something was not right with Lin Qingshan.

Lin Qingshan's face was now extremely pale, so pale that even his lips were dry and white.

Lin Qingshan waved his hand pretending to be nothing, he forced a smile on his face and said, "You come in first..."

Probably he was released by Lin Qingshan.

"No... nothing's wrong, I just have a stomachache. I... will open the door for you right now."

"it is good……"

Wu Shiqing asked again.

However, Wu Shiqing discovered that the little sparrow that Lin Qingshan saved before was missing.

The most important thing is that his body is still a little rickety, and he seems to be suffering from huge pain while holding his stomach.

"Teacher? You...what's wrong?"

Now he is a little panicked.

She didn't think much about it,
Lin Qingshan poured Wu Shiqing a glass of water, and then drank some antidiarrheal medicine himself.

Wu Shiqing hesitated, "Did you eat something wrong?"

Then the next moment, he opened the apartment door and appeared in front of Wu Shiqing.

"Teacher, you..."

After entering the apartment, Pochita looked as usual, very excited.


Lin Qingshan extended a thumbs up as always, "Don't worry, it's just a little diarrhea."

"Teacher, we are here."

At this moment, the voices of Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi came from outside the door.

"Okay... I'll... come right now."

Lin Qingshan planned to open the door, but he could feel his stomach rumbling as he walked.

But he still walked to the door and slowly opened the door.

But at this moment!
A sharp tearing pain came from his abdomen, which made his vision go dark and he fell down uncontrollably.



Before falling into coma, Lin Qingshan only heard the horrified shouts of his assistants.


Comic company editorial department.

Ayumi Ito was working hard in front of the computer, but at this moment, her cell phone rang.

She picked up her phone and took a look, but the caller ID showed - "Teacher Qingshan".

"Teacher Aoyama?"

Ayumi Ito was a little confused.

After all, Lin Qingshan never took the initiative to call her during working hours. She usually called Lin Qingshan. But she answered the phone anyway.

However, what came over the phone was not Lin Qingshan's voice, but another familiar voice.

"Miss Ayumi, Mr. Qingshan passed out in the apartment due to acute gastroenteritis. Now we are in the hospital! You should come too!"

On the phone, Chen Chunqiang said anxiously.

If a cartoonist is sick and hospitalized, it may affect the subsequent serialization of the cartoon, so the editor must be notified afterwards.

Ayumi Ito was stunned for a moment, and then she also panicked.

"Teacher Aoyama...went to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis???"

She said with some disbelief.

After getting along with each other for more than two years, Lin Qingshan has always behaved like an iron man.

So now that I suddenly learned that Lin Qingshan had entered the hospital, Ito Ayumi felt very strange while being worried.

But now is not the time to feel weird.

"I'm going to the hospital now. Where are you?"

Ayumi Ito turned off the computer screen, then picked up her briefcase and car keys and ran outside the company.

She drove for half an hour and finally arrived at the hospital. She immediately ran to the ward that Chen Chunqiang mentioned on the phone.

"What's wrong with Mr. Qingshan!"

Before Ayumi Ito arrived, the voice arrived first.

At this time, on a bed in the ward, Lin Qingshan was lying there wearing a hospital gown, with an IV drip still on his hand.

Beside the hospital bed were three assistants: Chen Chunqiang, Wu Shiqing and Yuta Akumi.

After Lin Qingshan fell into coma, they quickly called the emergency call and accompanied Lin Qingshan to the hospital.

"Teacher, he just had his stomach washed, and he should be fine now."

Wu Shiqing said at this time.

Ayumi Ito breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, teacher, it's fine..."

"But... teacher, why did you suddenly develop acute gastroenteritis?"

She looked at Lin Qingshan with some confusion and said.

"The doctor said that it was most likely food poisoning caused by the teacher eating something unclean..."

Wu Shiqing looked at Lin Qingshan at this time and said curiously, "So what did the teacher eat recently?"

Lin Qingshan scratched his head. He now most likely knew what caused him to have acute gastroenteritis.

But he was confused. was obvious that he cooked it and ate it, and added a lot of ginger and garlic. Will this cause any trouble?
At the same time, he was a little embarrassed.

"Maybe I didn't pay attention."

Lin Qingshan said covertly.

"So, teacher, what did you eat?"

Ayumi Ito said with a serious face, "What caused the food poisoning? Was it bought outside? Where did you buy the food? It's so unsafe!"

"By the way, the teacher has food poisoning this time. The food in the teacher's house now may be the murderer of the teacher's food poisoning. Don't eat it anymore!"

She added, "Throw away all that food!"


After hearing this, Lin Qingshan looked a little panicked, "I can't just throw away those seafood and delicacies of mine! It's not their problem!"

"What exactly is the problem?"

Wu Shiqing said curiously, "Teacher, it seems you know what you ate that caused the food poisoning?"

Lin Qingshan sighed, it seemed that he could only tell this matter...

"I actually...yesterday I released the little sparrow I brought back that day."

He hesitated and said, "But later it was killed by a wild cat, and I brought its body back... Actually, I originally wanted to bury it properly."

"But...if it is buried outside, it will still be eaten."

" I thought, if it ends up being eaten, it might as well be eaten by me..."

As Lin Qingshan slowly explained, Ito Ayumi, Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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