Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 355 New Work Finalized

Chapter 355 New Work Finalized
Lin Qingshan spoke to several leaders of Trigger Animation, as well as his two assistants Wu Shiqing and Chen Chunqiang, and then drove to the location mentioned by Feng Yiyuan.

This is a teahouse. Perhaps because the republic in this parallel world is more powerful, populism is more prevalent.

Although Shanghai is an international metropolis with many coffee shops, they are relatively few compared to the number of teahouses.

When Lin Qingshan walked into the teahouse, the waiter immediately came up to him and took him in.

It seems that Feng Yiyuan has already greeted the waiter in the teahouse here.

Outside the teahouse, antique wooden tables and chairs are arranged into a small square table with a few tea cups placed on it.

There are several ink paintings hanging on the walls, depicting the scenery of mountains and rivers, which makes people yearn for it.

The atmosphere in the teahouse is elegant and peaceful. The air is filled with the faint fragrance of tea, which makes people feel extremely comfortable. The lighting inside is soft, making people feel warm.

While walking through the aisle, Lin Qingshan discovered that there was a small garden here, with various flowers and plants planted in the garden, making the teahouse more pleasant.

After the waiter brought Lin Qingshan to an elegant private room, she left first.

"Is that Qingshan? Just come in."

Feng Yiyuan's voice came from the private room, saying.

"Okay, Teacher Feng."

Lin Qingshan pushed open the sliding door of the private room and walked in.

There is a different kind of scenery in the private room. Mahogany tables and chairs are placed in the center of the room, and next to them is a Tang Dynasty screen with a painting of flowers, birds and landscapes on it, which looks particularly elegant.

Behind the private room is another small garden with a small rockery on it and a clear spring flowing on the mountain.

Lin Qingshan thought to himself, Teacher Feng is such an elegant person, and he seems to like Tang style very much.

The comics I drew are also so-called cultivation-themed comics, and the desire to seek the truth seems very strong...

However, Feng Yiyuan was not the only one in the private room. One of them was his assistant, Lin Qingshan, whom he had also met at the last comic industry annual meeting.

Because the serialization span of "Purple Air Coming from the East" is very long, many assistants have been replaced during this period. Among Feng Yiyuan's assistants and students, many have become popular cartoonists, while others remain unknown.

But I heard that Feng Yiyuan is very considerate, and even if his assistants cannot become popular cartoonists, they will be recommended to become other practitioners in the industry.

There is another person...Lin Qingshan is quite familiar with him.

"Editor-in-Chief Yang?"

Lin Qingshan blinked and spoke curiously to Yang Dahai who was sitting opposite Feng Yiyuan.

"Teacher Aoyama."

Yang Dahai smiled and nodded at him and said.

"Qingshan, come and sit down."

Feng Yiyuan smiled and said, "Let me make you a cup of tea."

"Um, thank you, Mr. Feng."

Lin Qingshan scratched his head, closed the door, and without any hesitation, sat down next to Yang Dahai and said.

Feng Yiyuan's tea-making technique is quite professional. Everything seems to be in order without any panic.

Lin Qingshan was a little curious about this and asked subconsciously, "Teacher use hot water to make tea directly, don't you feel it's too hot?"

Suddenly, Feng Yiyuan's assistants Ning Zhizhe and Yang Dahai were speechless.

Feng Yiyuan was stunned for a moment, but he smiled and said, "It was indeed scalding at first, but now I'm used to it...Okay, Qingshan, your tea."

"Thank you, Mr. Feng."

Lin Qingshan didn't touch the cup of tea directly. He scratched his head and said.

"What's wrong? Qingshan doesn't like tea?"

Feng Yiyuan was stunned again and asked.

"Usually I prefer to drink beverages and the like, something sweet."

Lin Qingshan said embarrassedly, "And I'm afraid of the heat."

"Then let Qingshan cool down before drinking."

Feng Yiyuan didn't care and said with a smile.

However, the corners of his mouth twitched a little bit. It was said that this popular cartoonist Qingshan was mentally unstable. Now it seemed... he believed it a little.

"Teacher asked me to come here, is there something wrong?"

Lin Qingshan asked curiously again at this time.

Feng Yiyuan chuckled and said, "Purple Air Coming from the East is about to end."

"Ah? Really? Congratulations, teacher."

Lin Qingshan was not surprised, but smiled and congratulated Feng Yiyuan and said.

"As expected, Qingshan, you are different from others."

Seeing this, Feng Yiyuan laughed again and said, "Everyone else was surprised, but Qingshan, you congratulated me instead."

"That's because for the creators, seeing their work come to a perfect conclusion is like seeing their children grow up successfully, start a family and start a career."

Lin Qingshan said seriously, "For me, this is definitely something worth being happy about, so I am really happy for the teacher."

The main thing is that it can be serialized smoothly without too many negative reviews like extremely popular works such as "Purple Air Coming from the East".

This is a work that is rarely seen by comic fans like Lin Qingshan who have experienced both worlds.

The three most popular comics in the past all had their own shortcomings that were criticized.

It is said that the "Purple Air Coming from the East" in this world corresponds to the "One piece" in the previous life.

However, in the later period of the previous serialization of "One Piece", there were still settings that caused people to complain, such as the "Mythical Beast Nikah Fruit", and the setting that glorified pirates was already criticized.

However, the navy that assisted the Celestial Dragons in their atrocities later proved to be no good.

So most of the fans of One Piece in the past were originally stubborn, but now they are stubborn in both ends...

Although "Purple Air Coming from the East" has been controversial, there is really nothing to complain about.

In other words, compared to "Purple Air Coming from the East", which is more like "One Piece", it is better to be more like "Dragon Ball" in this world.

It is extremely popular and has very good reputation, but its word of mouth is generally satisfactory. You can complain about some of the plots of "Purple Qi Coming from the East", but it would be an exaggeration if you take it too seriously.

So "Purple Air Coming from the East" was perfectly implemented.

"Qingshan is right, so for me, the end of "Purple Air Coming from the East" is indeed something to be happy about."

Feng Yiyuan also smiled and said, "It's time to end this long journey. I also want to rest for a while."

"It would be good for the teacher to take a break for a while, so that he can start his next work better and bring better works to the fans."

Lin Qingshan gave a thumbs up and said.

Feng Yiyuan is different from this plagiarist. He, as a plagiarist, can make a seamless connection because he only needs to copy those popular works in his previous life that have withstood the test of the market and comic fans.

Feng Yiyuan is a true creator, so it would be best for him to take a break for a while and then think about new works.

However, Feng Yiyuan smiled and shook his head, saying, "I don't plan to start a new work."


Lin Qingshan was quite surprised and opened his mouth wide, obviously very shocked.

"I know that even if I create a new work, it will not be able to surpass 'Purple Air from the East'." Feng Yiyuan said with a light laugh, "Besides, the money earned from 'Purple Air from the East' is enough for me to spend my whole life. If that's the case, why don't I quit while I'm ahead? Why should I create a new work and attract criticism from the outside world?"

After hearing this, Lin Qingshan immediately felt that what Feng Yiyuan said... seemed to be correct.

Many cartoonists... and even more broadly, many creators, have been criticized for launching new works.

Even some creators will be criticized for trying to do something without any work.

For example, if Mr. Yangyangshu’s "Dragon Tribe" in his previous life had ended directly in the fourth part, the reputation would definitely not be bad.

If it ended in the third part, even if there was no fourth part, everyone would just feel sorry and complain about it but would not have too many negative comments about him.

Some of them even launch sequels, and their reputation will also collapse.

This was the case with the previous version of "Dragon Ball". If there hadn't been a sequel "Dragon Ball Super", the reputation would probably have been better.

The worst thing is that some well-known cartoonists’ popularity dropped drastically when they started new works, and their works were directly cut short.

For example, the follow-up work "Hachimaruden" by Masashi Kishimoto, the author of "Naruto", although the drawing was not done by Masashi Kishimoto, the story setting and storyboards were all done by Masashi Kishimoto.

However, the subsequent response to this work was mediocre, with sales of less than 2 copies in the first week. Due to the large printing volume of one issue, there was even an embarrassing situation where "Hachimaruden" was stockpiled in bookstores because it could not be sold. Later, it was directly cut short in the fifth part.'s pretty miserable.

This is how comics work. No matter how good the author's previous works are, if the later works become too unpopular, they will be cut short. No one will listen to the social conventions.

However, if it weren't for the reputation of Mr. Masashi Kishimoto, "Hachimaruden" would probably have been cut short before the fifth part...

Therefore, cartoonists like Lin Qingshan who are continuously productive and produce high-quality works are indeed very rare.

Even "Parasyte" exploded in popularity this week due to the amazing story about Guan Gangzhi's death, and returned to the third place in popularity.

Can you say that the manga "Parasyte" is bad?

It doesn't even qualify as being discontinued, so how can you say that Lin Qingshan's comic is bad?
In this light, Feng Yiyuan’s thoughts are very understandable.

Yes, it is a good thing to have self-knowledge and choose to retreat while the going is good.

At the very least, Feng Yiyuan will have a very good reputation, and his fans will only lament why he doesn't continue to create, rather than complaining that he has run out of talent.

"The teacher is really open-minded... Let's wish the teacher the best."

Lin Qingshan said with emotion.

"On the one hand, I don't want to attract criticism anymore."

Feng Yiyuan continued with a smile, "On the one hand, I do have a clear desire to seek the truth. I think I will go to a Taoist temple to meditate for a while."

This is indeed unexpected.

Lin Qingshan thought that Feng Yiyuan's interest in Taoism was just a superficial dabble.

Unexpectedly... Feng Yiyuan was serious.

However, it is precisely because of this Taoist character of governing by inaction that he made the decision to retreat at the height of his career.

Ordinary cartoonists may really be obsessed with their own reputation, confident that they will always be successful, and choose to start new works.

But Feng Yiyuan has a clear understanding of himself and is no longer obsessed with this, so he plans to retire after achieving success.

"But... Qingshan, do you remember what you promised me?"

Feng Yiyuan said with a smile at this time.


Lin Qingshan had the ability of [Hard Disk Memory (Diamond)], which made his memory permanent. Naturally, it was easy for him to recall his previous conversation with Feng Yiyuan. He said, "Teacher, are you talking about my cultivation-themed comics?"

"Yes, Parasyte is almost finished, right?"

Feng Yiyuan smiled and said, "If you don't move the map later... I don't think this is your style. You always have an enterprising spirit and will never be satisfied with standing still... Well, to put it bluntly, you are shamelessly making money by watering down the plot."

"Actually, I plan to go back to serializing the second part of Chainsaw Man after Parasyte is finished in a while."

Lin Qingshan scratched his head and said.

With the ability of [Prophet's Dream (Master)], he has recently obtained a lot of future plots of the second part of "Chainsaw Man" in his dreams, and he is just planning to go back to fill this hole.

Yang Dahai, who had been silent on the side, became excited when he heard Lin Qingshan's words.

Although the popularity of "Parasyte" is not low, in his opinion, it is better to continue serializing the second part of "Chainsaw Man".

And Lin Qingshan was finally willing to come back to fill the hole, he was so excited.

"Really? The second part of Chainsaw Man...Okay then."

Feng Yiyuan was somewhat helpless and said, "But I actually really want to see a cultivation-themed comic in your style. That must be very interesting."

"Since the teacher said so."

Lin Qingshan scratched his head and said, "How about... I should serialize a new work in my next comic. I happen to have an idea."

"Ah? Qingshan, don't... because my words are forced."

Feng Yiyuan quickly said, "I don't mean to force you..."

"No, it's just that you, teacher, just reminded me of... an idea."

Lin Qingshan said with a smile, "This comic... must be very interesting and will be very popular with my fans, so I want to draw it too."

"Ah? An interesting comic about cultivation?"

Feng Yiyuan smiled dumbly and said, "Yes, Qingshan, your comics have always been very interesting... But I have to take some responsibility for changing your mind because of my words. In that case... I will help you build momentum for "Purple Air Coming from the East" during this period."

"Editor-in-Chief Yang...after the completion of Purple Air Coming from the East, can you transfer the publicity of my new work to Qingshan?"

He asked with a smile to Yang Dahai who was standing beside him.

Feng Yiyuan has a very high status in the comics industry. Once he finishes "Purple Air Coming from the East" and starts a new work, the treatment he will receive will be similar to the publicity treatment for the completion of some popular comics.

This treatment is almost equivalent to the treatment enjoyed by "Chainsaw Man" when the first part was completed.

"Ah? This is not necessary."

Lin Qingshan said with some embarrassment.


Yang Dahai thought for a moment and said, "Since the teacher from Phoenix Academy has said so, I can certainly make it convenient for you."

"Then I'll trouble Editor-in-Chief Yang."

Feng Yiyuan smiled and said, "And Qingshan... You don't have to be embarrassed. This is my compensation to you. After all, Chainsaw Man already has a very high popularity base. If you start a new work because of what I said, you won't have any advantage..."

"By the way, have you decided on the name of your new work?"

He asked, smiling expectantly again.

Lin Qingshan chuckled and said, "I've already thought of a name. I've also thought of the setting and plot. It's called... "The Taoist Strange Immortal"!"

He said with great anticipation, his eyes sparkling.

However, Feng Yiyuan, Ning Zhizhuo and Yang Dahai all found it a bit strange when they heard it.

"Dao Gui...Yi Xian?"

Why does Feng Yiyuan feel that this name... is a little bit wrong? !

(End of this chapter)

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