My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 15 Harvest and Exposure

Chapter 15 Harvest and Exposure
Wang Ping'an looked at the equipment in the distance that looked like a stick with an elbow and said excitedly: "Could it be the mage's bone jade scepter..."

He took three steps and two steps at a time, came to the side of the equipment, and picked it up without even paying attention to the skills next to it.

Level requirement: 35
Attack: 6--12
Magic: 2--7
Lasting: 18/18
Weight: 20
"It's really bone jade, and it's the best quality with a bit of magic power added... It's a pity that it has to be kept at the bottom of the warehouse for a long time."

Wang Pingan carefully put the bone jade into his backpack, and then looked at the skill book next to him: "You must be a dog book!"

Items Obtained: Summon the Divine Beast

"Damn it, it's really a dog book."

Wang Ping'an was even more excited than when he picked up the bone jade just now. In terms of value, the dog book was more valuable.

In the game Legend, the skill book is much more useful than the equipment. Unless all skills are learned, the equipment can realize its value.

For example, with the skill book Summoning Divine Beasts, even if you are wearing novice equipment, the summoned mythical beast will still deal as much damage as it should, and will not be affected by the equipment at all.

Because the mythical beast resembles a dog when it rests, the skill of summoning the mythical beast is called the Dog Book.

Wang Ping'an happily checked the remaining equipment. He didn't pick up any bad equipment, and his backpack could no longer fit.

Then he picked up another piece of good equipment.

Dragon Ring
Required attack power: 37
Attack: 0--5
Weight: 1
Lasting: 4/5
"This is the real BOSS. Three good things came out at once..."

After checking all the equipment, he didn't pick up any equipment below level 20. He threw it away after seeing that the attributes were not top-notch. He only picked up the equipment above level 20 and put it in his backpack.

The three bosses had already filled his backpack to the brim, and he could no longer hold a single piece of equipment.

He checked the time and saw that it had just arrived at seven o'clock. He originally thought that it would take a long time to find the BOSS this time, so he took out the town-returning scrolls and put them in his backpack. He had long planned to use the town-returning scrolls on the third floor. I don’t want to run through the map again to return to Shabak.

But now there's still an hour of double time before it goes offline.

Wang Ping'an looked at the equipment in his backpack. Safety came first. He was going to die this time. If any piece of equipment was exposed, he might be depressed for several days.

He took out the scroll to return to the city and opened it, and then he saw a light surrounding him and then disappeared from the third floor of the Xiangshi Tomb.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Ping'an returned to Tucheng.

Looking around, there are people everywhere, and the sounds of shouting and selling gold coins and equipment are filling my ears. Farther away, there are many people fighting.

Many of the people fighting had already put on level 22 professional clothes, such as heavy armor, soul suits, and magic robes.

"It seems that we still haven't caught up with the first echelon of people..."

That's what happened in Tucheng, the fighting never stopped.

Wang Ping'an carefully walked through the fighting crowd and walked towards the warehouse.

When he arrived at the warehouse, Wang Ping'an was still poisoned twice and was stabbed several times by others, but he entered the warehouse without any danger.

Along the way, he saw several people dying, potions exploding all over the floor, and then the remaining people swarmed to grab the potions.

He suspected that these people were killing people and explosives in the city just because they had no money to buy medicine to fight monsters.


"I heard from my wife that Shabak has a hidden map called the Xiangshi Tomb. There is also a zombie explosion skill book in it..."

As soon as Wang Ping'an entered the warehouse, there were two people inside. One of them was saying the words he heard, but he didn't say anything more after that because the speaker saw him.

Xiaomiga from Prague: "What else?" Xiaomiga happened to have his back to the warehouse door. When Wang Ping'an came in, he didn't see it and was still asking his companions.

The person who spoke opposite poked him with his hand, and he realized that someone had entered the warehouse.

The two looked at Wang Ping'an awkwardly, fearing that he would hear their secret.

Prague Square: "Let's go, let's go outside..."

After saying that, he took Xiaomi Ga and walked outside the warehouse.

The two people walked out and found a secluded place: "I wonder if that person heard what we said just now?"

Prague's Xiaomi Ga: "Probably not...then did you tell me where to enter this fragrant stone tomb?"

Prague Square shook his head: "When she was chatting with others, I heard it nearby. I didn't pay much attention at the time. I just remembered that it was in Shabak..."

Xiaomi Ga: "Then I'll go offline and ask you, you're so cool! If there really is a map with a skill book that others don't know about, then we'll post it!"

Square looked at him speechlessly: "My wife passed away last year. Where do you want me to ask?"

Xiaomiga nodded and said: "Then your wife's death was really untimely..."

Square punched him and raised his middle finger: "Damn, are you talking humanly?"

Xiaomi Ga also knew that he had said the wrong thing and quickly said: "Then what should we do now?"

Square: "Let's look for it. What else can we do? There are five cities in this alliance, and there are also five cities in the hot sand desert. I don't know which one is the Sabak with the secret map..."


From what he heard when he first came in, Wang Ping'an had already determined that more than one person knew about the Xiangshi Tomb, and there should be others.

He had suspected the day before yesterday that these people should be from the parallel world of the earth, otherwise there would be no emperor "Ying Zheng".

It’s just that the development over there is faster, or time has exceeded the real world.

But when he saw the family name Bragg today, he was not sure that the opposite world was a parallel world.

Another suspicion arose in him, that is, he was entering a game about the future of the earth. Otherwise, it would not make sense. The games were the same, the family names were the same, and even the ancient emperors were the same.

He always believed that there couldn't be so many coincidences.

In the history of the game Legend, there are a few people who cannot be avoided. One is "Little Xiami", the other is "LLLLLLLL", which is 8L, and then there is the Taoist God of Prague.

Nowadays, many legend advertisements on Douyin bear the names of these people, as if the advertised legend is genuine.

After thinking for a while, Wang Ping'an stored the good things in the warehouse, and then chatted privately with "Brother Noble and Chic". The price he offered was high, so of course he had to contact him.

Noble and handsome brother: Do you really have so many skill books and equipment? Then wait for me, I'll be right over.

The aristocratic handsome brother has also been anxious for the skill book during this period. He and a few close friends had already planned to play this first virtual game - Marfa World together before it was launched. He created a game and established a large studio with hundreds of people under him.

But he didn't expect that there were so few skill books in this game. Except for him and a few of his friends, who had complete skills because they collected skill books at high prices, most of his people's skills were shop skills.

After a while, a warrior carrying Shura and wearing heavy armor ran into the warehouse: "Do you really have so many equipment and skill books?"

Apparently he still didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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