Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 354 Environmental Public Opinion

Chapter 354 Environmental Public Opinion
This episode ends here, but the impact of this episode is far greater than the episode in which Tamiya Yoshiko died!
Because in this episode, Mayor Guan Gangzhi's "speech" and the fact that his true identity is not a parasitic beast but a human being are even more shocking.

It can be said that this episode may be the theme of the comic "Parasyte" and the ideological core of this comic!

And everyone felt that what Guan Gangzhi said made a lot of sense.

Especially now on a global scale, environmental protection topics are still very popular.

Even though it is different from environmental protection organizations in Europe and the United States that hold marches and perform performance art every day to hinder the lives of others.

The Republic is also intentionally promoting obvious and down-to-earth policies to protect the environment, such as garbage sorting, garbage recycling, prohibiting fires in the mountains, and prohibiting the hunting, buying, and cooking of wild animals.

Not to mention the hardworking people of the Republic, who are also carrying out a comprehensive greening and afforestation campaign in the northwestern desert areas of the motherland.

It can be said that in this era in the world, people all over the world have realized the importance of protecting the environment.

Some people are promoting environmental protection in a big way, but they are treating it as a business.

Some people just contribute silently, thinking only of truly protecting the environment.

At this time, the people of the Republic have basically realized the importance of protecting the environment through compulsory education, so they all agree with Guan Gangzhi's views on this episode of "Parasyte".

Therefore, the popularity of this episode of "Parasyte" skyrocketed and even became a hot topic again. Not only comic fans, but also other passers-by came in to watch and discuss after seeing it.

"The arrogance of humans is fully displayed in this episode. They regard parasites as monsters, but in fact, humans themselves are also parasites."

"Guan Gangzhi is arrogant enough. He is actually wrong. Although humans are parasitic animals that live on the earth, can humans destroy the earth? It is impossible. In the end, humans will only destroy all life on the earth, including themselves."

"But I think he's right. Don't we humans claim to be the most intelligent creatures on earth? As the most intelligent creature on earth, you shouldn't just focus on the reproduction of your own group. You should pay more attention to other lives."

"You are wrong. Humans claim to be the spirit of all creatures. This is also human arrogance. Why can humans call themselves the spirit of all creatures?"

"So as the spirit of all things, you should act like the spirit of all things, you bastard! Don't just talk and don't do anything! Just like if you want to be an emperor, don't just enjoy the rights of an emperor and ignore the obligations of an emperor!"

"That's right. If you enjoy your rights, you must fulfill your obligations. You can't just enjoy your rights and not do anything!"

"What I didn't expect was that... this guy wasn't actually a parasite, but a human. However, as a human, he actually helped the parasite. Isn't this treason?"

"From the beginning, I thought he was no different from a parasite. He was definitely a parasite. Later on, he kept calling us parasites, we parasites, etc. I didn't expect that he turned out to be a human in the end. I can only say... you are worthy of being called Qingshan, old thief!"

"This is considered an honorary parasite, huh, you really think of yourself as a parasite."

"How is Guan Gangzhi considered a traitor? He didn't join Parasyte for the sake of fame and fortune or survival. He actually cooperated with Tamiya Yoshiko and Hou Teng for his own ideals and to protect the world."

"In fact, from the very beginning, it seems that Guan Gangzhi is definitely not simply helping the parasitic beasts to commit atrocities. You see, he said that he regretted not turning against them at the beginning. Looking at his previous actions, he helped the parasitic beasts set up a "canteen" and let the parasitic beasts hunt according to the rules to fill their stomachs... To be honest, these are also to prevent the parasitic beasts from killing humans indiscriminately."

"But it is exactly as he said. He is 'thinning out the seedlings' and 'clearing the weeds'."

"He is so arrogant to think like this. Who does he think he is? How can he easily decide the life of others by 'thinning out the seedlings' and 'removing the weeds'?"

"In Guan Gangzhi's opinion, humans can decide the life and death of other species, so it makes sense that parasitic animals, the 'natural enemies' above humans, can also decide the life and death of their food."

"I just can't accept it. He shouldn't help the parasite to kill people."

"Yes, just like America's super villain Big Purple Potato, who also wanted to reduce the burden on the entire universe. Big Purple Potato even went so far as to melt half of his life. The idea was good, but the behavior was wrong."

"You also talk about environmental protection, which are all extreme ideas that you humans come up with. Guan Gangzhi is the one who has them. It's too extreme."

"Seriously, I think what Guan Gangzhi said is very correct. Humans really can't act recklessly, otherwise they will be the only ones destroyed in the end."

"Yes, so it is right to protect the environment. Maybe we will experience short-term pain, but what we will leave to our descendants will be a beautiful home on Earth."

"Very good! Then sister, I am making a contribution to mankind! Got it, I will say so when the time comes, and I will see how my parents dare to say anything to me."

“hhhhh… Don’t worry, you’ll still be scolded. There’s no point in reasoning with the older generation.”


The impact of this episode of "Parasyte" not only sparked heated discussions in China, but even many UP hosts on Station C came out to express their opinions.

Even television stations seemed to be affected by this wave of environmental public opinion and began to invite experts for interviews to discuss this recently hot topic of environmental protection.

It has also had a significant impact overseas.

After all, environmental enthusiasts abroad are very vocal and they are not going to joke with you.

Even when people in the Republic talk about environmental protection, they are always reserved and gentle. When they talk about protecting the environment, they will just do practical things quietly and will not cry or make a fuss with you.

Instead of spending time on this, it would be better to do more volunteer work like cleaning up garbage or plant more trees.

But it's different in foreign countries. They are really making trouble with you. Or they just stick themselves to the road with glue to protest against car exhaust and prevent cars from driving.

Or they hold an environmental protection publicity meeting with great fanfare, make passionate speeches at the meeting, and say "a waste of energy", but leave a pile of garbage behind after the meeting.

During this period, as the Republic quietly made big news about artificial intelligence, countries around the world have begun to pay close attention to this ancient civilization.

Therefore, "Parasyte", a hot topic in the Republic, has also been noticed by bloggers from all over the world, and they have been simply translated and brought to their own countries.

This environmentally unfriendly girl had just protested against the Republic's environmentally unfriendly research project on artificial intelligence, and when she picked up her tablet to surf the Internet, she came across this topic.

But if she really follows the environmentalism she talked about before, she shouldn't use any electronic products, or even go back to the jungle and live a primitive life.

I can only say...when it comes to environmental protection, she hasn't done anything right.

Seeing the topic of environmental protection in "Parasyte", the environmental girl felt a little curious.

But she still went to read the comic of "Parasyte" first.

Looking at the comics, Guan Gangzhi roared loudly--

"You should consider the reproduction of all living things rather than just the human race! This is what it means to be the most intelligent creature in the world! This is what you who claim to be the most intelligent creature in the world should do!"

"You humans only know how to shout slogans of justice!"

"And where is the true justice!"

"Compared to us, the parasitic beasts that live on humans and are responsible for the balance of the entire biological world!"

"You humans are the parasites that are devouring the Earth!"

"No! It's a parasite!"


Her eyes suddenly lit up. This character in the comic... was so right.

Humans are parasites of the earth. As for the parasitic beast, she didn't quite understand it, but after looking up some information, she understood it.

Soon, she found the complete comic book and read it from beginning to end. Then she read this chapter and felt how shocking it was. "The author of this comic must be a true master who is passionate about environmental protection. This comic is so good..."

She said excitedly, "I didn't expect that a barbaric country like the Republic, which has been destroying the environment so lavishly and has no environmentalism at all, could produce a master who is so concerned about environmentalism! I really want to meet this master..."

With such curiosity, she searched the name "Qingshan" again.

As expected, a lot of videos and pictures were found. Although Lin Qingshan looked very unremarkable in the pictures, his thin and handsome face...

The environmental protection girl's face couldn't help but turn red.

“I really hope that one day I can give an environmental speech with Mr. Qingshan.”

She said hopefully.

A few days later, the environmental girl went on a foreign social media platform and boasted that she loved the manga "Parasyte" and used it to promote her environmentalism.

"As the comic says, we humans are becoming parasites that endanger the earth, destroying the environment and leaving indelible scars on Mother Earth. How dare we do this?!"

Then, the environmental girl once again held up the banner and marched on the street with her supporters to promote her environmentalism.


Magic City, Trigger Animation.

Lin Qingshan is working hard. Trigger Animation currently has three production teams, but unfortunately one of the production teams is producing another drama.

Therefore, Trigger Animation is facing the production of three new series, namely the second season of "Chainsaw Man", "Mato Ghoul" and "Akame ga Kill", and it is not very well staffed.

But fortunately...

As mentioned before, Station C recruited some animation production personnel, set up a simple animation production department, and came together to help.

In this way, the original two production teams of Trigger Animation were divided into three production teams, and each of them was supplemented with some animation production departments from Station C.

And Lin Qingshan also brought two assistants to help.

The most important thing is... he also invited foreign aid.

"Nuwa, help me draw the original picture of Tatsumi's transformation after he is possessed by evil spirits. There are fifteen pictures in total. Connect them together and use my original picture as the blueprint."

Lin Qingshan said to the supercomputer server screen in front of him.

"Okay, Nuwa is generating the relevant original paintings for you. Would you like to classify them into the project "Kill! Scarlet Eyes" after they are completed?"

A gentle female voice came from the speaker that Lin Qingshan brought specially.

"Uh! Sure!"

Lin Qingshan gave a thumbs up and said, "Nuwa, you are really considerate!"

Nuwa, the real artificial intelligence, was the external aid he invited. When his cheap mentor Li Yubin heard his request, he hesitated for a moment and then agreed.

However, he had a request, which was about one of his new projects recently... If he needed Lin Qingshan's help in the future, he hoped that Lin Qingshan would come and help.

Lin Qingshan had no choice but to agree, but he said that he might not be able to help.

However, Li Yubin said that this project just happened to fit Lin Qingshan's interests and hobbies.

That is the "brain-computer" project that Lin Qingshan had been thinking about. Lin Qingshan's debut work as a cartoonist was also related to "brain-computer", "Cyberpunk 2077: Edgewalker", so Lin Qingshan should have a lot of research to do, right?

Lin Qingshan said it was just a coincidence, but he just said that if he could help, he would help.

But if he really couldn't help...he could do nothing about it.

That's why he borrowed Nuwa's backup.

And Nuwa’s abilities are indeed good enough, unlike those artificial idiots in previous lives.

Nuwa, a truly intelligent AI, completes all tasks in an orderly manner, and can draw like those artificial idiots whose fingers can't even draw properly.

With the help of Lin Qingshan and others, the production of "Chainsaw Man", "Mado Ghoul" and "Kill! Red Eyes" progressed very quickly.

Of course, Lin Qingshan did not let Nuwa, the artificial intelligence, do all the work.

The most important thing is the simpler original paintings in the original painting part that he is responsible for.

As for other important original painting parts, he should do it himself.

After all, the paintings drawn by his system capabilities are far better than the original paintings drawn by Nuwa, the artificial intelligence.

But just as Nuwa was working hard to generate the original painting...

"I couldn't wait for you to come clear the cupboards~"

Lin Qingshan's phone rang.


However, when he picked up the phone, he found that it was...

"Teacher Feng?"

Lin Qingshan answered the phone and asked curiously.

"It's me, Qingshan... Is it convenient for you to come out now? I want to talk to you."

Feng Yiyuan's elegant and gentle voice came from the other side of the phone and said.

"Uh, now?"

Lin Qingshan said curiously.

"If you are free now, then let's do it now. If not, let's make an appointment another day..."

Feng Yiyuan seemed to have misunderstood that Lin Qingshan was busy, and immediately spoke gently.

"It's not like I don't have time... Well, since it's Teacher Feng who wants to talk to me, I'll come out now."

Lin Qingshan scratched his head and said.

"Well then...thank you, Aoyama."

(End of this chapter)

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