Chapter 16 Selling Maps

Wang Ping'an put skill books one after another into the transaction column. Brother Xiaosha looked at so many skill books and was a little overwhelmed. How did he fight? He actually played so many books.

Noble and handsome brother: "Brother, where did you fight? How could you fight so many skill books?"

Thinking about the hundreds of brothers below him, they can't get so many skill books in one day. They spend time in the mine every day, and they get a lot of skill books, but more than 90 are shop books, and very few can be used.

After hearing his question, Wang Ping'an fell silent, wondering whether he should tell him the map of the Xiangshi Tomb in exchange for the ingot.

The Xiangshi Tomb will definitely not be kept secret for long. It will be a day or two at most, or after he goes online tomorrow, it will be crowded with people. It is better to sell the map now and exchange it for gold ingots.

Seeing that Wang Ping'an didn't say anything, Brother Xiaosha knew that there must be a map that no one knew about, and there was also a skill book in it: "Brother, if there really is such a place, I will pay a high price for it, mainly because now we and several guilds are attacking Wo Mama Temple, I hope you can help me..."

Wang Ping'an didn't think about cheating the other party. What if he asked for help in the future? He took him to the second floor of the warehouse and told him what he knew: "Brother Xiaosha, I won't hide it from you. There is indeed such a place. It’s called the Xiangshi Tomb.”

"The first floor is full of zombie monsters, and a zombie king will be spawned. The second floor is a centipede cave monster, and a BOSS evil pincer will be spawned. The third floor is mainly stone tomb monsters, and there is a white wild boar. .”

"But the point I want to make is that there may still be people looking for the fragrant stone tomb. In that case, do you still want to buy it?"

Seeing Brother Xiaosha rubbing his head and saying nothing, Wang Ping'an knew that he was considering whether it was worth buying this map.

After Brother Xiaosha made up his mind, he said, "Buy it. I'll fight you for as long as you can. Thank you for telling me this information. I wouldn't know it if you didn't tell me. I recognize you as my friend."

"The transaction is almost over. You can take me to see it later. If it's true, I can give you both credits and ingots..."


Hearing this word, Wang Ping'an thought of the future when technology is highly developed and people will say goodbye to paper banknotes in daily life and settle everything with credit points.

He didn't show a strange expression and was still taking equipment from the warehouse and trading it to Brother Xiaosha.

Wang Ping'an didn't know how much Yuanbao Brother Xiaosa had recharged. He had sold his equipment and skill books for almost 20,000 Yuanbao, and he didn't even say that he was going out to recharge.

By trading the last part of the skill book to Brother Xiaosha, Wang Pingan received a total of 20300 ingots.

These were the ingots he had obtained without selling high-level skill books and high-level equipment. The magic shield, half-moon scimitar and bone jade were all still in the warehouse, so they only sold him the Dragon Ring he had just obtained.

Brother Xiaosha paid a thousand yuan for this ring.

He sighed again in his heart that this handsome brother is really generous. All the equipment and skill books give gold coins above the market price. For equipment above level 20, no matter what it is, it will give 100 gold coins.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a few pieces. Some of them are caused by boss explosions, but zombie explosions are very few.

After the equipment transaction was completed, Wang Ping'an said: "Brother Xiaosha, teleport to Zuma Temple first. I'll buy a return ticket and come over to take you there."

Brother Xiaosha said nothing, and a transaction request appeared directly in front of Wang Ping'an.

Clicking on the transaction request, Brother Xiaosha directly placed two city return scrolls on it: "I'll give you two, hurry up and go where you said."

After saying that, Wang Ping'an saw Brother Xiaosha take out a city return scroll and use it directly before disappearing in front of him.

Since others gave him two town-returning scrolls, he didn't bother and just used one town-returning scroll.

Arriving at the safe area, Wang Ping'an ran towards the veteran, clicked on the veteran, and teleported to Zuma Temple.

As soon as he was teleported, he saw Brother Xiaosha waiting there.

"Brother Xiaosa, follow me." Wang Ping'an didn't say much, he just said one sentence and started running, Brother Xiaosa followed him. At this time, a private message came.

Noble and handsome brother: Taoist brother, where are you from?
Wang Ping'an wrote a private message while running: "I'm from Tianfu, where are you, Brother Xiaosa?"

Noble and handsome brother: You are from Tianfu! I am from the Magic City, and I have been to your place before. Since the aliens arrived a few years ago, your place has developed well. I heard that the star port was established in your place...

When Wang Ping'an saw this private letter from Brother Xiaosa, he almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

Judging from his private messages, they also have a province called Tianfu, and they also have a magical city.

But the most incredible thing is the last sentence - aliens arrived a few years ago.

This is a lot of information!

Wang Ping'an replied: I'm not sure about this, anyway, many people say that.

He actually didn't know what a star port was, but he had heard of it. He guessed it was a spaceship or something.

Is it just a parallel world or has future technology developed to this point? Or maybe it has something to do with aliens.

It's just that he feels that this alien seems to be quite peaceful. He doesn't even want to colonize the earth, but even lets people play virtual games. He simply doesn't understand what the aliens think.

But he was still not sure whether the opposite world was a parallel world or a future world. At this time, he had an idea in his mind to do something to truly determine which one the opposite world was.

In fact, it didn't take much time for him to return to the city from Xiangshi Tomb to trade equipment. The remaining time was more than enough time to run to Xiangshi Tomb.

After running for more than half an hour, the two finally arrived at Shabak, and the city gate that he chopped down was not restored.

This requires the city lord to spend gold coins to repair it. The siege has not started yet, so naturally there will be no Shabak City lord, and naturally no one will repair this city gate.

The two came to the back of the clothing store. Wang Ping'an said: "This is it. Although there is no door here, you can go in as long as you pass by here."

After saying that, he went down to the fragrant stone tomb first.

Seeing the "little Taoist priest with the dog" suddenly disappear in front of him, Brother Xiaosha completely believed what he said. He took two steps and went down to the Xiangshi Tomb.

When I came up, I saw zombies all over the map: "Holy crap, there really is such a map. Brother Taoist priest, you really didn't lie to me!"

Wang Ping'an touched his forehead and said with a wry smile: "So, Brother Xiaosa, you never believed what I said!"

Brother Xiaosha: "It's not always, I just have a little doubt. Do you want credits or ingots?"

Of course Wang Ping'an wanted the ingot, but he was afraid he wouldn't be able to accept the credit: "Just the ingot!"

Wang Ping'an clicked on the transaction request and saw Brother Xiaosha put 10,000 yuan on it.

Wang Ping'an is quite satisfied with the price. Although no one knows about this place yet, he believes that the two people in the warehouse will find it soon.

By then, if the two people in Prague saw someone here, they would definitely leak the news.

So it won't take long for this place to be overcrowded. Now I just tell Brother Xiaosha a day or two in advance to sell 10,000 yuan, and he is satisfied.

Adding these ingots, he almost has 40,000 ingots.

(End of this chapter)

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