Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 302 Goodbye Eri

Chapter 302 Goodbye Eri (original)

The double image seems to indicate that the male protagonist's world has become blurry and heavy.

The father and mother of the male protagonist Youtai also became heavy-hearted. The smiles on their faces when they celebrated Youtai's birthday no longer remained, and they became silent and serious.

"...I don't think this is the topic we should talk about now."

Youtai was silent for a long time and suddenly said.

Isn't today his birthday? Why did he suddenly bring up such a heavy topic again?

Mom is ill and won't live long. This topic makes Youtai subconsciously want to avoid it and not answer it.

It seems that as long as she avoids the current topic, her mother will be fine and will still live for a long time.

Yutai seemed to think so. He turned the camera away from his parents, who looked lost and silent, and focused on his 12th birthday cake.

However, the voice of the mother who was not in the screen still came, saying, "Listen to me... Youtai, listen to me..."

The mother's figure appeared on the camera again, but there were still various ghost images, and the ghost images became more and more serious.

This suddenly reminded Zhou Wenwei of his grandmother who died of coronary heart disease a few years ago.

“Being able to film my life on video.”

In the comics, Yutai's mother's condition began to deteriorate, and she was already in the hospital, staying in a bed.

This ghost painting method makes people feel crazy.

It turns out that if you keep the videos and photos of your loved ones who are about to pass away, you can remember them in the future.

Yutai also captured a scene of his father crying secretly because of sadness.

For the patients themselves, perhaps they have accepted that they are about to die.

"Are you... willing to take pictures?"

Zhou Wenwei suddenly understood. The alternation of blurred double images and normal clear painting techniques represented whether the male protagonist Youtai's mood was stable.

So I could only watch my grandma lying on the hospital bed getting weaker and weaker bit by bit.

"The archive of shooting has exceeded 40 hours. Starting tomorrow, I will take leave and not go to school."

So their family bought a computer, and Youtai transferred the videos and photos to the computer's hard drive.

Mom asked.

The picture was fine at first, but later on it became blurry again.

"What mom means is..."

But then my mother said——

As for Utai, it is because the mobile phone has insufficient memory and cannot record so many videos and photos.

Yutai immediately agreed and said.


When she learned that she had serious coronary heart disease, she didn't feel sad at all.

It seemed that she was not the one who was seriously ill and would not live long.

However, the next picture, which landed on Youtai's 12th birthday cake, became a little blurry again.

Zhou Wenwei's father and aunt were both so depressed that they couldn't eat at all. His father smoked pack after pack of cigarettes and went up to the rooftop to cry secretly at night.

At this time, my mother continued, "This way, even if my mother is no longer here, I can still remember her, right?"

It's just that their descendants feel very uncomfortable because they are already over 90 years old and cannot have surgery.

"From now on, mom hopes you..."

This... is indeed a good method.

It seems that the male protagonist Yutai's mood has stabilized again.

After hearing what his mother said, Youtai seemed to have raised his phone, "Huh?"

Later, there were more scenes of dad crying, but mom was still relatively optimistic.

The next plot of the comic is about Youtai obeying his mother's instructions and constantly recording his mother's life on his mobile phone.

But for the patient's family, they will never accept this kind of thing.

"By making a video, I can review my mother's voice and movements."

Until the news came that my grandma had a myocardial infarction at night and passed away after resuscitation failed, and my father and aunt became extremely old in just a few days.

"Thank you……"

The most outrageous thing was that Youtai wanted to film his mother taking a shower and going to the toilet, but was rejected outright.

And in the following comic scenes, the double images disappeared and became clear again.

In the strange look in his father's eyes, his mother said to Yutai.

At the same time, Zhou Wenwei's mood became heavier and heavier.

The whole family went to the aquarium together, mom made a drink, a wild cat figure was mixed in for some reason, mom and dad were watching TV...

"Because mom is officially in the hospital."

Suddenly, the screen turned to Yutai's selfie. His double-blurred face had clear and obvious sadness.

He shouted uncomfortably, "This is my expression now."

But her mother was quite calm, as if she was comforting Youtai, and said, "I've never been in good health. Looking at this situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to get better until I die..."

Next, it returns to the seemingly normal plot of recording mother's life during her lifetime.

"This is a sick meal. I don't know if it tastes too bland, or if there's something wrong with my tongue, but I can't taste it."

" don't have to take pictures of dad..."

"This is a meal cooked by Youtai. How would you rate it?"

"2 points."

"The video archive is over 100 hours old."

"Besides...besides, mom may really be dying..."

Suddenly, Yutai in the manga fell silent.

He continued, "I...I haven't thought about, I'm not sad either..."

He seemed to be trying to trick himself into not being sad, but...

"No...very sad..."

He finally admitted it sadly, saying, "I'm sad."

Finally, in a blurry scene, a dead bug appeared in the comic, and then a group of black ants ran out and moved it away.

The bug is dead...


Dad's voice came, saying, "Mom... doesn't have much time left."

The double-blurred picture looks like a world about to collapse.

In this scene of imminent collapse, dad said, as if announcing something, "Yutai, go to the hospital."

On the way to the hospital, my father finally said, "Mom, she said she hoped you could take a picture of the moment she died."

Then they arrived at the hospital.



Dad said to Yutai who was filming the scene, "Come here quickly, where are you going?"

However, the scene is getting further and further away, as if Yutai is running behind.

He is running away.


"Yutai!? Ah! Yuta! Wait!"

"Yutai! Where are you going!"

During the fast running in first person, the picture becomes increasingly blurry. Youtai is running as hard as he can, he wants to escape from the hospital.

Finally, the scene changed from the first perspective to the perspective outside the hospital.

Youtai ran outside the hospital, but suddenly!
Without any surprise, the hospital exploded!

The horrific explosion seemed to have completely turned the hospital into rubble, but Youtai continued to run out as if he knew about it in advance.

The emergence of this explosive plot made Zhou Wenwei confused when he saw it.

What's going on here?
Isn’t this comic a provocative and daily comic that records the deep love between mother and child?
There is no mention of any special background of the male protagonist or his family, whether he is a former senior agent, or whether he has any enemies.

Why did the hospital suddenly explode? It was like a terrorist attack?
This is completely unexpected. What kind of plot arrangement is this?

However, the next moment, the scene of Yutai escaping from the bombed hospital, which seemed to have been attacked by a terrorist, appeared on the big screen!

Under the big screen, there were densely packed students sitting on stools, as if they were watching a movie in the school auditorium.

So...this is a movie?
All these plots are currently scenes from a movie?

Zhou Wenwei suddenly thought of a new film genre - mockumentary.

It is a film shot in the form of a documentary.

This kind of pseudo-documentary film can give movie fans an extremely real sense of immersion.

So...are the first half of the plot in this comic just a gimmick for a movie?
But the plot of this explosion is still too sudden, right? !
It was clear that the previous scene was just a sad plot of a son recording the life scenes of his seriously ill mother, but suddenly there was a big explosion in the back!

Not only was Zhou Wenwei surprised, but the students watching the movie below were also shocked.

They all looked at this scene blankly, and some even covered their mouths involuntarily.

At this moment, in the blurry screen, a female student announced, "The playback is over. The above is the film work brought by Iyotai from Class 2, Grade - "Mother of Explosive Death."


Zhou Wenwei finally came to his senses, so...this is indeed a scene shot by Youtai, but it was just made into a movie?
Is it possible that... Youtai's mother really died of a serious illness?

The face of the male protagonist Youtai appeared on the screen again. There was no trace of sadness in his eyes, and he said, "My movie has just finished. Let's see what everyone's reaction is."

So he held his mobile phone and interviewed his classmates and asked them what they thought.


"Hahaha... Well, it seems like we just... watched something super weird and unclear?"



"With all due respect, after watching that kind of bad movie, I almost couldn't sing."


Amid everyone's laughter, the school's celebration continued, but they all regarded Yuta's movie - "Mother of Explosive Death" as a big joke.

The teacher also scolded Youtai afterward.

"How could a movie like this be made?"

"You are blaspheming your mother's death!"

"Why should it be made into a movie? It shouldn't be done, right? Why?"


The teacher's words made Zhou Wenwei understand that although Youtai was making a movie, his mother really died of a serious illness.

The explosion at the end... probably wasn't true.

But this is indeed joking about the death of his mother, which is indeed wrong.

However, Youtai said with some confusion, "I filmed for about 100 hours... I also edited it for everyone's viewing convenience..."

"When paired with music that feels good... it becomes a movie."

But the teacher was still puzzled and said, "Don't you feel sorry for your deceased mother when you play that kind of video publicly?"

"Yes... no, that..."

Youtai hesitated, but said, "I don't think so."

"The last paragraph... why did it explode at the end?"

When the teacher saw this, he was helpless and asked with some doubts.


However, Yutai said, "Isn't it the best?"

After a long silence, the teacher became angry. He grabbed Yutai's collar and said angrily, "Everyone is dead! What's the best thing you can say!!"

Then, not only the teacher, but also Youtai's classmates felt that this movie made by Youtai was really bad.

Especially the explosive plot in the last paragraph.

"Thinking? The ending is makes people feel bad."

"I really think he has a mental problem."

"At least consider his mother's's too bad."

"Why? Why did you cut that into a movie?"

"Super bad movie...hahahaha——"

"Bad... rotten movie."

"My mother also passed away last I can't forgive you. Making it into a movie is not the key to the problem, but why is there an explosion at the end?"


When classmates and teachers don't understand.

Yutai appeared on the screen, and after several comic scenes of silence, he finally answered.

"Hello everyone."

He first said hello to the camera and said, "I'm here to say hello to everyone who looks down on me."

Yutai was obviously not in a good mood either.

"If everyone can see this video, it means...I have...successfully committed suicide."

"...I would jump off the stairs of the hospital where my mother died."

"That movie was a work I spent my entire junior high school life on. Can you understand how it feels to have all your hard work mocked?"

"Are you thinking that you are going to seek death just for this little thing?"

"If you really think so, I suggest everyone just die."

"Ah... I also have to ask the father who found this video about this... Dad, please don't be sad."

"Please show this video to those guys who look down on me, and let them remember me forever."

"This world is full of death, Memento mori (Latin, mortals are destined to die), after all is said and done, I am Yutai."


After this suicide declaration, Youtai picked up his mobile phone and went to the hospital where his mother died.

He climbed up and down the stairs, passing many scenery along the way, and finally he came to the rooftop.

On the rooftop, overlooking the cars in the parking lot below and the houses in the distance of the city.

All blurry images seemed to be moving away from him, and life was also moving away from him.

Looking at the ground below in the screen, it seems that Yutai is about to jump.

But at this moment...

"Are you going to jump?"

A voice came from outside the screen.


Youtai cut the camera in his hand to the side, and saw a short-haired girl wearing a school uniform, also on the railing of the rooftop.

She looked at Youtai, as if she had known Youtai for a long time, and it seemed that she had been waiting here for Youtai to come up.

(End of this chapter)

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