My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 10 Memory Bracelet

Chapter 10 Memory Bracelet
When Wang Pingan opened his eyes again, he was already in the game, still standing in Shabak.

He opened his backpack, and there were indeed more than 200,000 gold coins in the gold coin column below, just as he thought.

That's good, you won't have to worry about the cost of medicine.

"We must kill that corpse king tonight and raise him to level seventeen."

Wang Ping'an set two goals for himself, otherwise he would not be able to concentrate when fighting monsters and would always be distracted by looking at the corpse king. If the magic shield or half-moon scimitar exploded, he would make a fortune.

Now the experience is still doubled. With his current efficiency, he can get about 20,000 experience in one hour, and about 160,000 experience in eight hours.

And he now has more than 10,000 more experience points at level 14. He needs a little more than 100,000 experience points to upgrade to level 17, which will give him a lot more experience.

However, it takes 17 experience points to upgrade from th to th level, and the extra experience is not enough to move up a level, so the goal can only be set to th level.

From the back of the clothing store, go down to the fragrant stone tomb again. The monsters inside have been spawned long ago when he was not around. There are several zombies near the stairs.

Just like yesterday, Wang Ping'an stood on the stairs and beat them one after another.

While beating Wang Ping'an and browsing the loudspeaker on the public screen, he found that the prices of all skill books had increased slightly.

The thunder and lightning technique has reached 425 Yuanbao. Unfortunately, the price is not even the price that Brother Xiaosha gave at that time, so he did not lose money on the sale.

"Hey... I dropped the skill book! Does this mean I will have good luck tonight?"

The first zombie exploded with a skill book, Wang Ping'an said happily, but there were five zombies around and he didn't dare to pick them up.

If the stairs were blocked when he went down, and he couldn't escape and was killed by monsters, that would be a loss. He would have wasted a lot of time running around the map. He still wanted to reach level 19 or above during the double experience period.

After working hard to kill several monsters, Wang Ping'an jumped down the stairs and picked up the skill book. When he saw it, it turned out to be the "Poison Technique" he had been thinking about.

Wang Pingan quickly learned the skill, and then returned to Sabak from the stairs. Now that he had this skill, of course he had to buy poison.

Come to Shabak's grocery store. They only sell small packages of poison. One package costs 5500 gold coins. You need two packages at a time, one package of gray powder and one package of yellow powder.

Among them, the gray powder is also called red poison, which reduces the physical defense and magic defense of monsters. The yellow powder is also called green poison, which reduces the monster's blood volume and prevents the monster from automatically returning blood.

Green poison is a must to defeat the BOSS. Otherwise, the damage dealt by the BOSS cannot be recovered as fast as the BOSS's HP, and then the BOSS cannot be killed at all.

For example, he has just learned the poisoning technique, so he is naturally at level zero. The two defenses of red poison can only be reduced by four points. After reaching full level three, he can reduce his defense by seven points each.

Green poison can only reduce one point of blood volume at the beginning, and after reaching full level, it can reduce four points of blood volume at a time.

The poisoning spell lasts for a long time. Two poisons are released at one time and can last for more than two minutes.

Like green poison, it will inflict damage to the BOSS every three to four seconds, which means that the entire duration of the poisoning spell will consume 35--45 of the BOSS's health.

This is a sharp weapon for defeating BOSS. As long as it is a Taoist priest who has learned the art of poisoning, theoretically speaking, there is no BOSS that a Taoist priest cannot defeat.

Wang Ping'an bought two packages of medicinal powder each for 22000 gold coins.

This time, Wang Ping'an will kill the Corpse King with his sword.

As soon as he went down, Wang Ping'an applied poisonous powder to all nearby zombies, releasing each one twice, allowing them to slowly lose blood and improve their skill levels.

After applying poison to each monster, only the red poison will be displayed on the body. The green poison will be covered and will not be displayed, but the effect will not disappear.

After applying the poison, Wang Ping'an felt that he was beating zombies much faster: "There seems to be hope of reaching level 18 tonight!"

Monsters were killed one by one, and Wang Pingan finally cleared all the zombies at the stairs. Next, we need to start cleaning up in the direction of the Corpse King. There are more than ten zombies between him and the Corpse King.

Use poison to lure a monster to you, kill it, and then lure the next one.

"I spawned monsters again, damn..."

When he led to the third monster, several zombies suddenly appeared next to him. He knew that this was a monster spawn, but now he was cleaning up the monsters next to the Zombie King, so it was not the right time to spawn them.

A few days ago, there were too few monsters, but now there are too many.

Wang Ping'an returned to the stairs, and after poisoning all the zombies, he used his sword to kill the zombies in front of him.

After going back and forth several times, Wang Ping'an finally cleared away all the zombies blocking the road, and now faced the zombie king.

A poison spell led the Corpse King to the stairs. Wang Pingan took a look and found that he could withstand the Corpse King's attack by taking medicine.

The Corpse King has 500 health, which is half less than the multi-hook Elvis King, but its attack is much higher than the multi-hook Elvis King. He is now hit by more than health even in light armor.

Seeing the blood volume decreasing little by little, Wang Ping'an also became excited, hoping that this was not a parallel zombie king who would cause a big explosion.

But he seemed to remember that every map BOSS would explode when he was killed for the first time, which reassured him a little.

"Give me the Explosive Shield Book..."

Gain experience +1000
As the last bit of blood disappeared, the Corpse King exploded as he wished. Looking at the 8×8 area, Wang Ping'an was also excited.

Unfortunately, there were monsters spawning under the stairs just now, and he still had to clear out these zombies.

Now these zombies only have about half health, because when he defeated the zombie king, he had already poisoned them. During this time, they had dropped to less than half health, so they were cleaned up very quickly.

It only took him two or three minutes to kill five zombies.

As soon as the zombies were dead, he hurriedly picked up the skill books and equipment. Without even looking at them, he picked them up and threw them all into his backpack.

It took him a while to pick up so many things, and the backpack only had 40 slots, and potions and other items occupied about ten more slots.

He didn't pick up any potions or gold coins. He waited until he picked up all the equipment and skill books before he started picking up gold coins. After picking up the gold coins, he picked up the sun water.

Sun Water hasn't even finished picking it up yet, and all the items on the ground have disappeared.

Wang Ping'an didn't stay down at this time. He was about to spawn monsters. He was not in the mood to fight the monsters now, so he had better see what happened just now.

Back in Shabak, Wang Pingan browsed one by one.

Soul battle suit (male) (ordinary), frost (ordinary), memory bracelet...

"Holy crap... there's actually a memory bracelet."

Wang Ping'an couldn't believe his eyes. The first corpse king actually came out with a bracelet in a special suit. Although the explosion rate was higher than the memory ring, he really didn't expect it to come out in just a few days.

memory bracelet
Level requirement: 26
Magic power: 1--1
Weight: 1
Lasting: 6/6
Wang Ping'an took out the memory bracelet and kissed it again and again. This was the first set component that he had found since playing the Legend game. Not to mention the helmet and necklace, the explosion rate was very high. It was sold in stores before. I don’t know how many were sold.

When I played Legends in the past, big guilds like that usually had teleportation rings and memory sets. Those without these two pieces of equipment were not considered big guilds.

When fighting in a guild battle, everyone else has become one, and you are still flying randomly, but your efficiency is not as good as the boss, and you can't even keep up with a hot mouthful of cake.

(End of this chapter)

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