Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 301 Personal Style

Chapter 301 Personal Style (Original)

In this chapter of "Parasite", the plot is still tepid.

But without realizing it, people are immersed in the plot.

This is also the unique charm of Lin Qingshan's works. Although they look dull, there is a depth of thought that makes people read on without realizing it.

Lin Qingshan currently has five comic works, except for the weird thriller style "Whirlpool".

In fact, whether it is "Edge Walker", or "Fist of Fire", or the masterpiece "Chainsaw Man", or the current serialized "Parasite".

They all have a very distinctive feature.

That is the supernatural combat system in them, which does not seem to have a variety of moves like other works.

Their fighting scenes look dazzling and cool, but they don't have all kinds of moves and abilities.

The cybernetic body system of "Edge Walker", the Blesser ability of "Fire Fist", the contracted demon of "Chainsaw Man" or the conceptual ability of the demon itself, and the parasitic creature of "Parasite" transforms into a cold weapon for high-speed fighting.

Maybe Lin Qingshan didn't notice this. The combat systems in the four comics he copied didn't have moves or abilities.

"Human beings are also very selfish, but there is also a place for giving, okay? For example, policemen and firefighters are also giving, aren't they?"

At the same time, this episode of "Parasite" still aroused discussion among many comic fans.

"No, I don't think humans are very dedicated when it comes to dedication in their hearts. When it comes to interests, humans are much more selfish than animals."

"It's probably difficult for parasitic beasts to understand this side of humans. Why do they step forward even though it has nothing to do with them?"

"Xiaoyou is talking about the part of the human heart. The most difficult thing to understand is dedication. Isn't it true that people give selflessly?"

“This is the key to the reproduction of a group. Although individuals can inherit genes, the most important thing is to have strong genes that are suitable for the environment at that time.

But the so-called "literary drama", that is, the depth and arrangement of the plot, the character's personality and personality, are all very well drawn.

"But the parasitic beast has no ability to reproduce. This is the most critical thing. I don't know who created this species with obvious goals and strong purposes?"

"If parasitic beasts can continue to reproduce, they will also experience such a situation in the long process of reproduction. Individuals who are smart and help each other will survive, and those who are not very smart like Mr. A will be eliminated. If his and Tamiya Ryoko’s children also inherit his genes and show a reckless and selfish character, they will also be eliminated.”

There is even no concept of upgrading the protagonist's abilities.

However, the reproduction of an entire ethnic group still relies on mutual help, so gradually those selfish individuals will be excluded by the group and die out, but most of the genes of individuals who are helpful and friendly to each other can be reproduced. "

"That's just professional ethics, don't elevate it to selfless dedication, okay? Don't say they do this without wages or benefits."

"Although parasitic beasts look different from one individual to another, they are indeed relatively more indifferent and ruthless than humans."

"Yes, selfish individuals will be more likely to survive for a period of time, but such individuals who broke away from the group in ancient times will die faster."

Except for David in "Edge Walker", after installing the prosthetic King Kong and getting an upgrade in combat power, the protagonists of the other three comics will all have the same ability until the finale.

"In addition to wisdom, mutual help is also crucial for the strength and continuation of humankind."

"That is indeed just their professional responsibility, but there was news before that the car overturned in a car accident, and passers-by gathered together to save the owner of the car despite the risk of the gas tank exploding. Isn't this also a way of helping?"

Therefore, all four of Lin Qingshan's comics have "fighting" scenes that are not exciting.

It is these, coupled with the exquisite painting ability given to Lin Qingshan by [Painting Kaleidoscope (Master)], that has caused comic fans to be deeply immersed in the seemingly ordinary comic plot.

"It can only be said that the human heart is complex. There is a side that is indifferent and selfish like a parasitic beast, but there is also a side that is selfless, kind and friendly."

"It's not a product of nature anyway. It's obviously a biological weapon, created to exterminate human beings."

"Xinxinyi seems to be influenced by Xiaoyou now, right? He won't really become another person later, right?"

"Speaking of which, this setting seems a bit fantasy. In fact, I saw such a paper on arXiv published by a leader of the California Heart Mathematics Association.

It collects the personality changes of many heart transplant patients before and after heart transplantation. It also says that the human heart is not as simple as a "blood pump". The heart is a very complex organ, and there are many mysteries that have not yet been solved.

And in the heart, there are nerve cells with long-term memory and short-term memory that do work in the heart and form a small but complex nervous system.

It is said that this is the case, so transplanting organs will indeed affect the patient himself, so if this paper is true, although Xiao You only swallowed the male protagonist's right hand, the male protagonist may really be affected by Xiao You. "

"I think the male protagonist is really affected a little bit, and I really hope that the male protagonist's character really changes. Such a weak character is so unpleasant to watch."

"The influence is mutual, right? It's best for Xiao You to be influenced by the male protagonist to have feelings. I like Xiao You so much."

"hhhhh One is extremely rational and calm, while the other is too emotional and seems too weak. It is indeed better to combine the two personalities."

"Brand New One is not weak, right? He is also responsible. At least he did not run away when Li Mei was kidnapped, and he mustered up the courage to face the parasitic beast, so Brand New One is not weak."

"It's just that his character seems unpleasant and a little weak. When I saw this, I really wanted him to call Xiao You out and kill all those gangsters!" "The character should become stronger later on, Qingshan Lao Ze prefers to depict the changes in the male protagonist's personality, and he likes the male protagonist to grow up to be stronger and independent. After all, Shinichi is not the bad boy next door. "

"The bad boy next door is really annoying. He has reached the third level of the god, and his character and abilities are still the same as if he has never grown."

"Hahahaha, Shai Zai is really bad, but Shai Zai people are still quite courageous. At least they won't let their guard down at critical moments."

"When will Shai Zai grow up to be like Senior Brother Chu, I will recognize him. He is obviously so awesome, but he looks like he can't hold himself up against the wall."

"That's why I prefer the male protagonists in Aoyama's paintings. At least David, Agni, and Denji are really not cowardly, and they will really come to you if something happens!"

"It's Shuichi in "Uzumaki". In the end, he was really responsible. Even after going through so many things, he still decided to stay with Kirie and wait for death. What a good man!"

"Brother Xinyi will probably grow up in the future. Don't worry, the old thief Qingshan never disappoints in this regard."


I have to say that although Shinichi's current personality is not very likable.

However, after experiencing Lin Qingshan's previous comics, comic fans are still looking forward to the next plot development of "Parasite".

This is the good reputation accumulated from excellent works.

After Zhou Wenwei read this week's serialized part of "Parasite Beast", he looked at other serialized comics, and finally he turned to...

This week "Purple Air Comes from the East" is on hiatus, and will be replaced by Lin Qingshan's new short story - "Goodbye Eri".

The cover shows a pair of hands holding a smartphone, taking a picture of the girl in front of them.

"It seems that this girl is the heroine...and her name is Eri?"

Zhou Wenwei guessed curiously, but soon he continued to read.

When you turn the first page, you see a first-person comic strip.

"I received a mobile phone for my birthday today."

"This is my dad and my mom."

There are two characters appearing in the comic, who are the parents of the protagonist.

It's just that Zhou Wenwei has a weird face. Why do these two characters look so familiar?
"This...why does it look like Kishibe and Makima?"

Zhou Wenwei almost laughed out loud and said.

It's just that this is the black-haired version without scars on the face, and this Makima's thick eyebrows look like the middle-aged version of Makima.

Although it can be said that there are still many differences between them, but out of a sense of humor, he still regarded the parents as Kishibe and Makima.

And they are indeed very similar, Kishibe is the father and Makima is the mother.

Then their child... will only be Denci.

"I just entered junior high school a while ago."

The male protagonist who spoke also appeared in the comic screen, but suddenly the picture was not clear.

This seems to imitate the shooting texture of mobile phone cameras, which appears blurry.

But Zhou Wenwei looked more like he had an indescribable neurotic feeling, like the first-person perspective of a mental patient.

The male protagonist then introduced, "This is my birthday cake, it's a fresh cream cake."

The birthday cake shows the hero's name and birthday - "Yutai is 12 years old."①
"Yutai, mom, I have a request for Youtai and you."

But at this moment, Youtai's mother suddenly said, "Mom is sick and may not live long. You know that, right?"

"About this matter... What do you think, Yutai?"

The originally clear picture of my mother suddenly became blurry again.

Those ghost images, combined with what Youtai's mother said just now, made it a little uncomfortable to look at.

Zhou Wenwei didn't know whether this was because he imitated the camera screen on his mobile phone, or because Lin Qingshan wanted to show the exciting emotional changes of the male protagonist.

And what Youtai's mother said made people feel a little heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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