Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 353 The Real Parasite

Chapter 353 The Real Parasite (Original)

When Zhou Wenwei heard what Guan Gangzhi said, although he was a human being, he had to agree with Guan Gangzhi's remarks.

"Yes... When it comes to killing, even killing each other, no other creature is more powerful than humans."

Zhou Wenwei said with some emotion.

The most important thing is that humans do not kill just to fill their stomachs or to survive like other living things.

In addition to the battle for survival to fill their stomachs, they fight more for their own selfish desires.

It could be for power, lust, or a fit of anger, or even more ridiculous like... there is no reason, they just want to kill you.

What does destroying you have to do with you?

Such words are really ridiculous.

And this is just killing on a whim, humans not only do this to other species, but also to themselves.

Since the establishment of human civilization, there has been constant killing and war within countries themselves, and the killing and war between countries have also never stopped.

Be it a just war or an unjust war, human self-killing has never stopped and has caused the deaths of countless people.

Even in the modern timeline, World War I and World War II caused unprecedented casualties and losses.

Because of more powerful and advanced thermal weapons, humans have caused far greater casualties and losses to their own groups than in the past tens of thousands of years!

The death toll in World War I was around 1600 million, and the number of injured was around 1000 million.

The death toll in World War II reached about 7000 million, and the number of injured was about 1.3 million.

In nature, the number of prey killed by top hunters such as lions, tigers, giant bears and cheetahs combined for twenty consecutive years is far less than one-tenth of the number killed by humans during World War I.

Not to mention that after modernization, humans have hunted and slaughtered those lives that have become food on a larger scale for their own selfish desires.

Like humans have the ability to catch marine life.

Whale sharks are overfished in the ocean and cooked up as food on the table.

However, on the one hand, European and American countries, which do the most in this regard, are promoting the protection of the ocean and not arbitrarily catching marine animals. They also slander the Republic for destroying the ecological balance of the ocean. This is extremely hypocritical.

There are also regions like Japan in Lin Qingshan’s previous life, which even openly discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea, polluting the marine environment and causing the death of more marine life.

Like in modern factories, because young roosters have no value in laying eggs when they grow up.

The roosters are crushed into feed in the factory and fed to the remaining pullets.

This kind of operation is common in contemporary society.

Humans will commit countless killings because of their stronger desires.

All these behaviors show that humans are indeed the most cruel and murderous creatures in the world.

Especially after mastering more modern weapons...

Guan Gangzhi looked at the black muzzles and said calmly, "But now the weapons in your hands should have a more important mission... to protect the balance of the biological world."

"This is your original job, which means..."

He then told the soldiers, "Thinning out the seedlings and weeding."

It is easy to understand how to remove weeds, but as for thinning, Zhou Wenwei immediately checked online and found that it refers to removing substandard and unnecessary crop seedlings, mainly diseased ones.

It can be seen that this parasitic beast named Guan Gangzhi is definitely very familiar with crops.

"It won't be long before all of humanity will discover..."

He clenched his fists again and said, "The number of humans must be reduced immediately..."

The soldiers present seemed to be attracted by his words and were all listening to his speech quietly.

“You will also find that littering is a far more serious crime than murder.”

Guan Gangzhi seemed to be getting more and more excited as he spoke. His originally calm eyes suddenly widened. He said, "Moreover, they will realize that our existence is very important! They will even protect us!"

Protect... the parasite?
Zhou Wenwei was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully...human beings now understand the principle of "protecting biodiversity".

Especially parasitic animals, creatures that are closely related to the human body, their existence... is indeed very valuable for research.

If you think about it carefully, for the scientific community, if they can study how human cells can transform freely like parasites, and even become blades and armor...

It is indeed of great research value.

The most important thing is that parasitic animals originally parasitize humans. After the parasitism is completed, they can cause such changes in ordinary people's body cells. shouldn't be particularly difficult to figure out the reason.

Therefore, if parasitic beasts really exist, they might actually be protected.

In particular, parasitic beasts have their own intelligence and can communicate with humans. As long as they don’t kill their own people, they are still useful.

Like...assassination and espionage.

Parasitic beasts will once again become tools of human killing.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenwei sighed.

"This parasite... has done a thorough study of humans. No wonder it can command all the parasites."

He suddenly understood and said, "No wonder even the powerful Hou Teng and Tamiya Ryoko, the smartest among the parasites, obey him."

This parasitic beast may not be the smartest or the most powerful.

But his research on human beings and human nature is too thorough.

Perhaps, he is the parasitic beast that is most like humans, and he understands the truest side of humans much better than Tamiya Yoshiko.

Zhou Wenwei once heard a saying that the person in a high position may not be the most powerful or the smartest one, but he or she must be the one who understands human nature the most and has the most leadership charisma.

In the past five thousand years of history of the Republic, such leaders...or rather emperors, have been everywhere.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Xia Qi, Shang Tang, King Wu of Zhou, Qin Shi Huang, Han Zu, Tang Taizong, Song Zu, the great magician Liu Xiu, the first empress Wu Zetian, Ming Taizu, Qing Shengzu, etc. Their abilities in various aspects may not be the strongest, but their personal charm and analysis of human nature are definitely the best.

Speaking of this, Guan Gangzhi even slightly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a smug smile.

"You should cherish your natural enemies more."

He continued his speech loudly, "Only natural enemies can make this beautiful pyramid built by nature more stable. In a natural environment, species without natural enemies are species that destroy nature. They are the culprits! They are natural disasters! They must be eliminated!"

Zhou Wenwei was stunned when he heard this.

Yes... The reason why humans are so wary of alien species is mainly because alien species have no natural enemies in the local environment.

Species without natural enemies will spread everywhere and damage the ecological environment.

The wild rabbits in Australia, the carp in North America, and the red fire ants in the Republic all became proliferative in this way.

So isn't it because of this that humans, who no longer have any natural enemies, have spread across the Earth, and are they also considered a species that destroys the environment?
Is this why parasitic beasts are born as natural enemies of humans?
"Parasitic beasts are a species above humans. We will make this world a more beautiful place!"

"This is how we can restore our balance!"


Guan Gangzhi's speech was captured by the camera on the soldier's helmet and transmitted to Feng Jian and Quan Xinyi in the rear.

They all stood there in a daze as they listened to Guan Gangzhi's speech.

"Guan Gangzhi..."

Quan Xin was stunned when he heard it, and looking at Guan Gangzhi on the screen, he was somewhat shocked.

A parasitic beast... its words are so convincing.

Shinichi actually agreed with the words of the parasite in his heart.

So...are humans really an evil species that destroys the ecological environment?
The comic returns to Guan Gangzhi again, and he continues, "A certain human on Earth suddenly realizes that he must protect everyone's lives and safety..."

"You monster! Who do you think you are?!" Finally, a soldier couldn't help it and shouted angrily.

But looking at his performance, Zhou Wenwei felt that... he was probably afraid that Guan Gangzhi would continue talking.

He was shaken.

Guan Gangzhi’s words seemed to make sense, but... he was just a parasite, just a monster!

“That’s why I don’t like humans.”

Guan Gangzhi smiled contemptuously at this time and said viciously, "If I had known that I would end up falling out with you, I wouldn't have been so polite to you in the beginning."

"Environmental protection is just a radical idea that you humans came up with!"

He clenched his fists and continued, "Why don't you just admit it!"

Guan Gangzhi raised his fist and shouted unwillingly, "You should consider all living things rather than the reproduction of human beings! This is what the spirit of all creatures should do! This is what you who claim to be the spirit of all creatures should do!"

He completely lost his composure, and with a stern face and indignant indignation, he shouted loudly:

"You humans only know how to shout slogans of justice!"

"And where is the true justice!"

"Compared to us, the parasitic beasts that live on humans and are responsible for the balance of the entire biological world!"

"You humans are the parasites that are devouring the Earth!"


These words shocked everyone in the comic.

Not only everyone in the comics, but even the fans outside the comics were shocked.

"Are humans...parasites?"

Chen Wenrui looked at Guan Gangzhi on the phone, dazed and said.

But as a teacher, he had to admit what Guan Gangzhi said...yes.

Humans are parasites on the Earth.

Although all life on Earth is parasitic on the Earth.

But none of them have destroyed the ecological environment on such a large scale like humans have...

Perhaps in the past 4.6 billion years of Earth's history, plants like those that caused the Ordovician extinction event have actually caused large-scale damage to the ecological environment.

Because when plants are flourishing, a lot of CO2 is consumed due to photosynthesis.

CO2 in the atmosphere has a shielding effect. CO2 can prevent or reduce the loss of heat from the earth's surface.



The Ordovician mass extinction event was caused by the arrival of the Earth's ice age.

But even the plants that once caused mass extinctions still did not cause as much damage to the environment as humans do today.

It can be said that most of the life on Earth are actually organisms that are parasites on the Earth.

But they... are at most harmless bacteria. The plants that once caused mass extinctions are at most larger harmful bacteria. But only humans can be considered parasites that threaten the earth.

Chen Wenrui realized at this seemed that humans really needed to control their own numbers like Guan Gangzhi in the comics.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, industrialized production, the emergence of social conflicts, and the outbreak of war are also a series of events caused by population growth.

As the population increased, humans needed more materials, which led to the emergence of factories in order to more efficiently produce materials for human survival.

Once there are not enough materials to reasonably distribute the excessive population, whether between countries or within countries, war will break out, resulting in large numbers of casualties and reducing the population to solve this problem.

Therefore, population reduction is the only solution to the problem.

But don’t parasites help reduce the human population?

Chen Wenrui continued to look at Guan Gangzhi in the comics, only to see that he suddenly calmed down again and said with a smile, " should be a parasitic beast."

Humans...are the real parasites.

Got the point!

Samurai, who was listening to Guan Gangzhi's speech, was even more shocked.

However, as soon as Guan Gangzhi finished saying this, the soldiers could no longer bear it!


With the order, all the soldiers surrounding Guan Gangzhi pulled the trigger!

In the next cartoon picture, countless bullets pierced through Guan Gangzhi's body, leaving countless bullet holes on his suit-clad body.

Even the wall behind him was shot through.

But...he never transformed into a parasite?
As he was puzzled, Guan Gangzhi slowly fell backwards, with blood oozing out from the bullet holes on his body.

He was completely dead.

But after he fell, his head did not shrivel up like Tamiya Yoshiko's.

Even if parasitic beasts do not struggle to change into their true form, their heads will completely shrivele after death.

Comic fans such as Zhou Wenwei and Chen Wenrui were a little confused.

A soldier also stepped forward to confirm it, and he finally came to a shocking conclusion...

"He is... a human..."


No one could believe it, including comic fans outside of the comics.

"This guy who keeps saying we are parasitic beasts is actually a human?"

Zhou Wenwei couldn't believe it and murmured.

Chen Wenrui, who was watching from the other side, also had a complicated look in his eyes and said, "He is a human being... Doesn't that prove that what he said is actually irrelevant? He is not making excuses because he is a parasite. He really wants to protect the earth and the environment."

He remembered the sentence that Guan Gangzhi had just wanted to say but had not finished, "A certain human being on Earth suddenly thought that he must protect everyone's lives and safety." This human being must be himself, as Guan Gangzhi was referring to.

At this moment, Hou Teng, who was naked and had just wiped out an action team, rushed in here.

He looked at Guan Gangzhi who had been shot to death, and confirmed that Guan Gangzhi's true identity was human.

"It was still hard to figure out until the very last moment... Tsuyoshi."

He looked at Guan Gangzhi's calm face and said, "Tamura Reiko has always found this human very interesting, so she made various plans, but it's all over..."

So Guan Gangzhi is indeed not a parasite.

He was promoted to be the leader of the Parasyte forces purely because Tamiya Yoshiko and Hou Teng thought he was interesting and supported him.


Hou Teng chuckled in front of many soldiers and said, "In your eyes, this kind of human is very rare..."

Then he started killing people indiscriminately. Just like before, he had five parasitic beasts on his body. He had a body of steel like Superman and ignored the attacks of bullets.

Only as Xiao You said, perhaps the flamethrower could scare him and expose his vulnerable flesh.

He directly wiped out the entire action team and rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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