Chapter 9 Daily life
Back at the hotel, Wang Ping'an put down the clothes he bought and left the hotel alone. He wanted to go to the City God Temple.

He had been coming to the Magic City for several years, but he couldn't spare the time to visit it.

Many people he knew would always mention that place when talking about interesting places in the Magic City, which made him very curious.

I had to go to work before, so I didn’t have much time, but during the epidemic, I did have time, and I was not allowed to go to public places. When the epidemic is over, I can start going to work every day again.

When he went downstairs, he didn't ride his electric bike, but took a taxi. Sometimes it was not very convenient to ride a bike.

When he arrived at his destination, Wang Ping'an didn't feel anything different. It was just an ancient building with some statues of gods inside, and it seemed no different from other temples.

Perhaps the biggest difference is whether this is in a busy city or a busy city like the Magic City, so it naturally looks a little different.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed. He felt less comfortable than watching the young lady dance in the hotel.

But when he came, he didn't go back immediately. He still walked around and tasted the snacks here.


Wang Pingan walked around until five or six o'clock, had dinner outside, and returned to the hotel at almost eight o'clock.

"I'm so tired..."

Wang Ping'an was lying on the bed, feeling more tired than running for takeout this day.

After resting for a while, Wang Pingan took a change of clothes and came to the bathroom.

The warm water flowed across his skin, taking away the fatigue of the day. Wang Ping'an felt very relaxed. He used to take a bath just for the sake of taking a bath. He just wanted to finish things quickly and couldn't relax at all.

After taking a shower, Wang Ping'an came to the first floor and left his clothes for cleaning at the dry cleaners.

Returning to the guest room, he turned on the TV. He didn't know how many years he had not watched TV.

He changed the channel to the movie channel. He especially liked this channel when he was a child. It always showed some good movies, and they were in high definition.

He still remembers that when he was a child, there were many rental DVDs on the street, but the picture quality looked really blurry and jittery. Sometimes the picture was tilted, or only half of the screen was available, and various noises kept coming. .

At that time, I didn’t know why it was like that. Later, when I grew up, I realized that it was a pirated and pre-emptive version, but I still watched it with gusto as a child.

Unlike now, if it is not in high definition, I will never watch it.

Looking at the movie channel, the movies shown were ones I had seen before, and most of the program previews in the middle were ones I had seen before, and the ones I had not seen were not very good.

Wang Ping'an lowered the volume and left it on like this, then took out his phone and checked the girl on Douyin.

Skip the first ad, the second one is a pretty girl dancing live.

Wang Pingan clicked in. There were more than a hundred people inside, but not many people spoke.

In the mobile phone video, a cool beauty with fair skin, beautiful appearance and long legs is dancing and rocking the train.

Wang Ping'an looked at them very intently. Taking his eyes away for a second was a sign of disrespect for the pair of long legs.

"These legs are so awesome! If the legs weren't stretched, they would really be the legs of the New Year series. I really envy those big brothers on the Internet..."

It suddenly occurred to him that he could withdraw cash. Although not as much as those in the novels about wealthy people, he could at least be considered a wealthy person.

At this time, the female anchor named "Qingtian" in the video stopped after dancing to a song and began to interact with the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Family, Qingtian is a dance anchor. If you like Qingtian, please pay some attention and join the fan club."

Wang Ping'an clicked on the female anchor's profile picture and found that there were less than 50,000 fans, and the gifts in the exhibition hall only included small hearts and large beers. They were incomparable to those big anchors. They might have just started live broadcasting.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be just this kind of person because of her good looks and long legs.

Wang Ping'an casually clicked "Follow", but the anchor immediately gave feedback, and she shouted with a smile on her face.

"Thank you for your attention to the little Taoist with the dog. Thank you very much. Brother, can you join the fan group? It only costs 10 cents. Please support Qingtian! Brother also plays Legend!"


Wang Ping'an didn't expect that he was named just after clicking "Follow". This action of the anchor made him feel better.

He changed his nickname to the name in the game last night. That game changed his life in the future. He felt there was nothing wrong with changing it to the name in it.

There are still more than ten Dou coins on his platform, which are left over from grabbing lucky bags before. In the past, he only recharged once, and it was only ten yuan. Now all the eleventh level accounts have been upgraded by grabbing lucky bags.

He didn't pretend to be pretentious. He clicked to join the fan club and gave away a bucket of coins.

Qingtian: "Thank you, Brother Taoist."

(Guan) Xiao Xiaobai: Thank you Taoist Brother for joining the group
Little Taoist with Dog: You’re welcome.

The main reason is that this anchor is really beautiful. He should be around 20 years old. His beauty should not be turned on too much. At least he didn't see any obvious distortion.

Qingtian: "Brothers, someone has danced with me for so long. Let's play PK and come back and dance for you if we win." ××××: Fight, we want to see Kukayi!

××××: Same as above, social shake and train shake are also acceptable.


Qingtian: "Brothers want to see these dances, please support the host later..."

After the anchor finished speaking, the screen split into two halves, and another beauty appeared on the other half.

The beauty opposite: "Hello, beauty, how are you playing?"

Qingtian: "You say it! I can do it."

The beauty opposite said: "Then just stand during the process. How about singing if you lose?"

"Okay! Should I turn off the mic then?"

Wang Ping'an jumped to the live broadcast room on the opposite side through his avatar. There were not as many people in it as here, with only more than fifty people, but there were two big brothers in their forties.

Wang Ping'an carefully observed the anchor of this live broadcast room. His appearance was indeed outstanding, and he was dressed equally sexy. No wonder there was a big brother stationed there.

He didn't look much and returned to Qingtian's live broadcast room. In just a moment, there were already gifts of more than a thousand dou coins on the opposite side, while there were only more than a hundred here.

Wang Ping'an was thinking about whether to put money into it to help the anchor. The main reason was that the anchor's long black stocking legs were too killing him, and he felt that he couldn't bear it at all.

Moreover, he has read many Shenhao novels, and most of them have plots about rewarding anchors. He actually wants to try what it's like to be a big brother. He can withdraw gold coins, and it doesn't hurt to spend them.

Wang Ping'an charged 10 yuan into Douyin, which is dou coins.

He had seen Douyin's level list before. According to the price list, he could upgrade to more than 30 levels with just yuan.

Seeing that there were more than two thousand people on the other side, Wang Ping'an chose a rocket as a gift, and then saw a picture of a rocket taking off on the screen.

Qingtian: "Wow! Thanks to Brother Taoist, this is the first time I have received Douyin No. 1. I love you!"

As he spoke, he blew a kiss, and afterward, he gave a heart sign. Then he went on to say some words of thanks and couldn't stop at all.

The house manager also thanked me.

With the rocket sent out, Wang Ping'an finally felt the mood of those big brothers, and it felt pretty good.

With the gift of 10,000 Dou coins, Qingtian finally won the game.

The beauty opposite: "...Then I will sing a song of condolences!"

"...I am most willing to forget the ancient poems, and the most disdainful is lovesickness. I guard my love for fear of people laughing, and I am afraid that people will see clearly. In spring, I come to see the red beans blooming, but there is no lover to pick them. The fireworks embrace the romantic and true love..."

Qingtian: "Wow, the young lady sings beautifully..."

The beauty opposite: "Bye bye, beauty, let's play together next time."

Qingtian: "Okay, bye."

The microphone connection is canceled and the screen returns to its original state.

Qingtian: "Thank you again, Brother Taoist. What kind of dance does Brother want to see..."

(Guan) Xiao Xiaobai: Brother Taoist, your sweet dance is very beautiful...

Hearing that she was a dance major, Wang Ping'an became interested. He used to like to watch anchors dance: "Then dance the Kuka one that the friend in the room said!"

Qingtian: "Okay, wait a moment."

××××: Big brother still has a plan. If you want the anchor to dance this dance, you will really have to ask your grandfather to sue your grandma, and it will take a long time to write ink.

××××: Indeed, I will reward you if I have money.

After a while, the voice sounded, and the anchor started to twist, which was indeed very charming.

After the anchor finished dancing, he gasped and said: "A song of Kuka for all the brothers who support me...Thank you again for the Taoist brother Douyin No. 1"


Wang Ping'an saw that it was almost twelve o'clock, so he typed on the public screen: I'm going to bed, let's chat slowly.

Qingtian: "Brother Taoist went to bed so early!"

Taoist priest with dog: Well, bye!
Wang Ping'an turned off his mobile phone, turned off the TV, charged his mobile phone, and waited for twelve o'clock to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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