Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 303: A play within a play within a play [-word chapter! 】

Chapter 303: A play within a play within a play (original) [-word chapter! (Attention please!)】

In fact, according to the name "Goodbye Eri", the protagonist of this comic should be a girl named "Eri".

But most of the current storylines are centered around Yutai.

This is very confusing.

But now it seems that the "heroine" Eri who appears above the title has finally appeared.

Eri, who is heroic but somewhat indifferent, seems to be talking to Yuta and the fans outside the screen.

"If you want to die, don't dance in this hospital."

Eri seemed not to care about Yuta's life and death, and said, "It will make this hospital's reputation worse."

She even gave ruthless advice again, and then said, "Go to the hospital near the station and think about it. The doctors there have a very bad attitude. If you want to die, go there and die."

As if Yutai's seeking death is really not important, it highlights the concept of "let go of the complex of helping others and respect the choices of others".

Suddenly she was silent for a moment, then approached Youtai who was outside the screen again, and said, "Huh? Huh? No way? Are you..."

After the girl Eri looked at him for a long time, suddenly the girl took his hand and said, "Follow me!"

Starting from the movie-like Mewtwo in "Edge Walker", the element of movies has never been far away from Lin Qingshan's comics.

In the picture, Eri takes him all the way through the city, through the streets, and through the fields.

Yutai finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

However, Eri said suddenly and continued to focus on watching the movie.

In the next picture, Yutai finally appeared in the picture again.

Eri also stared at Yutai's pocket and said, "The money in your wallet..."

So, the screen continued to follow Eri as she walked towards the apartment building.

"Don't talk during the movie."

The door was open, Eri let go of her hand and turned to look at Yutai outside the screen.

He and Eri were sitting on a love seat, behind them was a projector playing an unknown movie.

Will this be a girl's home?
But why is the girl's home so dilapidated?


In this apartment, the corridors are filled with rubbish like ruins, and there is even a dull air that makes people reluctant to approach.

The paint on the wall has peeled off, and there are some uncomfortable signs of vicissitudes of life appearing here and there. You can feel the history of the house and the imprints left by the years.

"Also, if you really want to seek death..."

Although he was just reading comics, Zhou Wenwei seemed to be Yuta at this moment, following Eri into the apartment.


The picture once again has the blurry texture of fast running, just like in Yutai's movie, when he escapes from the hospital when his mother passes away.

"The Iyota who filmed "Mother of Explosive Death"?"

Amidst Yutai's surprised exclamations, Eri pulled him and ran out quickly, but she didn't know where she planned to run.

The same question also ran through Zhou Wenwei's mind.

Zhou Wenwei couldn't help but be intoxicated by this film-like camera movement, coupled with the extremely exquisite painting style.

But Youtai still couldn't help but ask, "Who are you? Is this your home?"

She was obviously the one who brought Yutai here, she must have some purpose, right?

Eventually they came to a dilapidated apartment building.

Eri finally stopped in front of a door and motioned for Yuta and the fans who were reading comics to go in.

In this abandoned apartment building, there were no lighted rooms, no rustling sounds, and even the wind was dead silent.

The apartment building was deserted, and all the window glass had fallen off.

Zhou Wenwei suddenly felt a little emotional. As a loyal comic fan of Lin Qingshan, he certainly knew that Lin Qingshan was very persistent in the element of movies.

In the manga, in the movie scene in front of Eri and Yuta.

Eri was in the picture, staring closely at the movie in front of her, but she said nothing and said nothing to Yuta.

"Oh wow!?"

Under the watch of the surrounding people, the man shook his fist at the other man, and there seemed to be some blood remaining on his collar.

This is also the unique charm of Lin Qingshan’s works.

Watching a movie again...

It seemed that she was asking Yuta to continue following her in.

"Why are you showing me a movie?"

No matter what the plot is, the exquisite painting style and unique camera movements that only appear in movies make people feel that these pictures are paintings of art.

Outside the screen, Yutai hesitated and admitted his identity hesitantly.

"If you don't say anything for the next nine hours, I'll tell you."

Eri replied, "Because after watching this one, I have to watch 4 more movies."

Youtai said nothing, as if he had already agreed.

But at this moment, Eri unexpectedly spoke up and said, "By the way, this is not my home. I just brought the portable projector into the ruins without permission."

This suddenly surprised Yuta, and he looked at Eri.

But Eri didn't speak anymore, so he slowly turned back and, like Eri, continued to watch the movie in front of him quietly.

After a black screen.

"Thanks for the charger."

Yutai, who was outside the screen, said to the girl.

In the scene that reappeared, Eri's figure was blurred. She said, "It's already two o'clock, it's time to go back. Speaking of which, why have you been filming?"

It seems that nine hours have passed in the comic and the movie has finished.

"Although the movie is quite interesting, who are you? Why do you want me to watch the movie?"

Yutai couldn't help but ask again.

"Ah? Didn't I say it yet?"

However, Eri said with some surprise.


Eri was silent for a while.

Then she continued, "You haven't watched the movie yet, have you?"

"Basically what's shown on TV is..."

Before Yutai could finish speaking, Eri interrupted with a look of disgust, "It's too far to look at just those. You have to look at more."


“Because without looking at it a little bit, you can’t make a movie that everyone agrees is interesting.”

"Have you not……"

Hearing what Eri said, Yuta misunderstood and said, "Is he also the kind of person who wants to criticize my movie?"

"I have a lot of dissatisfaction."

Eri looked forward at this time, expressed her true feelings, and said, "However, your sharp expression is rare, and it actually surprises me more."

"I do think this is a childish work, but... the running time is nearly 20 minutes, but I didn't get tired of watching it at all."

"Which ones are facts and which ones are creations? This kind of inexplicable confusion also makes me feel very good."


Hearing Eri's comment, Yuta asked, "What do you mean? You haven't answered my questions properly since just now."

After Yuta asked with some excitement, Eri was silent for a while.

Then she looked at the screen and Yutai seriously, and said, "Your movie... is super interesting!"

But Eri then said very seriously and unwillingly——

" interesting the movie is, how unwilling I am..."

"Among the audience in the venue, I was the only one crying!"

"Everyone else took it as a laughing stock! This really makes me unwilling!"

It turns out that the girl Eri is a fan of Yuta?
Did she bring Yuta here because she saw something else in this movie?


Eri held out her finger and said angrily, "I want you to make another movie!"

"For a whole year starting from tomorrow, I'm going to make you watch movies to the death to increase your knowledge base."

"Then make a movie the next year and show it at the Film Culture Festival!"

"This time, let's make everyone cry, okay?!"

Looking at Eri's cute and serious face, Yutai was silent for a long time and finally said, "That's a good idea..."

Immediately Eri smiled and said, "I will be your manager."

Seemingly seeing the disbelief on Youtai's face, she smiled and said, "Don't worry! Because I am confident that I have watched more movies than anyone else in this place."

"I almost understand, but..."

Yutai still hesitated and said, "In the final analysis, who are you?"

The girl's eyes suddenly became extremely serious, but the next moment...

She stretched out her hand to Yuta, smiled and said, "My name is Eri, please take care of me."

"Please take care of me..."

Yuta said as he shook hands with the girl who called herself Eri.

Just like that, Yuta seems to have regained his strength.

He took another video, on the stairs where he had taken the previous video before deciding to commit suicide.

Now Youtai's face is once again filled with optimism and confidence.

"Hello everyone, I'm back."

"Dad, I'm back—!"

What's funny is that there was a voice from upstairs that sounded like Youtai's father had just come back from get off work, "Oh... um... I just came back too..."

"Everyone, you exudes wonderful brilliance...incomparably magnificent!!"

Yutai continued, "For those who are thinking of committing suicide, I advise you to forget it. It's too stupid."

"Everyone will die, and before death, one must live well."

"I wish everyone can be happy, that's it, I'm Yutai."




In this way, Yutai regained his fighting spirit under the persuasion of the mysterious girl Eri.

And with Eri's company, he began to relearn how to make movies.

They watch movies together every day, and Eri continues to teach Yuta the so-called Hollywood film creation theory and storytelling techniques.

Yutai would also tell Eri his thoughts, but Eri was never very satisfied.

After class, they went to a convenience store to buy ready-made dinner.

Then the two went to the dilapidated apartment building again, eating dinner and watching a movie.

Finally, before midnight, the two separated again and went home.

Eri will also complain in a dissatisfied manner.

Faced with Eri's request to gather on Sunday the next day, Yuta said curiously, "Eh? Do you want to watch a movie on the weekend too?"

"Don't you want to?"

Eri spread her hands and said with a shocked look on her face, "You can spend a whole day with a beautiful girl like me?! If you have an appointment with any friends, just find a reason to turn it down." ①
Then the next day, Yuta finally met up with Eri as scheduled.

The two continued to watch movies together every day and discussed the filming techniques of the movie.

This plot is just like a love comedy.

But... this plot of daily love is indeed sweet enough.

Zhou Wenwei couldn't help but smile like an uncle, but... why...

Why didn't he meet such a beautiful, cute, quirky, and considerate girl when he was in school...


Sure enough, this is a plot that only appears in fantasy works such as comics and movies.

When he thought of this, Zhou Wenwei couldn't control the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Soon, Yutai's film learning session seemed to be over.

In the still ambiguous atmosphere, the two began to discuss how to shoot Yutai's movie.

The first is the movie script.

However, Eri looked at the movie script Yutai gave her and commented flatly, "Ordinary."

"so boring……"

Yuta didn't give up next, and kept showing Eri the script he wrote.

However, it has always been...



"Still ordinary, although not me another story."

Finally, there was a script. Eri looked at the plot carefully and said, "...Subtle."

Hearing that Eri finally gave a good evaluation, Yutai said with relief outside the screen, "Surrender, surrender, I surrender."

"Ah~~My heart is already full of holes. I don't even understand what is interesting."

"I understand, so it's okay."

Eri said calmly, "Take it out carefully and continue writing."

However, the screen suddenly zoomed out.

This made Eri aware of the strangeness, and she asked somewhat speechlessly, "...Why are you so far away from me?"

Yutai, who was outside the screen, stopped and said, "...Actually, I have always wanted to ask, what is so interesting about my movie?"

"You are the only person in the world who can speak interesting words."

"Everyone calls it a bad movie, and I gradually don't understand what's so interesting about it."

Faced with Yuta's doubts, Eri closed the movie script written by Yuta in her hand and said, "The first is the scene of escaping from the hospital."

"That movie, although on the surface, was going in the direction of tear-jerking healing."

She carefully analyzed the plot of Yutai's movie "Mother of Explosive Death" and said, "But isn't it still a cruel thing to let a son who is in junior high school film his mother's death?"

"So Yutai, you escaped from the hospital, and then when the explosion happened, I felt very happy."

Is it...pleasant?

Zhou Wenwei felt a little sad. For a mother, letting her children take photos of herself in good health would allow her family to remember her after her death.

This may be a very healing thing.

But this is too cruel for Youtai.

It is impossible for even an adult to face all this pain, let alone a minor who is not fully developed physically and mentally, to personally see and photograph her mother until her death.

That's why... Yutai finally wanted to escape.

He didn't want to see his mother die with his own eyes, but...

What about the explosion?

The final explosion was a little too bizarre, right?

Zhou Wenwei continued to read the comics.

"The second thing that moved me was that you photographed my mother beautifully."

Eri continued, "If it were me, I would be very happy to be photographed so beautifully."

"Also, I like your character."

Eri raised her head, looked at Yutai outside the screen, and said, "Very good. Although the film is titled after mother, the most charming character is you, Yutai."

"So, I don't want to watch someone else's movie this time that has nothing to do with it..."

"I want to read Yutai's story."

Suddenly, the scene switched to Youtai's home again, and in front of him was his father who was eating.

But the father in front of him looked a little older, and the death of Youtai's mother was also a big blow to him.

"...Dad, when you think of me, what do you think of?"

Yuta asked.

"You mentioned Yuta?"

Dad said, "That's... a movie? Well, a movie."

“When you think of my movies, what comes to your mind?”

Yutai asked again.

"...explosion? Explode..."

Dad replied, "Yutai, you have been like this since you were a child. No matter what you do, you always add a little fantasy element to it."

"A pinch of fantasy?"


Dad continued, "When you drew Dad's portrait in kindergarten, you made his face look like a dragon. When we went to the zoo together, you kept talking to the giraffe."

"Ah, by the way, why are you still filming now?"

After the conversation with her father ended, the manga returned to the plot of Eri and Yuta watching a movie.

"...the teenage protagonist's mother bought him a mobile phone."

Suddenly, for some reason, Yutai outside the screen once again told Eri his story...or rather the script of the previous movie.

"Then my mother said to him, I will die of illness soon... please film me until the moment of death."

Eri looked at Yutai speechlessly and said, "We are only halfway through the movie...and isn't this your last movie?"

"There will be a follow-up..."

Yutai, who was outside the screen, continued, "The protagonist failed to capture the death of his mother and made a bad movie. He was scolded terribly."

"So...the injured protagonist...decided to commit suicide by jumping from the hospital."

"Then he came to the roof of the hospital."

"At this time, a vampire girl appeared on the stage, and the protagonist was kidnapped by her and brought home."

At first, Zhou Wenwei didn't think anything was wrong, thinking that Yutai was continuing to talk about the experience of meeting Eri.


"Huh? Vampire?"

Zhou Wenwei blinked, almost thinking that he had read it wrong, or that it was printed wrongly in the comic.

But in the manga, what Yutai said next was still "vampire".

"I thought he would be sucked blood, but I didn't expect that the other party forced him to watch many movies."

"Then the vampire asks the protagonist to make a movie?"


"After that, the two of us watched countless movies and came up with stories...I haven't thought about the rest yet, but I will think about it now."

In the illusory painting texture, Eri and Yuta seem to be in a movie, sitting on the sofa and laughing while watching the movie played on the projector.

Yutai continued outside the screen, "The knot that the protagonist holds... is probably not the movie being ridiculed..."

"But the mother's death was not photographed, right?"

The scene where Yutai escaped from the hospital appeared on the screen, and the expression on his face looked extremely painful.

"Yes! In fact, the protagonist regrets escaping from the hospital!"

The scene returned to reality, Eri's beautiful profile.

"Actually, the vampire is going to die soon!"

Yutai is still saying, "Although she has lived for thousands of years, vampires will die soon due to diseases and other reasons!" "Although she has lived for a thousand years, she is still afraid of being forgotten!"

"So Dracula wants her movie to be made for the main character!"

"During filming, the main character falls in love with a vampire."

"But the vampire gradually weakened... Finally, I photographed the scene where the vampire died, and the relationship between the two came to an end."

"The protagonist successfully captured the death scene that he failed to capture when his mother passed away... He regained the confidence to live well and continue making movies... Finished."

After hearing the script Yutai said, Eri closed her eyes and was silent for a long time.

"Sounds interesting."

She opened her eyes, smiled and said to Yuta.

"That's right! Because it's a semi-autobiographical film, if I were to be the protagonist, the students who watched the previous one last year would be more receptive to it because of the film-within-a-movie element!"

"Since we have to reuse materials, I will be the vampire."

Eri said with a smile.

"Of course!"

“After that, I just need to refine the outline a little more, and I’ll be able to write it into a script soon!”

Eri said with a smile.

Then whatever Yuta said, Eri smiled and agreed.

"Ah! By the way! Can you meet my father before writing the script?"


"I mentioned that I wanted to make a movie, and he said he wanted to talk to you, Eri! But my dad loves to nag, so I'm afraid it will be very annoying..."

Sure enough, in the next scene, Eri appears at Yutai's house, and the three of them eat at the dining table together.

But for some reason, in several cartoons, Eri and Yuta’s father were eating in silence.

This bad atmosphere made Zhou Wenwei feel bad.

Sure enough, after several consecutive cartoons showing scenes of eating in silence.

"Sorry to break such a rare harmonious atmosphere..."

Youtai's father said, "As Youtai's father, I have something to say..."


"I hope you don't let Yuta make any more movies."


"What are you talking about, Dad..."

Yutai outside the screen said somewhat unexpectedly.

"It's ok."

However, Eri said calmly.

"How much hurt Yutai suffered because of his mother's death..."

Then, Youtae's father continued with a pleading look on his face, "As a father, I know how much the movie made to express his grief hurt him."

"My son has become a lot more cheerful after meeting you. I can't thank you enough times for this."

"But! But..."

"But if he gets hurt again because of the movie..."

"This time, my son may never be able to move forward!"

“I’ve been aspiring to create before, so I get it!”

“If the work you create because you think it’s interesting is looked down upon and made a laughing stock, you won’t be able to stay sane!!”

After these words, Zhou Wenwei fell silent. Unknowingly, he was already immersed in this story.

Youtai's father definitely wants to do the best for Youtai, but Youtai will not give up like that.

The main plot of this comic is that Yuta and Eri will overcome all difficulties and make this movie!

Next, the male protagonist finally spoke out to retort, but Yutai's father was so emotional that he even scolded Eri angrily and told her not to get close to Yutai again.

Amid Yuta's father's hoarse rebuke, Eri didn't say a word.

Even Youtai seemed to recognize it and stopped talking.

There was a long silence next, which made Zhou Wenwei look strange.

According to the development of this plot, Eri and Yuta should not start talking together to persuade Yuta's father to allow them to make a movie.

However, there are several motionless scenes in the comic, which even make people wonder whether Lin Qingshan is in the water.

But in one of the cartoons, Zhou Wenwei saw Youtai's father quietly opening an eye and taking a look...

Yutai? ? ?

at this time……


Eri suddenly turned around and shouted.


At this moment, Youtai's father seemed to be relieved and asked, " are you doing? The lines...won't be too rigid, right?"

"Ah? So this is also a movie? Is this also the plot?"

Zhou Wenwei was suddenly confused. He really didn't expect such a plot.

All I can say is that the plot of Lin Qingshan's comics is really... not at all following the normal routine.

Zhou Wenwei sighed helplessly in his heart.

In the picture, Yuta's father continues to thank Eri. He really loves Yuta and has always been willing to support Yuta unconditionally.

This made Eri confused and asked, "Although it's not as exaggerated as the line just now, but... do you really think it's okay to let Yuta continue to make movies?"

"If you make a boring movie, you will really be looked down upon and treated as a laughing stock. Me, Yuta, and uncle will all be hurt, right?"


Youtai's father hesitated and said, "This is directly adapted from what my friend said... The so-called creation is to enter the inner mood of the audience and make them laugh or cry, right?"

“Wouldn’t it be unfair if the creator wouldn’t be hurt?”

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Wenwei was deeply shocked.

"This... is probably a true portrayal of Mr. Qingshan himself."

Zhou Wenwei couldn't help but think.

In fact, Lin Qingshan has said in external interviews more than once that he would shed tears when creating those plots.

No matter how many times he watched it, he would still be deeply touched.

Only in this way can the ability of [Finishing Touch Master] make comics more appealing... Although the original plots of these comics are already very appealing.

For Lin Qingshan, creating these comics that make people cry or laugh is not an attempt to tease comic fans with so-called "depressing" plots.

He doesn't want to "depress" comic fans for fun.

He just wants to... share with comic fans excellent works from another world.

Let comic fans feel "delight" - the joy of seeing excellent comics.

Maybe Lin Qingshan is indeed mentally ill, and he doesn't think making comic fans "cry" is a symbol of misfortune.

It should be crying with "joy" after seeing a beautiful work and feeling "joyful" for the characters in it.

Therefore, Lin Qingshan will still be touched by these works. Wu Shiqing and Wu Shiqing can often see him crying while drawing these comics.

Zhou Wenwei was deeply touched, but at this moment...

"Isn't this line good? Do you want to shoot it again?"

Youtai's father suddenly said.

"Gotta shoot! Gotta shoot!"

Eri's joyful voice came from the side.

In this way, the plot has been going on in the movie, with Eri playing the role of a vampire girl as Yutai said before.

The two of them were on the beach in the sun, performing the drama arranged in the script.

Eri said that she was about to die due to illness. After Yutai finished speaking, Eri suddenly passed out and her whole body was soaked in the sea water at her feet.

However, just when Zhou Wenwei and other comic fans still thought this was a movie...

Suddenly, the scene shifted to the hospital.

Eri is on the hospital bed.

Yuta came to visit Eri and showed her those terrible videos. For example, Yuta took a video of himself defecating in the toilet because Yuta's mother didn't allow him to take a video of her going to the toilet.

It's really... a dirty joke, very in line with Lin Qingshan's style.

But it just makes comic fans laugh out loud.


"...I'm not going to recover."

Faced with Yuta's request, Eri said.


"There's no recovery, that's what I have."

Eri continued, "Actually, I knew this would happen... I thought I could hold on for a while longer."

Zhou Wenwei thought this was still filming a movie.

However, Yutai outside the screen said doubtfully, "Isn't this the plot of a movie...?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Zhou Wenwei was stunned for a moment.

Could it be that... this is really not a movie, but that Eri really has an incurable terminal disease? !

"Why... why didn't you tell me?!"

Immediately, Eri slowly spoke of her reasons, "I...I, when watching Yuta's movie...actually put my own feelings on your mother's body."

"Because I can understand the feeling of wanting someone to take a picture of you dying."

"This way, I feel as if I can survive in the I envy your mother very much."

So that’s the case, no wonder Eri is the only one who says she thinks Yuta’s movies are great.

Because she put herself into it.

All this... Zhou Wenwei understood.

"I have a request."

Eri then said, "Just follow the story you conceived and keep filming until the moment I die... okay?"

Faced with the same request as her mother's original request, Youtai collapsed.

"What does this mean..."

Even though he couldn't see Youtai's expression outside the screen, Zhou Wenwei could feel the anger in these words.

"It's too much...I say..."

Yutai said sadly, "Wait...don't you think it's too much?"

"I don't want to take pictures..."

After leaving these words, Youtai seemed to leave the hospital alone and walk on the way home.

All the scenes seemed so unreal and blurry.

But when Youtai returned home, he met his father.

"I heard about Eri's story."

Dad asked, "Aren't you going to school?"

"Really, leave me alone."

Yutai said irritably.

However, this time...

"and many more……"

Dad sat next to him and said, "Youtai..."

"What are you doing? Get out of here!"

Facing the death of an important person again, Youtai was extremely emotionally unstable and said hurtful words to his father.


"Mom's last captured them."

"Wanna see?"

After the same several scenes passed, a period of silence was revealed.

Then there was an image of Youtai's mother before she died, lying on the hospital bed with a breathing tube inserted.

"Uh...well, it's impossible for Yuta to get out of the car..."

It turns out that at that time, Yutai didn't even want to get out of the car?

"Uh-huh... But since it's the mother's wish... uh--then let the father take the photo instead."

My mother was lying on the hospital bed, her eyes dull but she asked, "Yutai...why don't you come? Why?"

"Yutai doesn't want his mother to die. That's why...he can't come here..."

Dad, holding a camera, said.

My mother lay on the hospital bed, wailing in pain and powerlessness, "Hmm... um... ah... um..."

In the end, she spoke ruthlessly to the screen, saying, "Really, he was a useless child until the last minute..."

"how come……"

Seeing Zhou Wenwei here, he was a little surprised and said, "Why...why would Youtai's mother call her child useless?"

Next, plots that have never appeared in "movies" appear and the truth is revealed.

"Yutai... snap! What are you doing? Mom can't tell when she will die?"

"Using the composition just now will make my mother look ugly, right? You should understand this little thing you want everyone to laugh at me by making me look so ugly?"

"What's the point of filming a cat? Delete it! Are you stupid?"

"Why don't you take pictures as I asked? Your mother bought that mobile phone with money!"


In one cartoon after another, Youtai's mother ruthlessly spoke some ruthless words to Youtai, as if Youtai was just a puppet obeying her orders.

So... Youtai's mother is not as gentle as before.

"Didn't your mother... work as a producer on a TV station?"

Youtai's father, who was outside the screen, told the truth and said, "After she recovered from the illness, she planned to make a documentary about her life fighting against the disease..."

"But dad has to work and won't be here during the day, so I have to ask you, Youtai, to shoot the video."

So no matter how cruel this thing is, Youtai has to film it all.

"Dad...Dad, I..."

Dad said, "Actually, I realized that what Mom did was excessive."

"But, dad..."

"Dad turned a blind eye and only knew how to if nothing happened...I'm sorry..."

"! Dad was really surprised when he saw the movie you made!"

Youtai's father looked at Youtai outside the screen with tears in his eyes and said, "The mother in the movie... is a good mother who only shows her beautiful side..."

"When your mother is in a bad mood, she ignores anyone even if she is spoken to."

"I have never been praised by her for doing anything well..."

"But I still hope that when I think of her, I will have a good memory..."

Youtai's mother is not a perfect mother or a perfect wife, it's just that she was so perfect in Youtai's movies.

And Youtai's father also hopes to remember the good side of his wife.

This made Zhou Wenwei think of something.

"Yutai, you have the ability to decide the image of others in everyone's memories."

Youtai's father said, "This is actually a very powerful thing."

"Eri... I probably want you to decide how you will be perceived by everyone after your death."

It seems that because of these words from Youtai's father, Youtai cheered up again.

He edited the Eri scenes saved on the computer again, and finally they sat in the shabby apartment and watched the movie together.

Eri was temporarily discharged from the hospital, and her purpose was naturally to continue filming movies with Yuta.

They seemed to be back to the past, chatting together and planning to make a movie.

Next, there are pictures of Huili traveling and eating delicious food.

Eri in every comic is so beautiful, even if she ends up lying in a wheelchair or in the hospital...

In the hospital, it seemed to be Eri's last days.

The two of them chatted about the plot of that movie...

We talked about which scenes should be included and which ones should not be included.

When talking about the kissing scene...

"Did you film the kissing scene?"

"I took the photo, can I put it in?"

"Hmm~Should I let it go?"

"Would you like to take another shot just in case?"

"'s okay..."


There was a long silence, as if two young souls were testing the taste of each other's mouths in that unknown scene.

"Yutai, why... why did you set me up as a vampire?"

Eri's voice came from outside the screen.

"I always feel that a small amount of fantasy elements should be added to it. When I first met you, you suddenly took me to a ruined building. Don't you really want to be a vampire?"

"……A bit like."

"...Even if I die of blood sucking, if I can become nourishment for such a beautiful person, then I can rest in peace, right?"

"……Thank you."

"Oh-oh...I really want to watch a movie made by Youtai..."

"You can watch it in the middle of production... Anyway, I was editing while filming..."

"I want to see the full version."

"...Yeah, that's it."


"Eri, this movie...what kind of movie do you want me to make?"

"Make it the kind of movie you told me about in the first place."

"What does that look like?"


Suddenly, the scene shifted to the auditorium, where Eri, with a withered face and wearing hospital clothes, was lying limply on the bed... The movie projection screen was on the big screen.

The auditorium under the big screen was full of students as always.

They were all watching the movie quietly.

This is...making a movie?
Is Eri and Yuta’s movie finished?

Zhou Wenwei was stunned. He was a little confused. Was he really reading comics before?

So is Eri sick, or is there such a person as Eri?
Did Eri die in the end?

He really couldn't tell... really couldn't tell...

After all, this was an arranged play within a play, and Eri was not dead.

Or Eri is already dead, Yuta filmed the movie.

(End of this chapter)

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