Is this cartoonist mentally ill?.

Chapter 356 Xiao You is going to be stabbed?!

Chapter 356 Xiao You is going to be stabbed?! (Original)

"The final episode of "Purple Air Coming from the East" is coming soon, Lu Donglai fights against the eight Buyuan Immortals!"

"The Black Moon Tide chapter of "Protoss" has concluded, and the little devil killed the new White Emperor Herzog!"

"The Immortal Dragon God of True Dragon God's Choice has appeared, and the test is about to come!"

"Parasyte: Shinichi and You work together to take on the five-in-one strongest parasite - Hou Teng!"


While at work, Zhou Wenwei was bored and looked at the messages pushed by the Manjie comics app on his mobile phone.

This month, the comics world can be said to be the leader and it is extremely lively.

First, it is basically confirmed that the plot of "Purple Qi Coming from the East" which is about to end is getting closer to the finale, and the final villain force in the Wanyuan Village of the Mogong world, thirteen evil immortals of the same level as Lu Donglai, will appear.

The strength of the protagonist forces on Lu Donglai's side is obviously insufficient. The protagonist forces with only five non-Yuanxians can never be the opponents of the villain forces.

So Lu Donglai fought against the eight Buyuan Immortals alone, and the heroines and supporting characters of the remaining four main characters faced the other four evil immortals, but it seemed that no one could fight against the remaining evil immortal.

But at this moment, Lu Donglai's old friend, the Emperor of the Great Qian Immortal Dynasty, brought a million-strong army and, with the fortune of the Immortal Dynasty and the momentum of a million-strong army, faced the evil immortal!
It can be said that it makes people's blood boil.

Lu Donglai, as the male protagonist of "Purple Qi Coming from the East", is also very powerful. He can fight against eight powerful men of the same level alone and never lose.

Various moves that are familiar to comic fans were used at the same time, suppressing the eight evil immortals on the opposite side so that they could not even raise their heads.

Secondly, "Protoss" has also completed its third part. The little devil once again takes over as a substitute, but he still cannot beat the new White Emperor Herzog.

Herzog seemed to have recognized his true identity, but he still played a riddle man in the comics, which once again aroused speculation among "Protoss" fans.

So...are the identities of the bad boy and the little devil the supreme black emperor Nidhoggr of the gods?

Or is it another unknown supreme god in mythology?

However, the riddle man Herzog never answered the question, and was later killed by the little devil using the Gattuso family's space-based kinetic weapons.

Seeing this disgusting character finally die, the fans all shouted that it was so satisfying, and finally revenge was avenged for Eri's family.

But Eri, that considerate girl, will never come back even if Herzog dies.

Then, "True Dragon God's Choice", a popular comic that can be compared with "Purple Air Coming from the East", also ushered in the climax of the current chapter.

Finally, there is "Parasyte", which is praised as the most mediocre environmentalist comic work among all Lin Qingshan's current works, and it seems to be coming to an end.

During the operation to clear out the parasitic beasts in the municipal building, Hou Teng directly broke through the army's encirclement by force.

Among them, An Zuo, after witnessing Hou Teng's powerful strength with his own eyes, regretted not accepting Quan Xinyi's advice to use the flamethrower and then died bravely.

After witnessing all this, Xinxin became afraid again. He was afraid that the police would find out that he was hiding something, or even discover his true identity. He was even more afraid of facing the powerful Hou Teng and being killed by him.

But then, under Xiao You's persuasion, and after seeing his only remaining relative Quan Ba, and with the comfort of the heroine Li Mei, he truly had a heart-to-heart with the two of them.

Quanxin decides to work together with Xiaoyou to kill Hou Teng alone!
They want to put an end to it all with their own hands!
However, during this process, it seems that comic fans did not pay much attention to Urakami, the murderer who could recognize Parasyte... When Hou Teng made a huge noise, he took the opportunity to kill a policeman and quietly escaped!
But compared to the powerful Hou Teng, a murderer who is purely a human being is really insignificant.

Zhou Wenwei took advantage of his free time to read the latest series of "Purple Air Coming from the East" this week, and then clicked on the latest series of "Parasyte".

Xiao You drove the car with Quan Xinyi and lured Hou Teng to an uninhabited wilderness, preparing to ambush Hou Teng.

According to Xiao You's plan, Hou Teng, who was also driving a car, was hit by Xiao You's car attack, but he was not killed, but his car was abandoned.

Suddenly, Xinyi followed Xiaoyou's instructions and ran into the woods.

Hou Teng was chasing closely behind, and at this time Xiao You came up with an excellent battle plan.

"Shinichi, what counts in war is not the number of troops, but often the timing."

Under Xiaoyou's arrangement, Xinxinyi gradually calmed down, listened to Xiaoyou's plan, and prepared to fight.

It was Xiaoyou who took the initiative to suggest first, asking it to leave the body of the new one and lie in ambush aside.

Xiao You also said before that it can temporarily break away from the new one and act alone for a period of time.

But this time is not very long. If he is separated for too long, Xiao You will die due to lack of energy for activity.

However, this would allow Hou Teng to rush directly towards Xiao You, because Hou Teng could not sense the existence of Quan Xinyi and would only take Xiao You as the first target.

The second one was Xinyi hiding aside. He used the lighter that Xiaoyou took from the car to make a flaming spear.

It's the same principle as the flame launcher, using flame attack to create a brief defensive loophole for Hou Teng, and then Xiao You comes out to attack Hou Teng's vital points in one fell swoop and kill him!

Xiao You, who had already separated from his new body and was hiding in a tree, looked at Hou Teng who was gradually approaching with a gloomy expression.

Even though his blade was flying, wreaking havoc on the woods and about to attack it, it remained indifferent.

"His body seems to be protected by semi-hardened parasitic cells."

Xiao You looked at Hou Teng and said calmly, "But I don't believe his whole body is as strong as iron. It's just that we don't have the time to find the weakness of his armor now."

"Complete hardening is unlikely, and the most effective target of attack is..."

"Head." In the light and shadow, Xiao You's gaze seemed to penetrate Hou Teng's body and see through the weakness of such a powerful Hou Teng.

"To control the several parasitic beasts that inhabit the body and limbs as a whole requires a huge amount of energy."

Xiao You said calmly, "So his head should be in a critical state. As long as his head is completely cut off, he will not be able to control his whole body, and this layer of protection will collapse. Then his body will be completely shattered!"

This was their battle plan against Hou Teng.

"Xiao You is really... so smart."

Zhou Wenwei couldn't help but admire this and said, "If he were a human, he would definitely be a top battlefield strategist."

Yes, wisdom is Xiaoyou and Xinxin's greatest weapon.

Although Hou Teng is very powerful, it is obvious that he is not as smart as Tamiya Yoshiko, or even as smart as Guan Gangzhi.

So he has always existed as a thug.

But at this time, Shinichi, who was holding a lighter and a spear, looked at Xiaoyou on the tree with a worried look on his face, thinking, "Xiaoyou, are you still not well? If you don't hurry up, your body won't be able to hold on."

Xiao You, who was hiding in the tree and ready to strike, was still staring at Hou Teng, looking for the opportunity to take action.

"The outcome depends on this one move..."

Although Xiao You was still calm at this time, he knew that he couldn't rush. After all, Hou Teng's strength was far superior to his. "I have to take down Hou Teng's head, whose speed and strength are superior to mine..."

But at this moment, it froze for a moment and said, "Uh...what's going on? My consciousness is starting to blur. I have to hold on tight, but the angle is still not very good..."

Xiaoyou has been away from the new product for too long and is beginning to show the so-called "anemia" symptoms.

After all, it has always been "feeding" on the blood of the new one.

"Are you two so afraid of me?!"

But at this moment, Hou Teng shouted impatiently, "No matter how you stretch your body, you can't hide for long! Instead of trying to escape, you might as well think about how to fight me!"

At this moment, Xiaoyou was seen disguised as Xinyi, and Xinyi's voice shouted at the side, "Now, kill him!"

This is... the signal for action!

"It's there!"

Hou Teng suddenly thought that Xinyi and Xiaoyou were finally going to come out to fight him, and immediately looked over there.

“It’s my voice.”

However, after hearing that voice, Shinichi lit the spear on the other side and threw the flaming spear out fiercely!
Xiao You also rushed directly towards Hou Teng from the tree on the other side!

Hou Teng never let his guard down, but he was paying close attention to Xiao You's brain wave signals and didn't notice the flaming spear thrown at him at all.

The spear, with flames in it, was stabbed right into Hou Teng's thigh without any error.

In an instant, the burning flames caused the parasitic beast on the right leg to change!
"Only the surface cells that have come into contact with the fire will reflexively disobey Hou Teng's command."

Sure enough, Hou Teng's right leg muscles exploded completely like a frightened animal, and the muscle cells continued to roll up and down like ripples.

"the result is……"

Hou Teng's attention was instantly drawn to his right leg, and his body fell backwards unconsciously.

Xiao You took this opportunity, aimed at Hou Teng's neck, and swung the blade to chop it down fiercely!
The blade slashed across Hou Teng's neck, and his head fell backwards...

Success! ...?
However, Xiao You's eyes showed obvious regret and fear, "Damn it! I cut it too shallow!"

It was because it had been away from Quan Xinyi's body for too long, and its consciousness was blurred, so it did not directly chop off Hou Teng's head!
Hou Teng's neck was almost cut off, but there was only a thin layer of flesh and blood left, which was still stuck.

But it was this little bit of flesh and blood that prevented Hou Teng from being completely killed!

But Xiao You swung the blade again at the same time, cutting off Hou Teng's flying arms, and was about to continue to cut off Hou Teng's neck completely.

Hou Teng finally reacted. His severed arms did not regenerate blades, but short blood sprouts. However, these short blood sprouts were enough to barely block Xiao You's finishing blow.

His neck kept regenerating and connecting back to each other.

"Still not working?"

Seeing that things had come to this point, Xiao You said somewhat unwillingly.


Quan Xinyi rushed over immediately, intending to help Xiao You kill Hou Teng together.


"Shinichi, don't come over here!"

Xiao You shouted at him, "I missed it! Run!"

Zhou Wenwei was stunned. Was Xiao You going to be stabbed next? !
(End of this chapter)

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